Madeleine McCann


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Jun 17, 2011
Can I ask why you have no sympathy for them? I dunno, just seems to me that if I was missing a loved one and had no answers I would do anything and everything I could to raise their profile until I got an answer, no matter what it did to the public's perception of me.
They were incredibly negligent in protecting one of life's most precious gifts.

Anything could of happened to the child alone in that room irrespective of the alleged kidnap.

Just think about how your opinion of them would be that instead of coming back to the room to find her gone, it was reported that they had come back to the room to find her dead through taking prescription medicine she had found, or had choked on something, or fallen and smashed her skull.

I lost my two to circumstances beyond my control, they didn't care enough about theirs, so no I I have no sympathy for them.


Band of Brothers
Aug 3, 2004
I apologize if you or anyone else were offended, but you don't know what any of us have been through in our personal lives.

Speaking as someone who has lost two children, I have no sympathy for the McCanns.
Very sorry to hear that.


listens to shit music & watches Mrs Brown's Boys
Jan 8, 2014
I would hold sympathy for those that have made mistakes and feel what must be crippling remorse every subsequent day as well as those who have nothing to repent.


Love is in the air, everywhere I look around
Apr 8, 2009
They are looking for closure. You can't even mourn properly without that.

DJ Jeff

Not so Jazzy
Jan 6, 2011
Soaring like a candy wrapper caught in an updraft
They were incredibly negligent in protecting one of life's most precious gifts.

Anything could of happened to the child alone in that room irrespective of the alleged kidnap.

Just think about how your opinion of them would be that instead of coming back to the room to find her gone, it was reported that they had come back to the room to find her dead through taking prescription medicine she had found, or had choked on something, or fallen and smashed her skull.

I lost my two to circumstances beyond my control, they didn't care enough about theirs, so no I I have no sympathy for them.
Fair enough. I had assumed you had no sympathy for them because of their media presence, that they were bringing it up too often or somesuch. Think it's fair to say alright that had she died accidentally in that room when left alone, there'd be no such sympathy for the parents.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
What does them leaving their children alone have to do with them being kidnapped?

I would hazzard a guess that they were more likely to be kidnapped if they were left alone, than if the parents were in the apartment with them.

Would you dispute that? I guess you would, as you seem unable to grasp the fairly simple connection between those two factors.
Missed this at the time.

Letting your kids out of your sight ever has risks. Letting them leave the house has risks. Driving them to school in the car has risks. Everything has a risk and those risks always look worse in retrospect when something goes wrong. The foreseeable risk the McCanns took, kids hurting themselves unsupervised, didn't happen so to then blame them for a kidnap seems illogical at best. I have lived in warm climates for the last 30 years and unlocked houses and windows are the norm. It is as logical as blaming them if a car crashed into the room. If someone had been stalking the kids then this could have happened when someone nipped out to the bathroom.

It isn't a choice I'd have made but I feel no need to victimise them further for this, at worse, poor choice.

I really don't care if you think I am judging the McCann's harshly or not. In my mind, they were negligent in their parenting duties. That does not mean that I subsequently believe they got what they deserved or anything like that.
But that is exactly the message when people bang on about it. I'm not saying it is aliens. But it is aliens.

You keep calling anyone who does not adhere to your views on what happened a conspiracy nut. I don't know if Madeline was abducted - but it is not fact that she was. You may think it is the most likely, but I am not convinced of the evidence that supports this theory - and that is all it is.

The abduction hypothesis was one that was raised by Kate McCann the second she saw that Madeline was not in her bed, and since then it has been the one that they are running with.

Based on the various inconsistencies, changes in stories, behaviours, I have not discounted the fact that something else might have happened.
I find it amazing and distasteful that people instantly leap to the conclusion that her parents murdered her based on no evidence whatsoever. They deserve our sympathy and support until there is evidence to the contrary. Most people's "suspicions" are based on tabloid innuendo and gossip rather than real inconsistencies of significance. In fact if there were no inconsistencies then this would actually set my alarm bells ringing because people who plan things get their stories straight.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
Fair enough. I had assumed you had no sympathy for them because of their media presence, that they were bringing it up too often or somesuch. Think it's fair to say alright that had she died accidentally in that room when left alone, there'd be no such sympathy for the parents.
I'd have sympathy. Sympathy doesn't need to stop when people make choices you wouldn't.


Full Member
May 20, 2008
Wythenshawe watching Crappy Fims
This was posted on Facebook, not sure if it has been posted on here before.

48 questions I would like Kate McCann to answer.

1. Why did you not physically search for Madeleine?
2. Why did you leave the twins when you realised Madeleine was missing, risking them also being taken?
3. What did you mean by 'they've taken her'. Who's 'they' Kate?
4. Why did you refuse to answer police questioning that could have helped find your daughter?
5. At the time, Gordon Brown was Chancellor of the Exchequer, not the Foreign Secretary. So why did he put so much pressure on the Portuguese police?
6. Why did you wash cuddle cat?
7. Where is Madeleine's pink blanket now, we know it was on her bed 4th May?
8. Why did you lie about the shutters being smashed/jemmied/broken?
9. Why did you change your original statement from the door being locked to the door being unlocked?
10. Why did you presume Madeleine had been abducted when there was no evidence to suggest she had been?
11. What happened to the blue sports bag that was in your wardrobe?
12. Why didn't the twins wake up the night Madeleine disappeared when there were people constantly walking in and out of their room?
13. Why did you dismiss the dogs evidence knowing that they had been right in at least 200 cases?
14. Why was Madeleine's DNA found in the boot of the hire car that had been hired 24 days after her disappearance?
15. How could you and Gerry find it in you to laugh/jog/play tennis days after your daughters disappearance?
16. Why did you get the media involved so early on ignoring the advise from the Portuguese police?
17. Why did it take 45 minutes for the police to be called?
18. Why are there so many inconsistency in all of your statements?
19. Why were the checks more consistent on the night Madeleine was reported missing?
20. Why was Madeleine crying for an hour and 15 minutes even though phone records prove Kate was in the apartment 3 minutes before?
21. Why did you hire Carter Ruck lawyers, especially the one that specialised in extraditions?
22. Why has only 10% of the fund been spent on the search?
23. Why did you suppress the E-Fits that are being used in the current investigation, is it because the Smiths identified your husband as the man they saw carrying Madeleine towards the beach the night of Madeleine's disappearance?
24. Why is your online shop still up and running even though there is 2 ongoing investigations?
25. Why did the government assign their spin doctor to control what is said about you in the media less than 24 hours after Madeleine's disappearance?
26. Why did you leave Portugal so quickly after being made arguidos?
27. Why did you lie about cuddle cat being high up on a shelf?
28. What on earth did you mean by this comment - "The police don't want a murder in Portugal and all the publicity about them not having paedophile laws here, so they're blaming us,"?
29. Why did you celebrate Madeleine's 4th birthday, shouldn't you have been searching?
30. Why is the fund not registered with the Charities Commission?
31. Why do you think it's acceptable to talk about your child's 'perfect genitals being torn apart' in your book?
32. Why is there no mention of Katerina Gaspers statement in your book, accusing David Payne of making inappropriate comments about your child to your husband?
33. Why did you draw so much attention to Madeleine's eye after the PJ warned you it could push the 'abductors' to harm her?
34. Why did you discount Mrs Fenns account of the crying?
35. What files does Theresa May have that she refuses to share with Portugal?
36. Why did you refuse to do reconstruction?
37. Why have you said you wish Gonçalo to be miserable and feel fear, he did everything possible to search for your child until he uncovered the truth of what you did to her?
38. Why were you happy with courting the media as long as they only reported an abduction?
39. Why are you suing people that are asking questions or purporting a theory?
40. Why did you spend £100K getting the police files translated but haven't released them?
41. Will you refund anyone who gave donations who have now read the evidence, should they want one?
42. How could the curtains 'Whooosh!' When they were trapped between the bed and the chair?
43. Why did it take you 144 days to get the twins tested to see if they had been sedated the night Madeleine disappeared?
44. What was in Gerry CATS file before it was sanitised?
45. How did the intruder manage to leave no forensic evidence?
46. Why was there no DNA found belonging to Madeleine in the apartment, forcing Gerry to return home to collect her pillowcase?
48. Why will you go to Portugal to attend the libel trial in the hope of receiving a million pound pay out but not while the police are trying to dig up your child's body?


Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
This was posted on Facebook, not sure if it has been posted on here before.

48 questions I would like Kate McCann to answer.

21. Why did you hire Carter Ruck lawyers, especially the one that specialised in extraditions?
Not read all those points, but Carter Ruck specialise in media work- remember they got damages from the Daily Express? Carter feck (as Private Eye) calls them are widely used in libel cases.

EDIT: Loads of those questions are bonkers.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
I apologize if you or anyone else were offended, but you don't know what any of us have been through in our personal lives.

Speaking as someone who has lost two children, I have no sympathy for the McCanns.
I'd have though this would make you even more sympathetic knowing what loss was about.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
Not read all those points, but Carter Ruck specialise in media work- remember they got damages from the Daily Express? Carter feck (as Private Eye) calls them are widely used in libel cases.

EDIT: Loads of those questions are bonkers.
The victimisation of the McCanns all along has been bonkers. If they had anything to do with her death they would have gone silent a long time ago and faded away.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
This was posted on Facebook, not sure if it has been posted on here before.

48 questions I would like Kate McCann to answer.

1. Why did you not physically search for Madeleine?
2. Why did you leave the twins when you realised Madeleine was missing, risking them also being taken?
3. What did you mean by 'they've taken her'. Who's 'they' Kate?
4. Why did you refuse to answer police questioning that could have helped find your daughter?
5. At the time, Gordon Brown was Chancellor of the Exchequer, not the Foreign Secretary. So why did he put so much pressure on the Portuguese police?
6. Why did you wash cuddle cat?
7. Where is Madeleine's pink blanket now, we know it was on her bed 4th May?
8. Why did you lie about the shutters being smashed/jemmied/broken?
9. Why did you change your original statement from the door being locked to the door being unlocked?
10. Why did you presume Madeleine had been abducted when there was no evidence to suggest she had been?
11. What happened to the blue sports bag that was in your wardrobe?
12. Why didn't the twins wake up the night Madeleine disappeared when there were people constantly walking in and out of their room?
13. Why did you dismiss the dogs evidence knowing that they had been right in at least 200 cases?
14. Why was Madeleine's DNA found in the boot of the hire car that had been hired 24 days after her disappearance?
15. How could you and Gerry find it in you to laugh/jog/play tennis days after your daughters disappearance?
16. Why did you get the media involved so early on ignoring the advise from the Portuguese police?
17. Why did it take 45 minutes for the police to be called?
18. Why are there so many inconsistency in all of your statements?
19. Why were the checks more consistent on the night Madeleine was reported missing?
20. Why was Madeleine crying for an hour and 15 minutes even though phone records prove Kate was in the apartment 3 minutes before?
21. Why did you hire Carter Ruck lawyers, especially the one that specialised in extraditions?
22. Why has only 10% of the fund been spent on the search?
23. Why did you suppress the E-Fits that are being used in the current investigation, is it because the Smiths identified your husband as the man they saw carrying Madeleine towards the beach the night of Madeleine's disappearance?
24. Why is your online shop still up and running even though there is 2 ongoing investigations?
25. Why did the government assign their spin doctor to control what is said about you in the media less than 24 hours after Madeleine's disappearance?
26. Why did you leave Portugal so quickly after being made arguidos?
27. Why did you lie about cuddle cat being high up on a shelf?
28. What on earth did you mean by this comment - "The police don't want a murder in Portugal and all the publicity about them not having paedophile laws here, so they're blaming us,"?
29. Why did you celebrate Madeleine's 4th birthday, shouldn't you have been searching?
30. Why is the fund not registered with the Charities Commission?
31. Why do you think it's acceptable to talk about your child's 'perfect genitals being torn apart' in your book?
32. Why is there no mention of Katerina Gaspers statement in your book, accusing David Payne of making inappropriate comments about your child to your husband?
33. Why did you draw so much attention to Madeleine's eye after the PJ warned you it could push the 'abductors' to harm her?
34. Why did you discount Mrs Fenns account of the crying?
35. What files does Theresa May have that she refuses to share with Portugal?
36. Why did you refuse to do reconstruction?
37. Why have you said you wish Gonçalo to be miserable and feel fear, he did everything possible to search for your child until he uncovered the truth of what you did to her?
38. Why were you happy with courting the media as long as they only reported an abduction?
39. Why are you suing people that are asking questions or purporting a theory?
40. Why did you spend £100K getting the police files translated but haven't released them?
41. Will you refund anyone who gave donations who have now read the evidence, should they want one?
42. How could the curtains 'Whooosh!' When they were trapped between the bed and the chair?
43. Why did it take you 144 days to get the twins tested to see if they had been sedated the night Madeleine disappeared?
44. What was in Gerry CATS file before it was sanitised?
45. How did the intruder manage to leave no forensic evidence?
46. Why was there no DNA found belonging to Madeleine in the apartment, forcing Gerry to return home to collect her pillowcase?
48. Why will you go to Portugal to attend the libel trial in the hope of receiving a million pound pay out but not while the police are trying to dig up your child's body?
You learn little or nothing listening to the clinically insane.

One Night Only

Prison Bitch #24604
Oct 16, 2009
I seen ducklegs mention about this and someone say it was crass.

My question is, is why is this particular abduction so popular? I mean... 7 years on and we still manage to hear about this case every couple of months... Probably more.

I'm sure there are other abductions which are more recent but are rarely mentioned. Even ones in the UK.

It's sad the girl went missing but this longevity of this is really weird to me.

One Night Only

Prison Bitch #24604
Oct 16, 2009
Also yeah, those Facebook questions are pretty stupidly put, but I think there are some valid points in there in places.

I haven't followed it enough to know all about it and what is true/false.

People generally fall into 2 groups, those who believe the McCanns are guilty so think those questions are all 100% great questions and the McCanns won't be able to answer them, and those who believ the McCanns are innocent ad just dismiss those questions as silly / conspiracy / whatever.

I would just like the know the truth. However, I doubt we ever will, sadly.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
As I've said before, I think it's beyond stupidity to piss off out for dinner every night and leave your kids alone, especially in a foreign country. It's neglect plain and simple, it's not just a poor choice.

However I still don't believe they deserve the vitriol and conspiracy theories over this. As Wibble has said, if they were involved they are well past the point where it is sensible to start letting it die down. As for the "white and rich" comments, that may be true, but I have absolutely no problem with this being a major news story still as at very least it highlights the fact that child abduction is very real and there are many victims all over the world.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
I find it funny that people have such firm opinions when they actually only have access to a tiny proportion of the actual facts and evidence surrounding the case. Kinda weird when you think about it. Same thing with that Elliot Rodger guy, people get so convinced they know what motivated him based off a few videos and writings he intended them to see.

As for whether or not we should have sympathy for the McCanns, of course we should (unless you actually believe they killed her). Leaving her alone was a terrible decision but at the end of the day someone kidnapped their daughter. Feeling sympathy for someone in that situation isn't dependent on you agreeing with them or even really liking them.

As for why the story still gets attention, there are a number of factors I'd imagine. A) It's a nice middle class British family, which obviously ensures more interest, B) the speculation that they were involved raised further interest, C) the debate of their decision to leave her alone raised yet more interest and D) the family have made a very effective effort at keeping it in the headlines.

Beyond that, some stories just tend to resonate with the public and take on a life of their own.
Last edited:


Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
The victimisation of the McCanns all along has been bonkers. If they had anything to do with her death they would have gone silent a long time ago and faded away.
Yep, those questions shouldn't be given airtime tbh. Man on internet knows more than legions of professional detectives and forensic experts.
Your latter point is not a given but to sustain 'the act' for this long it is not far off.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
Yep, those questions shouldn't be given airtime tbh. Man on internet knows more than legions of professional detectives and forensic experts.
Your latter point is not a given but to sustain 'the act' for this long it is not far off.
Agreed. Nothing is a given. They may have chopped her into little bits during a Satanic ritual and danced naked, smeared in her blood, on her shallow grave in the sand dunes, singing Hallelujah. But until there is evidence to this end I am going to give them my sympathy for what it is worth.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
Although what being white and not destitute has to do with anything I'm not sure.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
I find it funny that people have such firm opinions when they actually only have access to a tiny proportion of the actual facts and evidence surrounding the case. Kinda weird when you think about it. Same thing with that Elliot Rodger guy, people get so convinced they know what motivated him based off a few videos and writings he intended them to see.

As for whether or not we should have sympathy for the McCanns, of course we should (unless you actually believe they killed her). Leaving her alone was a terrible decision but at the end of the day someone kidnapped their daughter. Feeling sympathy for someone in that situation isn't dependent on you agreeing with them or even really liking them.

As for why the story still gets attention, there are a number of factors I'd imagine. A) It's a nice middle class British family, which obviously ensures more interest, B) the speculation that they were involved raised further interest, C) the debate of their decision to leave her alone raised yet more interest and D) the family have made a very effective effort at keeping it in the headlines.

Beyond that, some stories just tend to resonate with the public and take on a life of their own.
We won't have any of this sense talking in this thread thank you very much ;)


Full Member
Oct 16, 2010
I do find it amazing that so much time and money has been spent, even now, on this case when other missing kids receive barely any attention. I obviously hope they find here or manage to find out definitively what happened but it's very unlikely.

Feeky Magee

keen violinist
Oct 13, 2010
Although what being white and not destitute has to do with anything I'm not sure.
You don't see the relevance of the McCanns being white, middle-class and photogenic in terms of the story being popular?


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
I'm fully aware of what constitutes a good story to the people at the Mail, Express and the like but I don't see what is has got to do with the vitriol aimed at the McCanns.

I don't even know why people want to complain that this in the press. Would they be happy if it was ignored? I don't get it. If other cases don't get attention it is nothing to do with this one getting attention. Even if it was why should they do less?


Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Jun 4, 2001
Wibble, although I agree with you, the fact that they left their kids to go and have a meal is why some people can't stomach them I should imagine. Whilst they probably thought nothing will happen, the fact that it did will be something they can't escape for the rest of their lives. They were guilty of extremely poor judgement and paid the ultimate price. They have my sympathy though. Terrible business.


Full Member
May 20, 2008
Wythenshawe watching Crappy Fims
You learn little or nothing listening to the clinically insane.
I really just wanted to see what everybody else thought, most of the question are complete rubbish.
Do I think they ha something to do with it, I am not sure to be honest, I have my suspicions, but I do think they are guilty of stupidity.
No way would I leave my kids on holiday in the chalet, while I went out for a meal, they would of been with us or a baby sitter arranged.


Lowering the tone since 2006
Sep 1, 2006
Leaving your kid alone while you go have dinner is a bad move.

You should never see the child again and receive constant abuse and accusation from the general public as a fitting punishment.


The Gatekeeper
Jun 5, 2010
I'll admit I know nothing about this case. Sounds pretty grim whatever happened.
I can't imagine how the parents feel, even if they did leave her behind.

We had a woman took her grandchildren to the river here last year and they both drowned. She has to live with that for the rest of her life.


Lowering the tone since 2006
Sep 1, 2006
I can picture the person who posted it now, clicking the mouse really determinedly as they copy and paste it from where ever they found it.

Randall Flagg

Worst of the best
May 23, 2009
I never (or very rarely) go in for conspiracy rubbish but I am not 100% convinced the McCanns are innocent