Television The Propgropthrop

I like him as a person, I've met him several times and he's never been anything but brilliant. He does alot for charity and the Make a Wish Foundation. For all those, I can't fault him.

But as a character? He blows big time. His face character has went on way too long, they need to freshen it up big time and let's hope it's not far off.

I also can't wait for 2nd January to find out who is behind these cryptic videos.
Aye, Cena needs to do something new, its gotten old now.

And the internet is convinced that its Jericho next Monday, it could be the hell of a show.. Ziggler vs Punk for the title, a returning Jericho and a continuation of the Kane/Cena storyline. Can't wait.
Yet a 3rd time for a series of cryptic videos for Jericho - Millennium Countdown, Break The Code and now It Begins.

I hope it's not Jericho. I want to see him back, but there's only so many video returns you can do before it gets boring each time.
The problem is he's too big a star for the WWE not to do something signifying his return, sure it would be an epic moment if he were to spontaneously return but it wouldn't be right. Not to mention this would most likely be his last run in wrestling so it would only be right to make cryptic videos for his return.
Based on the action figure I had, got to be Real American Hulk Hogan. However, as I grew older Hogan just annoyed me. I'm glad The Rock whooped his candy ass at Wrestlemania.
Based on the action figure I had, got to be Real American Hulk Hogan. However, as I grew older Hogan just annoyed me. I'm glad The Rock whooped his candy ass at Wrestlemania.

I do like Hogan. In the old days, he was arguably at his peak. He was, and still is, so iconic in many ways.

When I was little, he was the Real American. He was a hero, but I kind of like his Hollywood gimmick. He was so cool and didn't give a shit.

Undertaker pisses all over him though. Undertaker pisses over everybody.
I do like Hogan. In the old days, he was arguably at his peak. He was, and still is, so iconic in many ways.

When I was little, he was the Real American. He was a hero, but I kind of like his Hollywood gimmick. He was so cool and didn't give a shit.

Undertaker pisses all over him though. Undertaker pisses over everybody.

You spelled Stone Cold wrong :)
Big Boss Man was my first ever favourite. Undertaker scared me back then.

I got back into the WWF in the late 90's and Stone Cold was instantly my favourite. But I quickly tired of him and completely fell for The Rock. He was mesmerising.

But as I've watched Undertaker down the years, it has dawned on me how brilliant he is and what he means to the WWF. He's my all time favourite, he's one of my idols.

It will be a sad day when he permanently retires.
Big Boss Man was my first ever favourite. Undertaker scared me back then.

I got back into the WWF in the late 90's and Stone Cold was instantly my favourite. But I quickly tired of him and completely fell for The Rock. He was mesmerising.

But as I've watched Undertaker down the years, it has dawned on me how brilliant he is and what he means to the WWF. He's my all time favourite, he's one of my idols.

It will be a sad day when he permanently retires.

Tbh, i always preferred kane. Kane only became shit when he took off his mask, but that shits back on again :D
Funny series of posts up there, has no one noticed an old wrestling hero's face in the latest it begins video?

Look to the right of the bench, bottom of the picture.

Not seen anything properly in a while, but people don't actually think this is the Kane that we have grown accustomed to when without the mask do they?

I've always suspected that one wasn't the original from way back then, he also clearly isn't the current "Kane", this is Undertaker/another Kane, quite clearly.

Could also hint that "it begins" may be the regular mask less Kane.
Not seen anything properly in a while, but people don't actually think this is the Kane that we have grown accustomed to when without the mask do they?

I've always suspected that one wasn't the original from way back then, he also clearly isn't the current "Kane", this is Undertaker/another Kane, quite clearly.

Could also hint that "it begins" may be the regular mask less Kane.

This version of Kane is still Glen Jacobs who has portrayed Kane since his debut in 1998 and before then Dr Issac Yanken and the fake version of Diesel.

Other than other wrestlers pretending to be Kane for one or two WWE storylines, Kane has always been portrayed by Glen Jacobs.

One of those myths that gets rolled out every now and then is that there have been a few different Kanes. It's not true.
Not seen anything properly in a while, but people don't actually think this is the Kane that we have grown accustomed to when without the mask do they?

I've always suspected that one wasn't the original from way back then, he also clearly isn't the current "Kane", this is Undertaker/another Kane, quite clearly.

Could also hint that "it begins" may be the regular mask less Kane.

Since Kane debuted in 1997, he has always been played by Glen Jacobs, mask or not. There was an imposter Kane at one point, I think Festus did that, but the original Kane from 1997 has always been the same man.

My Dad is always arguing with me that the Undertaker now isn't the same who officially debuted at the 1990 Survivor Series, and I keep telling him it is - it's always been Mark Calaway. It should also be noted that Mark Calaway made his first appearance for the WWF (off screen, 3 days before the Survivor Series) as 'Kane The Undertaker'.
Not quite what I meant...

The original Kane and the mask less Kane had different feels to them, whether that's the way they are portrayed or not that's playing tricks on me I don't know, but they seemed different leading to me always having suspicions, I'd have said there were 2 at most.

This at the moment is built different to either, he's built more like Undertaker, although I doubt it is him. It's all very weird.
Not quite what I meant...

The original Kane and the mask less Kane had different feels to them, whether that's the way they are portrayed or not that's playing tricks on me I don't know, but they seemed different leading to me always having suspicions, I'd have said there were 2 at most.

This at the moment is built different to either, he's built more like Undertaker, although I doubt it is him. It's all very weird.

But you're implying that it's been different men portraying the character of Kane.

It's Glen Jacobs.
But you're implying that it's been different men portraying the character of Kane.

It's Glen Jacobs.

This one right now I think is an imposter, it is very possible that due to my age at the time I was mistaken with the mask coming off being a different person, seeing old footage recently I saw more similarities than first time round.
This one right now I think is an imposter, it is very possible that due to my age at the time I was mistaken with the mask coming off being a different person, seeing old footage recently I saw more similarities than first time round.

So, you think this one is a fake and the real Kane will be the person behind the It Begins videos?

I do think it's the real Kane, I think it's Glen Jacobs. The It Begins videos are a totally separate thing I reckon. Big talk that Chris Jericho is the man behind It Begins, which I'll be very disappointed with actually. I like him, but how many cryptic video returns does the man need? I hope it's Shane McMahon, but I won't be surprised if it is indeed Jericho.
So, you think this one is a fake and the real Kane will be the person behind the It Begins videos?

I do think it's the real Kane, I think it's Glen Jacobs. The It Begins videos are a totally separate thing I reckon. Big talk that Chris Jericho is the man behind It Begins, which I'll be very disappointed with actually. I like him, but how many cryptic video returns does the man need? I hope it's Shane McMahon, but I won't be surprised if it is indeed Jericho.

The best bet is Jericho and I'm not bothered that his return is through video packages. He's still one of the best wrestlers going and would be a far bigger plus to the company than a returning Mcmahon. Jericho would be an awesome opponent for Punk and would help others like he always does.

It's a common way for past wrestlers to be re-introduced and it's been done more than once with plenty of others.
The reason it made me think of Shane was the 'she' (the girl) in the video being referred to. The only one I could think of was Stephanie.

If it is Jericho, who is this female linked with his return?
Shanes busy working isn't he?

Yeah. No longer has any business links with WWE anymore. Only Vince and Stephanie who actually have an active role for the company excluding Triple H obviously.

The less of the Mcmahons on WWE programming the better IMO. It only ever leads to Vince trying to re-create and recycle the Austin storyline again and again and again with a new wrestler. Glad they cut that one short with Punk this time around.
This one right now I think is an imposter, it is very possible that due to my age at the time I was mistaken with the mask coming off being a different person, seeing old footage recently I saw more similarities than first time round.
No, it's definitely Glenn Jacobs. Glass eye and teeth are dead giveaway. Not to mention the promo he cut, sounds exactly like the unmasked Kane. There's only ever been one.
The reason it made me think of Shane was the 'she' (the girl) in the video being referred to. The only one I could think of was Stephanie.

If it is Jericho, who is this female linked with his return?

There are a load of different interpretations of the videos on the net putting forward Jericho and the symbolism of the video referring to a feud with Punk.

Personally, while I think the video packages WWE release before PPVS and for returning wrestlers are generally good quality I would not put too much store into trying to cryptically analyse them. They could refer to anyone and the WWE's not actually that bothered about logic or continuity these days. Look at the dropping of the Anonymous GM angle.

Jericho looks the best bet as I don't think any of the other potential returning superstars are likely to come back yet(e.g. Batista, Brock Lesnar, etc) other than the Undertaker and I don't think the it begins video is the Taker. I think Taker will be back for another mania match with HHH and they will build that up in a different way.
No, it's definitely Glenn Jacobs. Glass eye and teeth are dead giveaway. Not to mention the promo he cut, sounds exactly like the unmasked Kane. There's only ever been one.

Yeah he's always had that kind of crooked smile that you know has always been the same person. And yes, he did sound exactly like before.
Posting this off my phone so can't do proper images, just links. Just had a quick look on google to compare pics of Kane over the years. One of the pics of Kane looks to be a different guy, he's a different build.

Real Kane:

kane - Google Search

kane - Google Search

'Fake' Kane:

kane - Google Search

All three links come up with the same series of pictures for Kane. Which one do you think is different?

This one has been done to death over the years and has become abit of a myth. As an active wrestler, Kane has always been portrayed by Glen Jacobs. Sometimes he has long hair, sometimes he has a stubbly beard, sometimes he has had a mask, sometimes he's been bald and unmasked. It's still the same guy.

He might have a different build but all pro wrestlers vary in size and strengths at different periods when they have been wrestling for 15 years with the same gimmick. Look at different pics of Taker and Show and see how different they sometimes look.
There are a load of different interpretations of the videos on the net putting forward Jericho and the symbolism of the video referring to a feud with Punk.

Personally, while I think the video packages WWE release before PPVS and for returning wrestlers are generally good quality I would not put too much store into trying to cryptically analyse them. They could refer to anyone and the WWE's not actually that bothered about logic or continuity these days. Look at the dropping of the Anonymous GM angle.

Jericho looks the best bet as I don't think any of the other potential returning superstars are likely to come back yet(e.g. Batista, Brock Lesnar, etc) other than the Undertaker and I don't think the it begins video is the Taker. I think Taker will be back for another mania match with HHH and they will build that up in a different way.

Yeah, I don't think the promos are for Taker, and yes it seems like it's going to be Taker v HHH again, and talk is that HBK for the referee. I think it could possibly be Taker's last match :(
So, you think this one is a fake and the real Kane will be the person behind the It Begins videos?

I do think it's the real Kane, I think it's Glen Jacobs. The It Begins videos are a totally separate thing I reckon. Big talk that Chris Jericho is the man behind It Begins, which I'll be very disappointed with actually. I like him, but how many cryptic video returns does the man need? I hope it's Shane McMahon, but I won't be surprised if it is indeed Jericho.

I actually don't think that the it begins stuff is for Kane, that said who could put it past the shoddy creative stories of late?

Shanes busy working isn't he?

Yeah he has his own company to run and the likes of Rory Mcillroy to represent, he won't be back for a very very long time.

The reason it made me think of Shane was the 'she' (the girl) in the video being referred to. The only one I could think of was Stephanie.

If it is Jericho, who is this female linked with his return?

Watch it be fecking Vince that all this is for...
Yeah, I don't think the promos are for Taker, and yes it seems like it's going to be Taker v HHH again, and talk is that HBK for the referee. I think it could possibly be Taker's last match :(

Undertakers last match should be a huge push for a younger one, hell even losing to taker at mania is bigger than the main event these days.
Undertakers last match should be a huge push for a younger one, hell even losing to taker at mania is bigger than the main event these days.

Mark Calaway went on record before as saying if anybody would end the streak, he'd want it to be Glen Jacobs (Kane).

But, I suppose it would make sense for a young up & coming superstar to do it.