Thank you and Goodbye David.

I can't thank him because he gave us nothing to be thankful for.

That being said i hold no ill will towards the man on a personal level, bad choice all round by our board don't blame him for accepting the job.

But it must have clear though even to him in the last few months that he was out of his depth here surely, would have had major respect for him if he had held his hands up in february and admitted what we all already knew that this job was just too much for him.

So he likely had a big payoff in mind when not resigning, so we must bear that in mind before falling over ourselves to feel too sorry for him. £9 Million pounds he will pocket for his 10 months at this club.
I can't thank him because he gave us nothing to be thankful for.

That being said i hold no ill will towards the man on a personal level, bad choice all round by our board don't blame him for accepting the job.

But it must have clear though even to him in the last few months that he was out of his depth here surely, would have had major respect for him if he had held his hands up in february and admitted what we all already knew that this job was just too much for him.

So he likely had a big payoff in mind when not resigning, so we must bear that in mind before falling over ourselves to feel too sorry for him. £9 Million pounds he will pocket for his 10 months at this club.

I don't think it's fair to say it boils down to money. If I was in his shoes, no matter how tits up it was going, I'd try my damn hardest until the plug was pulled. It's his dream to be managing a club of our size. You don't just walk away and give up that easily. If anything, I respect him more for giving his all, out of his depth or not, until the final straw was pulled. David Moyes lacks many qualities needed to be a good manager, but the soft skills such as determination, passion, and work ethic are not part of them.

I can't say I want to thank him for what he did, but I appreciate the effort he put in. He tried. You don't say no to the job, so I can't blame him for being out of his depth - it's something the board should have thought about. I feel very sorry for him, his dreams have come crashing down, with the whole world watching day by day, and he's not exactly been sacked in the nicest way. Sure he failed us, but he's only human and I can't even begin to think how painful it must be. People say he gets a lot of money, he'll be fine. But that's such a flawed perspective. Like the people who say it have never had a dream in their life. If I missed out or failed at something I'd worked my life to get to, no amount of money could make me feel happy.
Thanks David

Personally i would have liked to see him given another season and i'd be interested to see which players he was negotiating with, and what a real DM team would have looked like next season.

The players have let him down massively and I hope the manager is not the only casualty from this season.

Good luck for the future.
Maybe the scouting system he brought in will actually turn out to be useful over the coming years? That'd be something at least.
I don't think it's fair to say it boils down to money. If I was in his shoes, no matter how tits up it was going, I'd try my damn hardest until the plug was pulled. It's his dream to be managing a club of our size. You don't just walk away and give up that easily. If anything, I respect him more for giving his all, out of his depth or not, until the final straw was pulled. David Moyes lacks many qualities needed to be a good manager, but the soft skills such as determination, passion, and work ethic are not part of them.

I guess we just have different opinions mate, in my working life i have seen people who are clearly out of their depth, sometimes they don't realize it as quickly as everyone else does.

But once they do they should be man enough to admit they are not the best man for the job and hold their hands up, seen a few lads make this choice and i respected them for it.

I have also seen the other side of the coin where people kick and scrape and try to buy themselves time, almost always ends up the same, sacked usually in an embarrassing manner.

The club could have definitely handled his dismissal with a lot more class, its caused needless damage to his reputation, but if he had resigned weeks ago he could have done so with dignity knowing that he left on his own terms.
Thank him for what? Receiving insane amounts of money for not doing a job? Then getting a pay off and a year holiday? Some of you lot are mental, did you do the same for your Boss at work when/if he was fired for not doing his job? What's there to thank him for? Genuinely bemused by this thread.
goodluck for his next job. 4th place is the minimum requirement so he has to go. as simple as that.

sure he will get a job somewhere else and built a good team so we'll see him in the league for the next 10 years or so, but it is obvious he can't cut it at united.
They are plenty of other threads to slag him off!

To quote the op "I think it's important to show a bit of class and respect."
Best of luck, Moyesie.

Someone, somewhere, is going to get the benefit of a hungry, motivated and classy manager come the new season. Looking forward to seeing you return in the opposite dugout some time soon and receiving the inevitable warm applause coming your way.
The money someone earns and the position they fill should not exclude them from human sympathy.

David Moyes was paid a similar amount to any manager of a world class football club. It proved to be a promotion too far for him but his work at Everton, which has been completely unappreciated by many, meant he deserved his shot.

He said some things he probably regrets. That was almost certainly borne out of stress. He was out of his depth at the club and he must have known that but desperately wanted to turn it around.

Nothing he has done was in any way disrespectful to the club. He acted very well and his work ethic and desire to help the club could never be doubted.

The position wasn't for him but he does not deserve any vitriol for his performance. I just hope he can take about six months off, get out of the limelight, and restore his reputation elsewhere.
Thank him for what? Receiving insane amounts of money for not doing a job? Then getting a pay off and a year holiday? Some of you lot are mental, did you do the same for your Boss at work when/if he was fired for not doing his job? What's there to thank him for? Genuinely bemused by this thread.

Of course you're right in that he'll be nicely compensated.

However, there's nothing wrong in showing some basic human empathy considering the public humiliation he'll suffer. Football is very unique in that regard.
I'm sure he will rebuild his career somewhere. Hodgson did it fairly quickly following the Liverpool debacle.

I do feel for him as its the job he must've dreamed about, but it just didn't work out.
Of course you're right in that he'll be nicely compensated.

However, there's nothing wrong in showing some basic human empathy considering the public humiliation he'll suffer. Football is very unique in that regard.

Empathy wouldn't be thanking him for what he's done. I have empathy, there are no personal slurs however he isn't due respect, it's earned and based on his performance I couldn't have less respect.
All the best to him. I'm not worried about his future prospects, he did great with Everton, and after he takes time off to reflect on his time with us he'll do better in the next job. Personally he was a class act.
I'm sure he will rebuild his career somewhere. Hodgson did it fairly quickly following the Liverpool debacle.

I do feel for him as its the job he must've dreamed about, but it just didn't work out.

Nothing succeeds like failure. Hodgson proves that. Moyes will land on his feet somewhere.
Thanks David

Personally i would have liked to see him given another season and i'd be interested to see which players he was negotiating with, and what a real DM team would have looked like next season.

The players have let him down massively and I hope the manager is not the only casualty from this season.

Good luck for the future.

Why would you have liked to see him have a 2nd season? One holocaust is more than enough - the football wouldn't have got any better
Empathy wouldn't be thanking him for what he's done. I have empathy, there are no personal slurs however he isn't due respect, it's earned and based on his performance I couldn't have less respect.

I think the OP is more about thanking him for the effort. Not the end result.

He wasn't trying to fail us but he's been exposed as a failure. That's hard for anyone to take.

Out of interest have you also lost respect for some of these players?
The money someone earns and the position they fill should not exclude them from human sympathy.

David Moyes was paid a similar amount to any manager of a world class football club. It proved to be a promotion too far for him but his work at Everton, which has been completely unappreciated by many, meant he deserved his shot.


No offence, but I have always struggled with the leap in logic that is required behind the equation - achieved par with a mid table club = qualified to manage biggest club in the UK and second most valuable football club on the planet.

Because if anything, the clubs performance and his sacking shows he didn't deserve a shot at it all, for all the reasons that you would think that a manager of a mid table club shouldn't jump straight into managing an elite club.
They are plenty of other threads to slag him off!

To quote the op "I think it's important to show a bit of class and respect."
Oh give me a break. He'll take minimum of 10m off the club, he has achieved nothing but break negative records. Do we owe him something or United as a club owes him something? What respect he has earned over the last year and why would United fans respect him?

He was clearly out of his depth. He'll endure a public humiliation? So fecking what? He has deserved it with the work he has done at United. If he agreed to step up he has to take the heat now. He deserves all the slag he's getting now, especially how protected he was in the media up until couple of months. Now he's hung up to dry, well boo fecking hoo, welcome to the real world David.

Good riddance.
Why would you have liked to see him have a 2nd season? One holocaust is more than enough - the football wouldn't have got any better

The topic has been discussed to death!

He's gone, i wanted to thank him for his effort and wish him luck for the future.
I think Moyes will eventually bounce back from this.

I think he will get a job at a just scrapped survival club, or a newly promoted one after they inevitably bomb their manager out after the first 5 games and do just fine keeping them in midtable.
As much as he didn't do great, I am really disappointing it didn't work out for him.

With Rodgers current success if Moyes could have been successful too it would have been a good point for British management, could have helped to shift people's opinions that British managers can't manage at the top level but it just wasn't to be for him.

Good luck to him with all his future appointments, hope he does better than here.
I think the OP is more about thanking him for the effort. Not the end result.

He wasn't trying to fail us but he's been exposed as a failure. That's hard for anyone to take.

Out of interest have you also lost respect for some of these players?

I wasn't trying to cause insult to DM, was never my intention, I'm sure he's a lovely bloke, but he was hired for a reason, lets call that level of ability X, he never achieved X, therefore had to go. I don't wish him badly, he didn't do anything of offense to me personally, but why any United fan feels the need to thank him for what he's done, is beyond me... I wouldn't have done a much worse job, I'd be very happy with that payout and a huge holiday, then after underperforming for so long, the fans want to thank me? I think I'd have a baby on the spot.

I see what you're getting at, certain players I actually have lost a bit of respect for, but respect in terms of their ability, so yes I do rate Valencia that bit lower than I did last year, etc etc however, if he were to leave, I'd have something to thank him for..
Someone who since the beginning of their assoc with United to their end has been an absolute failure, is not someone I owe thanks to for anything..
I feel sorry for him. He's a decent lad who was given a job which was much bigger then he is. To make matters worse he was caught in the middle of a big players change which must happen irrespective on whether he stayed or left.

The person replacing him will have an easier time. Expectations are lower this time round and any allegations of players becoming bigger then the club will be taken seriously. Moyes has also eliminated half of SAF's staff so the new manager will find less resistance in changing things up.

However I wont go as far as thanking him. The guy was paid 4.5m per year and under his command United went from champions to 7th place. He also spent 27m on a player who is clearly out of depth here.
I like the man, I wanted it to work for him and for us. It wasn't to be and the parting of ways is best for all parties.

Hopefully he can reestablish his reputation at his next club. He was never the best option to replace SAF but so many things went against him for it to turn out as badly as it did. No one wants an unlucky manager at this level, though.
Despite flopping as manager, he did carry himself professionally and with a degree of dignity for which he deserves praise.
I don't feel sorry for him. £4.5m in the pocket after a failure, and he will recover anyway.
Despite flopping as manager, he did carry himself professionally and with a degree of dignity for which he deserves praise.

Yeah, but I'd be a more enthusiastic supporter of this view if a few weeks ago he didn't go into his "I've inherited crap" (in so many words) rant, rubbishing the squad and the scouting set up.
I'm going to thank David Moyes for being the stepping stone between Ferguson and the next top manager. It was always going to be a bit of a nightmare to succeed Ferguson, and it proved to be. With Ferguson's chosen one failing, it will actually probably mean his influence is weakened slighly in the eyes of the owners and also for any high achieving manager coming in. Moyes has been a bit like an oily rag, mopping up the psychological transition allowing a less pressured environment for the next manager to enter.
I wish him all the best in his future career - it is a real shame that it didn't work-out for him as it would've been nice for him personally to succeed at the top level. The fairytale was there to be written, but reality got in the way.

I've never blamed him for everything that has gone wrong this season, and I won't now. Nor will I be a hypocrite as I did think he was wrong for the job, and that the appointment just wasn't working in the end. The club has to come first, but I can't feel any joy at the events of the last 24 hours. It is all very distasteful, and I hope he and his family can put this behind them and move forward.
Difficult to know how his work behind the scenes was going, but many in the media talked about just how much of it he had put in. Given that we have absolutely no information other than that, I thank him for his determination and hard work in that regard. But as far as the the first team and the football they played under him goes, I can't see too much positivity in what he's done.

Still, I certainly wish him well; he tried his absolute hardest and doesn't deserve any personal attacks. So thanks for your efforts Dave, if not the fruits of that labour, and good luck with your next move.
Oh give me a break. He'll take minimum of 10m off the club, he has achieved nothing but break negative records. Do we owe him something or United as a club owes him something? What respect he has earned over the last year and why would United fans respect him?

He was clearly out of his depth. He'll endure a public humiliation? So fecking what? He has deserved it with the work he has done at United. If he agreed to step up he has to take the heat now. He deserves all the slag he's getting now, especially how protected he was in the media up until couple of months. Now he's hung up to dry, well boo fecking hoo, welcome to the real world David.

Good riddance.

You are glad he is gone! That's great, but maybe you shouldn't be reading the "Thank You Moyes" thread if you can't take fans wanting to thank DM for his time at the club.
Can't help feel for the guy.

Imagine doing a best man's speech. In front of the entire world. Then utterly dying on your feet while millions of people pick apart your every word.

Every day.

For 10 months.

I don't care how much his pay off is, he'll be in a dark place today & I don't wish that on anyone.
Despite flopping as manager, he did carry himself professionally and with a degree of dignity for which he deserves praise.
I agree, just watched his final interview post match against Everton and it's hard not to feel sorry for him. You could tell he was a beaten man and all fight had evaporated. Hope he does well in his next role and has a successful career.