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Full Member
Mar 20, 2012
So United are in for him, but because its so in your face and obvious, surely other clubs are going to be in for him as well. Either United leaked this as a pathetic PR excercise or Barca to encourage a bidding war. If its a bidding war then we have to be lucky like we were with Van Persie in that the player specifically wants to come to United.

Either way I see this as likely to be another drawn out saga where the end result is more disappointment. Why is the bid public? If United so desperately want Fabregas, why not ask Barca how much they want. What will we do try and hamstring them publically?

Going public is the worst thing that could happen in my view. If we miraculously sign him then its dreamland...if he rejects us or signs for someone else we look stupid...again.


binary bot
Jul 14, 2010
The only way they'd sell him IMO is if the Arsenal 50% clause is bullshit and with how much it's reported, that doesn't seem likely. Selling a player of his ability when you're only getting 15m is not worth it.


Jul 30, 2008
So United are in for him, but because its so in your face and obvious, surely other clubs are going to be in for him as well. Either United leaked this as a pathetic PR excercise or Barca to encourage a bidding war. If its a bidding war then we have to be lucky like we were with Van Persie in that the player specifically wants to come to United.

Either way I see this as likely to be another drawn out saga where the end result is more disappointment. Why is the bid public? If United so desperately want Fabregas, why not ask Barca how much they want. What will we do try and hamstring them publically?

Going public is the worst thing that could happen in my view. If we miraculously sign him then its dreamland...if he rejects us or signs for someone else we look stupid...again.

Most likely scenario IMO, but I'm along for the ride at any rate.


Another Muppet
Nov 14, 2012
The only way they'd sell him IMO is if the Arsenal 50% clause is bullshit and with how much it's reported, that doesn't seem likely. Selling a player of his ability when you're only getting 15m is not worth it.
50% of the profit, not the fee

Nate Dogg

Don't Make Me Angry
Mar 6, 2002
Just heard this on Talksport, and the fact it is on BBC adds legitimacy to the bid.

Also, didn't Irwin mention that we would be targeting Cesc, so for me there is legs in this one.

Red Hand Devil

Plan M ish
Aug 15, 2007
"I said a hip hop, hippie to the hippie..."
I never believed it for a minute.
I know you didnt, much to the annoyance of alot of muppets too :D

I think many of us were quite vulnerable, in the respect that we all wanted a mid-fielder for so long & Thiago became a very good possibility - given he had the release clause & his undoubted potential also, so any positive links or speculation is very much welcomed to feed the cravings the muppets had.

The heart ruled the head in many aspects with the Thiago saga. I do feel we were in contact (maybe very little or the same, as with all other possible enquiries) with Thiago's advisors etc, but us not even makin an offer to Barca, is something that even the most hardened muppet must treat with suspicion, that we weren't really in full-on muppet mode for him at all, which kinda surprises & annoys me in equal measure if that was the case. He's an exceptional talent & would have lit up OT no doubt & at a bargain price to boot, but i think many of here must give plenty of thought to the possibility / realisation, that we weren't after Thiago at all & that Denis Irwin was correct in sayin that Fabregas was our number one target instead!

Would be feckin excellent if we got Fabregas & the best thing about it is - we've actually made a bloody bid. So we dont have to rely on shite twatter threads etc, we can just await information / confirmation from Barca that a bid has been lodged & that (hopefully) negotiations are on-going with Manchester United for the transfer of Cesc Fabregas. Then we'll know how this is gonna pan out!

Although, in sayin all of the above, i'll still be readin with interest all the twatter feeds etc. regarding whats happening & who's spinning shite this time round though... i'm still a muppet at heart afterall :D


Pythagoras in Boots
May 16, 2009
Hold on a minute here. I didn't believe the Thiago signing was ever on. I was right. I believe there is more substance to this. I'm far from negative, in fact I'm more positive about our club and what it has to offer potential signings than many on here.

Relax bredda, you were spot on about Thiago and I for one am now firmly in your camp. Never again will I be sucked into such a ridiculous saga again.. anyway thought you loved being the villian of the piece? x


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
We're not very cleaver negotiators?
He, yeah, perhaps. It looks like one out of two to me: Either we aren't very clever - or we are far more clever than many seem to give us credit for.

Or, as a third possibility - too clever by half, as they say.


Good Craig got his c'nuppins
Feb 1, 2010
Love is Blind
If we were actually being serious about this, why bid £25mil? I mean, I know the idea is to start low... but come on.

The longer it drags on, the more chance you have of City/Chelsea wanting a piece.
How much did Barcelona pay for him? About €29 million or so? He hasn't improved really since leaving Arsenal, so don't know why his fee would be all that much more than what we've offered. Probably about the £32 million mark should do it.


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
I just hope that isn't from the Fabregas camp hoping to entice Arsenal to get involved. Fabregas may be interested in a move, but the last thing we need is a player using United to get a move elsewhere. I think this is what Thiago did.
I don't think we were used in any way in the Thiago deal. We were in for him for quite a while and I'm sure it was genuine, he just apparently wasn't top priority once Moyes was told he can go for anyone, he changed targets to Fabregas and apparently wasn't too disappointed about losing out on Thiago. Bayern's interest stepped up after that point probably once Pep started going after him seriously.
Fabregas case might be different though.


New Member
Sep 5, 2009
Couldn't care less.
You're no fun then. Didn't you just tweet that you'd take Fabregas? I think you are getting more excited than you are letting on?
I'd take him in a heartbeat, but I still think there's no chance of it happening. I'm not sure if I genuinely believe we've made a bid to be honest, all because of Twitter.

The Neviller

New Member
Jul 26, 2011
Nev smash!!
So United are in for him, but because its so in your face and obvious, surely other clubs are going to be in for him as well. Either United leaked this as a pathetic PR excercise or Barca to encourage a bidding war. If its a bidding war then we have to be lucky like we were with Van Persie in that the player specifically wants to come to United.

Either way I see this as likely to be another drawn out saga where the end result is more disappointment. Why is the bid public? If United so desperately want Fabregas, why not ask Barca how much they want. What will we do try and hamstring them publically?

Going public is the worst thing that could happen in my view. If we miraculously sign him then its dreamland...if he rejects us or signs for someone else we look stupid...again.
Seriously mate, are you depressed or something? I've never known anyone as negative as you. Are you like Charlie Brown, waking around with a permanent storm cloud over your head?


"It's like..."
Apr 1, 2004
It's interesting, only because we surely wouldn't make that kind of bid without having some idea that the player is keen on joining?

The only reason to make it public at our end would be if Cesc wants in but Barca aren't playing ball.

Can't see it having any real chanc eof happening though. I mean, with Van Persie, Arsenal put themselves in a position where it was a realistic prospect for us. I don't get why Barcelona would need or want to sell Fabregas, or why he'd be that desperate to leave that he'd force them to.

Genius Me!

Proud EE fan, 10k club member & NSFW crew member
Dec 6, 2011
The only way they'd sell him IMO is if the Arsenal 50% clause is bullshit and with how much it's reported, that doesn't seem likely. Selling a player of his ability when you're only getting 15m is not worth it.
As a binary bot I was expecting better from you with regards to figures. The 50% is on profit!


Provides RedCafe with shit Twitter news
Jan 18, 2013
If the move doesn't happen the same people saying we are in for him will be the same ones saying we were never really serious. I doubt he will leave Xavi is 33 and he is the next in line he has two decent years but no reason to leave. Would be a great signing we can hope....

DJ Jeff

Not so Jazzy
Jan 6, 2011
Soaring like a candy wrapper caught in an updraft
At first I thought it was something to do with the positions and formations, but then he went on to talk money I think. So yeah, whatever that means.
What Steve posted almost reads like Neymar's wages have destabilised the whole squad.. and I must be misreading this, but that he's paid more than Messi. Don't know how that would force Fabregas out, although if Fab's role for this season was meant to be in an advanced position again maybe Neymar's signing would be just another place in the XI that wasn't his.

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
I'm fairly sure I told one of my work mates at the start of the summer that I'd honsetly dance shirtless round the office if we signed Fabregas...

Thus, I feel it's important we don't buy him.


Desperately wants to be like Noodle
Jul 11, 2009
At the back post
It's interesting, only because we surely wouldn't make that kind of bid without having some idea that the player is keen on joining?

The only reason to make it public at our end would be if Cesc wants in but Barca aren't playing ball.

Can't see it having any real chanc eof happening though. I mean, with Van Persie, Arsenal put themselves in a position where it was a realistic prospect for us. I don't get why Barcelona would need or want to sell Fabregas, or why he'd be that desperate to leave that he'd force them to.
This is the intriguing part for me. Why else should we leak such a bid? It must be some sort of plot to force Barca's hand. Strange nonetheless.


Jul 30, 2008
If the move doesn't happen the same people saying we are in for him will be the same ones saying we were never really serious. I doubt he will leave Xavi is 33 and he is the next in line he has two decent years but no reason to leave. Would be a great signing we can hope....

Well if we fail we can go in for Messi and save him from his tax hell!


Good Craig got his c'nuppins
Feb 1, 2010
Love is Blind
Arsenal's Cesc Fabregas: I'm A Massive Fan Of Manchester United
Cesc is looking forward to his trip to Old Trafford in the Champions League.
Arsenal captain Cesc Fabregas has admitted he is a huge admirer of Manchester United as he prepares to face Sir Alex Ferguson's men in the Champions League in midweek.

The young Gunner has enjoyed a fierce rivalry with the Red Devils during his time in north London and will renew hostilities on Wednesday night at Old Trafford.

However, speaking to the News of the World ahead of the game, the Spaniard revealed the enormous amount of respect he has for the reigning European champions.

“I'm a massive Man United fan,” explained the 21-year-old.

“I have no problem saying United are one of the best clubs in the world - even though I want to beat them.

“They are the best side in the world at the moment - a top, top side and we respect them a lot.”

The midfielder also took time out to praise United stars Wayne Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo, whom he clearly expects to be the main danger men for the Red Devils.

“Rooney and Ronaldo are amazing. I really and admire them for what they do,” he added.

“I am a big fan of both of them. You can expect just about anything from them and they always make a difference in games. Look at Ronaldo against Porto - what a goal! It was one of the best goals I've seen.”

Yet despite his words of praise for Wednesday’s opponents, Fabregas also made it clear that he was confident his Arsenal side could knock United out of the Champions League.

“United are probably our biggest rivals but they are a team who play good football,” he added.

“At least we know we can beat them as we proved at The Emirates. They had their best players in the game earlier in the season and we won. That gives us tremendous confidence.”

Should Arsenal prevail, they will book themselves a date in the final against either Chelsea or Barcelona, and Fabregas confessed that this was his side’s priority now.

“We know the Champions League is now the main target for us,” he said.

“We're determined to go one better than against Barcelona in 2006 and win it in Rome.”
Old, but arousing nonetheless...

Genius Me!

Proud EE fan, 10k club member & NSFW crew member
Dec 6, 2011
I'm fairly sure I told one of my work mates at the start of the summer that I'd honsetly dance shirtless round the office if we signed Fabregas...

Thus, I feel it's important we don't buy him.
feck off, you dance shirtless and you dance proud!


Jan 7, 2009
Is it even certain that we are the ones who leaked the bid? We rarely do that and have nothing to gain from it.

More likely to be on Barca's end. Perhaps they want to encourage other clubs to get involved and start a bidding war.

Red Hand Devil

Plan M ish
Aug 15, 2007
"I said a hip hop, hippie to the hippie..."
Just heard this on Talksport, and the fact it is on BBC adds legitimacy to the bid.

Also, didn't Irwin mention that we would be targeting Cesc, so for me there is legs in this one.
Yeah he sure did - way back in June:

Irwin: Fabregas top target for United

June 9, 2013
Former Manchester United defender Denis Irwin has claimed the club 'are going to move heaven and earth' in their bid to sign Barcelona midfielder Cesc Fabregas this summer.

Arsenal are believed to have a first option to re-sign their former captain if he opts to quit the Primera Division champions and return to the Premier League, but Irwin suggests United are convinced they can win the race for the 26-year-old Spain international.

Irwin was among the first pundits to reveal United's interest in Arsenal striker Robin van Persie last year and now the respected former left-back, who still works as an ambassador at Old Trafford, has revealed that Fabregas is their latest top target.

"Cesc Fabregas has zoomed up Manchester United's transfer target list to the top position and the champions are going to move heaven and earth to get him," he told the Sunday Worldnewspaper.

"The Barcelona star wants out of the Nou Camp and United want him badly, so the deal should be done easily enough. Fabregas is just the sort of all-action midfield player United need if they are to make a run at next season's Champions League.

"Cesc won't be short of offers for I believe this is going to be a transfer season where eye-boggling amounts of money will be spent."

Irwin also predicted United will make a bid for Everton's Leighton Bainesand Southampton's Luke Shaw, while suggesting winger Nani and Patrice Evra will leave Old Trafford this summer as new boss David Moyes prepares to take over from Sir Alex Ferguson.

"Nani will go to Monaco and Patrice Evra may well return to the same club, from whom he joined United," Irwin added. "I've also heard a word that the new manager might have Luke Shaw at the top of his list. The teenage Southampton full-back is the latest in a long line of prodigies from that club's excellent youth system."


He's been correct so far regarding the Baines & Fabregas bids... wish he had of included Ronnie & Bale in that though!


full member
Aug 10, 2007
"so the deal should be done easily enough."

:lol: have to laugh at Denis.

Fergus' son

Gets very easily confused
Oct 13, 2011
You think we've lodged a bid without any talks with fabregas's camp about his desire to move?
Seems odd, but we must have. I really really doubt Fabregas would be open to a move to us. What were his comments regarding the RVP transfer?


Full Member
Jul 31, 2006
I'd take him in a heartbeat, but I still think there's no chance of it happening. I'm not sure if I genuinely believe we've made a bid to be honest, all because of Twitter.
This bid isn't because of Twitter, it was announced by the press (BBC, Sky, PA) before it even it Twitter. It's legit, but unlikely to be accepted.


Good Craig got his c'nuppins
Feb 1, 2010
Love is Blind
Is it even certain that we are the ones who leaked the bid? We rarely do that and have nothing to gain from it.

More likely to be on Barca's end. Perhaps they want to encourage other clubs to get involved and start a bidding war.
Well the journalists seem to be quoting United sources.

The Neviller

New Member
Jul 26, 2011
Nev smash!!
Relax bredda, you were spot on about Thiago and I for one am now firmly in your camp. Never again will I be sucked into such a ridiculous saga again.. anyway thought you loved being the villian of the piece? x
I'm no villain, I'm a cheerful chap.

I might have gone too far with the Thiago thread, but my thoughts were genuine. It all seemed so Twitter led, with barely any major UK sources giving it much attention. This one seems different and I do think a bid has been lodged. Now, whether he comes here is another thing, but I don't think we're the poor draw to players that many suggest. If things really aren't going well for Fabregas at Barca and in La Liga, he knows the success he had in England and if he fancies a move I see no reason why he wouldn't come here. I don't see Arsenal as a reason either, they aren't competing for the title any time soon and would be a step down.
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