Has he actually made 3 of them though or the one he has posted?
Jinder Singh @j1nder7 7m
@KingJonno12 3 year deal 350,000 a week....nice to have an junior account work at StamfordI put 250 on last week @8/1
Is he claiming this came from Ronaldo's mouth? Or someone elses? He doesn't mention who it actually was.
He's now saying he's got £4000 on RvP moving to United. Either he's very confident or he's on a massive wind up tonight.
So he's putting all this money down because a "junior accountant" and chelsea has seen they are drawing up a contract for Ronaldo?.
Yes i'm sure they leave all that laying around the office.
@KingJonno12 I know ** game!! Everyone piles on Chelsea and then when MUFC hit 5/1, you swoop and make a fortune!!!! #WishfulThinking
Who needs Ronaldo when you can get Bale
Somebody kill me now
He originally said from the horses mouth. So he's obviously bullshitting.
If he's put 4k on in the past why are all the bookies only allowing him to put 150 on?
Francois Piraux @F8Piraux 42m
BREAKING : Deal done for Falcao, Tevez and Joao Moutinho to AS Monaco ! #ASMFC #TransferWindow #Monaco
Said before, and I'll say it again - I'd take Bale and Strootman over Ronaldo.