Thank you and Goodbye David.

Aye. It's extremely odd that someone from inside the club decided to leak the news yesterday. Maybe Moyes knew already, though.

From various accounts Moyes knew the game was up but no one from the brass talked to him Monday. If true then the club acted without any class in light of the massive leaks yesterday (G Nev was right that was a disgrace).
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He took on a big job, tried his best, wasn't good enough.

Still, despite how terrible he's been I still have a lot of sympathy for the guy, which probably says a lot about how decent he seems to be.

I hope he quickly puts this disappointment behind him an goes on to have an excellent career.

He's not a bad manager, just not right for this club.
Thanks for Juan Mata.

That's as much as I can bring myself to say. Glad to see him go.
I Think alot of the criticisms about Moyes were nonsense, and i do believe that moyes did achieve some fantastic things not just in terms of positions with everton, but also quality of football.

that being said i really do think that Moyes let himself down with his attitude and mindset, and showed he wasn't ready for job of this size. I don't think he's as bad as people made him out to be, but it seems like a heaviness has floated off from the club now that he's gone, everything seems lighter and more optimistic.
Moyes is like a caterpillar, he could have been a butterfly but a bird came and ate him. Now he is dead.
Live long and prosper, Mr Moyes. You still have something to give.
Thanks Moyesy. I tried to stick up for you from noobs to mains! However, even i lost faith after the Liverpool game when we got completely trounced in our own back yard. Hope he bounces back. He should look to go abroad and rebuild.
Hope he goes on to have decent career elsewhere but it was the correct decision.

However he was badly let down by the amount of gutless cowards we have in our squad who have completely downed tools since Fergie left.
The thing is, Moyes was not trying to poor results, it just didn't seem to happen for him, unfortunately. I hope he goes onto a good job from United, because he shown he was a good manager at Everton.
I'll say this: I hope his coaching career isn't permanently ruined by this.

He should never have gotten the job. It's not his fault he's not got the credentials or the competence for it.

Somewhere like Wigan beckons IMO.
I'll say this: I hope his coaching career isn't permanently ruined by this.

He should never have gotten the job. It's not his fault he's not got the credentials or the competence for it.

Somewhere like Wigan beckons IMO.
This won't ruin his career unless he takes it miserably and lets it affect it in every way. I dont see it happening. He'll do great a smaller club.
I do think it's a bit crappy that the club fed the news to the press yesterday and then told him this morning after 12 hours or so of it already being known.

He should have been the first to know, really.
I bet he was, as I firmly believe that it was in his contract that a failure to reach the champions league could mean the sack. Still I wish him all the best for the future.
We have a lot to thank him for. He took on a huge job, tried his hardest, and respected the club. The fact that it didn't work out doesn't change that.

I've stood by him the whole time, and I'm kind of peeved that he didn't get the full season, but that's football.

Best of luck in the future, David.
I'd actually like to know why is that something to be thankful for?

Did you expect him not to take the job, to not try his hardest and to disrespect the club?

I don't mean to piss on this thread. My post itself was pretty respectful as I believe there should be no ill-feeling either way. But I'm struggling to see why we should be "thankful" towards him. That implies gratitute.
Thanks for Juan Mata.

But that's sort of like thanking someone who's beating me up for not punching me in the face....
I don't blame him for taking the job, not one iota. He had to have confidence in his abilities to take the step up, and you also don't get much choice when Sir Alex Ferguson is sitting in front of you telling you that he has chosen you -- and only you -- to be his successor.

But I do blame him for being so inept. Honestly, I think he should have stepped down halfway through the season when it was clear that he wasn't up to it. So I'm delighted that we sacked him; I think his management was a poison to the club, infecting everything we did and slowly killing us.

David Moyes the person, though, seems a hard-working, decent man. I feel bad for him because it's never nice to lose your job (although a £5,000,000 pay off will soften the blow somewhat, I'm sure) and his pride and reputation will have taken a big hit. But I don't think this changes the fact that he's a good manager, just not one good enough for Manchester United. I think he's fantastic at doing what he did with Everton, and I doubt it'll be too long until we see him in a dugout somewhere helping stabilise a smaller club and doing a sterling job. I truly wish him the best for the future.

My one hope is that he's allowed to move on with class and respect. He failed here, and that's never nice, but there's no need to humiliate him. How many of those sitting behind their keyboards being arseholes could have done a better job? We have to thank him for trying -- even if we don't actually thank him for the work itself -- and wish him well. I don't hold a grudge; I just hope we move on from this disaster and start climbing back up the table.
All the best, Dave. You're a good manager but not a Manchester United manager. All the best on your future endeavours. Chin up. You'll be back.
I'll say this: I hope his coaching career isn't permanently ruined by this.

He should never have gotten the job. It's not his fault he's not got the credentials or the competence for it.

Somewhere like Wigan beckons IMO.

As a normal joe who can't hope to earn what he earned this last 10 months in my entire lifetime, I find it hard to give a feck whether his career is ruined or not. He can walk away from football and retire with no worries. He should care about my career and hope my bosses don't sack me if they notice how much of my life I have wasted on here discussing his ineptitude.
From various accounts Moyes knew the game was up but no one from the brass talked to him Monday. If true then the club acted without any class in light of the massive leaks yesterday (G Nev was right that was a disgrace).
? So it was leaked that Moyes knew the jig was up?
He will do well elsewhere, he was just the wrong man for this job and that was never going to change unless he completely reinvented himself. The best thing he did here was get januzaj to sign a new contract and that will have benefits for the club long term, other than that he was a disaster and the best thing for everyone was concerned for him to be sacked ASAP. Moyes can now regroup and find a more suitable job in the summer or next season.
What is to thank him for really?

That he bought Mata and gave Rooney 300k per week contract? Please.

He should've never gotten the job in the first place. Bound to fail from day one.

Good luck David, but no thank you...
Hmmm can't think of anything to thank him for. He's taken us out of the CL. We are in far worse shape than when he took over and it's really only now that we can look at moving on post SAF. A season of damage.

LOts of talk of him being a "good man" too but I wouldn't be surprised to hear otherwise coming out in the next while.
He will do well elsewhere, he was just the wrong man for this job and that was never going to change unless he completely reinvented himself. The best thing he did here was get januzaj to sign a new contract and that will have benefits for the club long term, other than that he was a disaster and the best thing for everyone was concerned for him to be sacked ASAP. Moyes can now regroup and find a more suitable job in the summer or next season.

Moyes for Spurs!:devil:
No hard feelings but you know, he was an abomination of a manager.
Good luck to him in his future endeavours. He will do well at some other club, I'm sure.

However, I think and hope that he eventually looks back on his time here with some humility and regret. His mindset towards the job has been a complete embarrassment from the outset, his negativity has hung around like an overwhelming stench and instead of taking on the job with some outward grace, excitement and enthusiasm he has whinged, moaned and complained his way through a terrible season, and for that, he's only himself to blame. I think he was in over his head, which isn't his fault, however his attitude has been thoroughly disappointing and infantile. I hope he takes his next big opportunity with an open mind and some enthusiasm.
Wish him all the best. He's a great manager but just not top of the trier which isn't a shame anyway because 99 % of the managers aren't.
Hope he gets all this negativety behind him and have an excellent career in the future.
We have a lot to thank him for. He took on a huge job, tried his hardest, and respected the club. The fact that it didn't work out doesn't change that.

I've stood by him the whole time, and I'm kind of peeved that he didn't get the full season, but that's football.

Best of luck in the future, David.

This .....

Between the manner in which he was sacked and some of the ridiculously pathetic personal comments on this forum, it's just a sad reflection of the way the game is gone.

Sure everybody else would of sacked him, so we should follow. What is ironic is that what idiots think separates united from other clubs is exactly what makes the club now just the normal circus we see at other clubs.

The hiring of DM was about trying to create stability and a club identity.

Hiring journeymen like van gaal may yield short term results but they simply make united one of the crowd.

How about people who don't want to thank him keep their spiteful , childish comments for another thread??! God knows they love the sounds of their own comments enough without them trolling every DM thread!

I wish DM all the best and thank him for taking on the position and giving it a go....