It's tough going - What side of the fence are you on


Full Member
Jul 14, 2008
I'd give him until the Summer

if performances continue I'd sack him in the Summer - he's getting nothing out of the squad

the thing to remember is that he has taken over the Champions - fair enough our squad and first team needs obvious improvement and Moyes luck has been out but he's failed in so many ways so far

I watched United vrs Swansea earlier on MUTV from May - think our midfield was Jones and Scholes so by no means our strongest side and we tore them apart

I can think of games against Arsenal, Swansea away and Leverkusen home and away as the only ones where we have looked dynamic and attacking at an acceptable level

we've gone backwards to such a degree that we lost today and I am not even really disappointed or shocked


Official Team Perv
Jun 7, 2004
Grove Street, home.
If there are no expectations left for this season then start playing some of the kids and feck some of the seniors off, Moyes has been bad in spots but he has been let down horribly by some of the senior players who cooed about their own importance with him coming in.


Full Member
Oct 11, 2003
Why is he insisting Chicharito wears orthopaedic shoes instead of football boots?

Honestly though I don't know how this should be handled, not sure exactly who aside from Fergie could get these players to play well again.


Fascist Dictator
Oct 1, 2000
He's a not cut out for united, he has shite tactics and clearly has no idea how to motivate the team or manage them.
I know we all say we stick to our ways, and give them time, but we have given him plenty of time

6 months. :rolleyes:


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
This reeks of Hodgson at Liverpool. Said it in he other thread but most of us would be laughing our asses off and making similar campaigns to keep rafa at pool if he was at any other team. He's a not cut out for united, he has shite tactics and clearly has no idea how to motivate the team or manage them.
I know we all say we stick to our ways, and give them time, but we have given him plenty of time. He'd have been long gone at any other team. Get rid of him now before he ruins us even more and it gets harder to save the season, because under him we sure as hell aren't winning trophies.

I do agree with your highlighted point. However, we should be giving Dave a fair chance and at least wait until the end of the season to see if he can improve results. But I'd certainly be looking at alternatives if I was the Glazers just in case... if we miss out on CL football so be it.

Fergies Formula

Full Member
Nov 25, 2007
If we are realisitc he has never won anything and he has never had a decent footballing style. I cant see any reason why Moyes is in charge. It was the biggest risk we have ever done.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
Time time time. Its looking shit at the moment but replacing Ferguson was never going to be easy. He needs at least one season to implement his tactics and buy his players.


Prefers blue over red, loathed by Spurs fans
Jun 16, 2011
Man United fan
If he gets financially backed in January we may still have a decent season. Desperately need some fresh faces.


Full Member
Mar 2, 2007
Today's defeat does not change much. We are still in contention for the 4th spot which has to be the minimal expectation and the way the season has gone what we need to be fighting for.

Taking stock of everything though, the following make for very depressing reading:

Losing five games at home by January and only getting one win in the league over a top 8 side combined with a large number of defeats.

The fact that the overall performances are consistently quite bad, even when we were winning games.

Being 7th in the league after being the champions the year before.

I have seen worse United sides and seen United lower in the league than this but I have never seen such a stark decline and such a quick transformation and the truth is even in those periods we had improved results, I can't really say the performances were much better.

The injuries we have had this last month have been bad and I think Rooney, Jones and RVP would make a big difference. That should not be forgotten about in this situation.

I don't think the board would consider not going Moyes a full season but plenty of other clubs would have considered the manager's position for our situation.


Full Member
Feb 18, 2007
I wasn't bowled over by Moyes' appointment last May but I've been behind him ever since he walked through the doors. Yes, we have played some terrible, terrible football but it's coincided with some outrageous situations, namely the lack of summer signings and our horrid injury list. Moyes is absolutely cursed; we've lost and drawn home games to teams that have been blessed to get the points through late goals, scored through smash'n'grab counter-attacks and through the profligacy of our own players.

The board have to make a decision now: either back him with the funds to sign the players required, or sack him. I don't think he should be sacked and I believe he'll turn it around.
I don't like the football we play though. ANd you can change things round even with lesser players. Look at Swansea. YOu might not get all the results with so many injured players but I see no improvement in our style of play at all under him so far. None. It's getting tiresome watching us spray endless balls down to the wings hoping for one out of 100 crosses from Valencia to reach his target.


Full Member
Apr 19, 2008
Really painful so far but I think moyes should get the full season, and I think he will. Im not sure if a quick fix managerial change would work much in our current situation. got to focus on the league now but top four also looks difficult.


Full Member
Mar 10, 2011
This season has been awful. All we really have to look forward to is a league cup, but we run a real chance of getting bummed by City in the final.

We have players at the club who don't deserve to wear the shirt, and Moyes is clearly not inspiring confidence in the rest as the performance level is generally abysmal. We aren't even scoring goals or playing decent football.

The fans have mostly been very patient but seriously, this season is now a write off. We won't qualify for top 4 under Moyes and may not even qualify for Europa. If we finish out the top 6 he deserves the sack. There's no excuse for this bad a showing.


Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip
This season is a write off for me, just wanting it to end.

If he can secure us top 4 by May I'm willing to give him another season to flesh out his own team. If he doesn't he ought to be shown the door. Doesn't matter how good a manager SAF was, to go from league champions to this in the space of one season is unacceptable.


Erroneously Promoted
Nov 30, 2012
There's no idea, no pattern, no clue to our play. It's all fecked. I honestly don't think we will make top 4, the others are just better than us.

Paolo Di Canio

"we have to realise it's a doggy dog market"
Jun 5, 2010
Sliema, Malta
I wasn't bowled over by Moyes' appointment last May but I've been behind him ever since he walked through the doors. Yes, we have played some terrible, terrible football but it's coincided with some outrageous situations, namely the lack of summer signings and our horrid injury list. Moyes is absolutely cursed; we've lost and drawn home games to teams that have been blessed to get the points through late goals, scored through smash'n'grab counter-attacks and through the profligacy of our own players.

The board have to make a decision now: either back him with the funds to sign the players required, or sack him. I don't think he should be sacked and I believe he'll turn it around.

With Ferguson and Bobby Charlton on the board, sacking will no be an option, so we just have to spend some money and paper over the cracks and get on with it, we dont really have a choice but to back him

Sir A1ex

Full Member
Jul 29, 2002
Where the goals come from.
there is no chance that we'll do something good on UCL.
I'm so thick, there's still a big part of me that thinks all this shiteness is just the build up to an unbelievable Chelsea-esque Champions League victory. Please don't be tempted to join me in this belief, it will only lead to further disappointment.


Full Member
May 18, 2009
I wasn't bowled over by Moyes' appointment last May but I've been behind him ever since he walked through the doors. Yes, we have played some terrible, terrible football but it's coincided with some outrageous situations, namely the lack of summer signings and our horrid injury list. Moyes is absolutely cursed; we've lost and drawn home games to teams that have been blessed to get the points through late goals, scored through smash'n'grab counter-attacks and through the profligacy of our own players.

The board have to make a decision now: either back him with the funds to sign the players required, or sack him. I don't think he should be sacked and I believe he'll turn it around.

Aye the injuries and the lack of recruitment has left a nasty mark. I'd like nothing more than back Moyes up, but it's tough - he looks utterly overwhelmed and quite frankly, lost.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2012
I just want things to get better. I was at the Tottenham game the other day and leaving OT my Dad pointed out that I wasn't disappointed at the defeat when in seasons gone by I would have been having a good moan, and it's because I almost expect it now, which is a shame.

I genuinely think Moyes is here for the long haul so I just hope he can turn it around, and quickly. Rotten luck today though so we shouldn't be too knee jerk, but it does seem that every time we take a step forward and go on a bit of a run, we take two back.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Needs abit of time to refresh the team, there's some players here currently who don't play like united players at all never mind the question marks over ability, not enough hunger for success.



Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
6 months. :rolleyes:
More then enough time to realize we've made a mistake just like Liverpool did with Hodgson. They realized their mistake after half a season, the only difference is we for some stupid reason gave someone with no experience at the top level a 6 year contract :lol:


Full Member
Dec 9, 2006
The last thing we should do is sack the new man halfway through the season.

Let him build his own side, and we'll reassess where we are this time next year. However little some people on here think of Manchester United, one bad season won't throw us into a spiral of decline.


full member
Aug 10, 2007
Same as I said before, one more transfer window. We haven't won the FA Cup in ten years and I'm not going to change my mind because we just went out of it again.


Full Member
Aug 25, 2001
In the Pacific Islands
Get rid, before the rot starts to set in, and bring someone in to get us a Champions League spot at the very least, followed by some good signings in the summer and then back to challenging for honours next year.

Otherwise, we can keep him, 'give him time' and spend the next two or three seasons becoming a mid table Everton side, and then sack him (having wished we did it ages before) and having to spend the next couple years trying to fix the mess he's caused.


binary bot
Jul 14, 2010
Time time time. Its looking shit at the moment but replacing Ferguson was never going to be easy. He needs at least one season to implement his tactics and buy his players.
That's the risk. The longer they get, the greater chance of improvement but at the same time they can drag you even further down and make it harder for a manager fixing it at a later date.


has whacked the hammer to Roswell
Jun 5, 2012
The Republik of Mancunia | W3102
I keep seeing this "style of play" complaint getting bandied about. What did folk expect? He was Ferguson's choice, and therefore always going to be somebody who embodies the essence of what Ferguson did in a Manchester United side - robust football reliant on wingers raining balls into the box.

I don't think it was ever a prerequisite that the new manager would alter our style of play, and due to that, I find it a bizarre complaint.


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
The last thing we should do is sack the new man halfway through the season.

Let him build his own side, and we'll reassess where we are this time next year. However little some people on here think of Manchester United, one bad season won't throw us into a spiral of decline.
Oh yes, a united team built in moyes' image, his first signing being fellaini and likely second being Baines :drool:
I can just imagine the great times ahead..


aka sex on the beach
Mar 14, 2011
Desperate for top 4 to salvage things.
If he doesn't achieve that, which surely everyone would agree is a minimum achievement for a championship winning team, then we're in a real mess.

Unless he loses a sh!tload of games back to back, there's no way he'll be out this season


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
It's a bit simplistic to break fans down into two sides, I think most people are somewhere in the middle with more nuanced views.

Right now I still want Moyes to stay. I still think we're capable of finishing fourth with the squad we have. That would still be an underwhelming first season but it wouldn't be a disaster. Who knows, maybe we'll fluke our way through a few CL rounds too. Plus on principle I think he should be given at least one full season.

Anyway, even if we did decide to replace Moyes we'd need to be careful to identify the right person to take over. I don't think there'd be much point in getting rid of him at this stage of the season.

Once next season starts there'll be no more excuses though. If we were to perform like this next year he'd obviously have to go, it really isn't acceptable. I think Moyes' fate will essentially come down to the summer transfer window. If we do some seriously good business we may see a big improvement next season. If we don't significantly strengthen then Moyes simply isn't going to last. The amount of pressure that'll be on us during that transfer window worries me as a) it's a world cup year so signings may be difficult and b) we have no guarantees so far that we've learned from our mistakes in the last window.

So basically I'm feeling quite pessimistic but still willing to give Moyes at least one more transfer window to get things right. Then we should know for sure whether he's up to the job or not. Hopefully we'll see some positive signs between now and then. Things look very bleak though, there's no denying it.

Member 5225

People do realise we've had injury crisis's in the past and other teams have them use continuingly using it as a tedious excuse.


Full Member
May 13, 2009
In many ways this season reminds me of 2001/02

I think once Moyes upgrades the team and builds it to his own we will then start to see progress but that will take time. Better to take one step back to take two forward.


Full Member
Jul 1, 2007
Sunny Manc
I'm sticking with the manager, he still needs to be given time to sort out the obvious problems. Sacking him half way through the season would be rather stupid whether you support him or not.


binary bot
Jul 14, 2010
I keep seeing this "style of play" complaint getting bandied about. What did folk expect? He was Ferguson's choice, and therefore always going to be somebody who embodies the essence of what Ferguson did in a Manchester United side - robust football reliant on wingers raining balls into the box.

I don't think it was ever a prerequisite that the new manager would alter our style of play, and due to that, I find it a bizarre complaint.
Style of play means very little, it's all about results in the end. The problem is people find it easier to give someone time when they're seen to be implementing some sort of philosophy or tactics that will naturally take time. With Moyes it's difficult to see that.
Jun 24, 2004
Red man down in London town
I've got plenty of patience but it's alarming just how quickly we've got ourselves in this shithole. Injuries aside, we have no excuses for not producing better in all departments.

I can't believe we're playing such tumescent football at this stage. We're struggling to impose ourselves, struggling to create chances and score goals. Our management have got to do better and inspire the players to perform. We have more than enough talent to be beating teams. It's a season from our worst nightmares at this rate. We need our injured players back and we need to find something in this window. At least one position in this squad can be strengthened.


If it moves, report it.
Jul 14, 2009
fecking depressing times. Our football is so so incredibly dull. Words fail to express just how boring we look.

Spot on. We are awful to watch, becoming boring. Thats why we aint scoring. This is not a run of bad luck, its more than that.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2003
I think he is out of his depth and is our manager soley because of his nationality. The players are letting him down and our squad desperately needs improving, but a better manager would have done more than bring in a midfielder who had found his level at Everton. The transfer window was an embarrasment and the season so far has been, not many managers at any club would survive 4 defeats out of the last 6 at home. We might aswell give him the entire season but we're not going to make the top 4 and I think we'll lose a few of our best players this summer.


Full Member
May 19, 2006
This is bizarre. I don't understand how people are equating wanting Moyes out to poor support. Its sensible support. The man is tearing up 26 years of amazing work and he'd have been long gone at any other football club in the world. No CL next season and he has to go. The club is always bigger than the manager.


Full Member
Dec 9, 2006
More then enough time to realize we've made a mistake just like Liverpool did with Hodgson. They realized their mistake after half a season, the only difference is we for some stupid reason gave someone with no experience at the top level a 6 year contract :lol:
Yaye, let's bring in Kenny Dalglish!