Television The Propgropthrop

Well he did go for Henry, but Henry ran away and they might explain it as a casual "well feck it, Cena was the next closest to me"

That's what I'm hoping. I hope they do a similar thing to "Kane's night of destruction" which I didn't have the pleasure of seeing when it aired, but would be awesome to revisit though over a couple months where he just makes it a regular occurrence for him to interrupt one or two matches every night and just destroy everyone.

Also I'd say the coolest part of this return besides the mask is the return of his old "Slow Chemical" music, though it's mixed well with his latest theme, so I think it's even better.
I sincerely hope that they don't drop the ball with this Kane return. He's back with the mask, which should give people the impression that this isn't the "fallible" Kane of the past few years, therefore, it's imperative that he goes on some long winning streak to re-build that "undefeatable" emotionless monster gimmick that worked so well before he lost the mask.

My hope is that Kane's return is setting him up for an undefeated streak leading up to Wrestlemania where he will go against 'Taker. Depending on how Kane is built up before that time, will give people enough interest to believe that it's "possible" that Undertaker might just lose to his brother......

A feud with Cena, pre-Wrestlemania, will do him no favours of being built up as Undertaker's opponent. That is, if Kane is being set up at Takers opponent.....
Anybody catch TLC last night?? Thought it was pretty meh overall... the main event is the only match I'd go out of my way to see, the rest of it wasn't particularly brilliant (though the only point where I was actually bored was during HHH vs. Nash)... Just very newsworthy.

Also... no John Cena on a PPV was just plain wierd. I'd go as far as saying I missed his presence... sort of.
No cena at all was weird. I was expecting to see him in the corner of Zack Ryder.
No cena at all was weird. I was expecting to see him in the corner of Zack Ryder.

Yeah, I was just waiting for the Swagger run-in, so Cena could stop it, or something.

I enjoyed most of the show though. Ryder as US champ and Punk/Bryan as world champs is good. Nash vs. HHH was absolutely dire though.
Yeah, I was just waiting for the Swagger run-in, so Cena could stop it, or something.

I enjoyed most of the show though. Ryder as US champ and Punk/Bryan as world champs is good. Nash vs. HHH was absolutely dire though.
Nash vs. HHH was actually quite a good match. HHH really went to work his knees and I really liked the finish. It was a night for the babyfaces though for the most part.
The results caused an IWC collective orgasm, but the actual matches themselves were pretty awful with the exception of the first and last matches. The Cody - Booker match was okay but probably a tv-level match.
Those indie schmucks eh?

:lol: and what the feck was that business with the great Khali a few months back? Are we supposed to believe that the 7 foot something former heavyweight champion would submit that easily to him? It was ridiculous. His booking has been consistently awful.
Essentially WWE doesn't understand the idea of subtlety or ramping up or shades of gray.

* Discover they have a huge following in India --> Milk the shit out of it and ram a very raw, unpolished wrestler down everyone's throats
* Discover Twitter can be a useful tool for marketing --> Mention it every five minutes on tv
* Discover Michael Cole can be a good heel --> Feed him lines and tell him to be completely relentless in his heel commentary
I wonder how long they can have Daniel Bryan holding the WHT before they realise he can't beat the likes of The Big Show, Mark Henry, Wade Barrett etc defending it without looking like superman.
Mark Henry put him over really well in that steel cage match a few weeks ago, I was really impressed by Bryan. I think he's got the attributes to be World Champion, it's just a matter of getting that across to the world convincingly.
I tried watching WWE again but just can't

Looking back The Rock was by far the best thing about WWF/E.
I was hoping for Undertaker but looks like it will be Jericho. Interesting theory on the persona, they'll probably argue about being 'Best in the World' and such. I really hope they don't go through with HHH vs. Undertaker at WM28, would much prefer it to be Kane.
Doing promos in Punjabi alienates the majority of viewers. When he does the half English/half Punjabi ones, the promos have no punch. He just comes across as an angry Indian bloke who gets his face kicked in week in week out.

Yeh he should start speaking a little more english but he is a complete idiot when he speaks. It's funny because I understand what he's saying and then he comes in the rings and gets dealt with. When did he come to WWE?

Also wtf is up with wwe and twitter. Every catchphrase seems to be trending on twitter and they love mentioning it.
Who is the 'she' in one of the videos though? It mentioned in the fourth video about 'she'. What woman could be put with Jericho if it's indeed him? Also if it's Taker, the only woman I can think of is his wife Michelle McCool.

TBH I'll be disappointed if it's Taker or Jericho. How many video returns do they need? They need to make it surprising.

I think the boy represents Shane McMahon and the girl represents Stephanie McMahon. Some of the words from the videos are 'look within' and 'control'.

Look within the family, and taking control of the company. Maybe Shane and Steph will attempt to take over the WWE, and get rid of the PG era! :D
Yeh he should start speaking a little more english but he is a complete idiot when he speaks. It's funny because I understand what he's saying and then he comes in the rings and gets dealt with. When did he come to WWE?

Also wtf is up with wwe and twitter. Every catchphrase seems to be trending on twitter and they love mentioning it.
He joined earlier this year as Khali's brother-in-law.

Who is the 'she' in one of the videos though? It mentioned in the fourth video about 'she'. What woman could be put with Jericho if it's indeed him? Also if it's Taker, the only woman I can think of is his wife Michelle McCool.

TBH I'll be disappointed if it's Taker or Jericho. How many video returns do they need? They need to make it surprising.

I think the boy represents Shane McMahon and the girl represents Stephanie McMahon. Some of the words from the videos are 'look within' and 'control'.

Look within the family, and taking control of the company. Maybe Shane and Steph will attempt to take over the WWE, and get rid of the PG era! :D
So you want a rehash (and a bad one at that) of the invasion storyline? :wenger:
I'm fine with a leadership power struggle. I just hate the idea of turning any other storyline into a leadership power struggle. The invasion storyline sucked because they turned a "which company has the best wrestlers" storyline into a McMahon family feud.

I'd love Shane and Steph though but I don't think Shane has the time. feckin love Shane.
I was hoping for Undertaker but looks like it will be Jericho. Interesting theory on the persona, they'll probably argue about being 'Best in the World' and such. I really hope they don't go through with HHH vs. Undertaker at WM28, would much prefer it to be Kane.

They've already had two HHH v Undertaker at Wrestlemania. However, conveniently when promoting the second match, they forgot about the first match, as if it never happened. They promoted it as Undertaker's hardest ever Wrestlemania match, and that he hadn't already beaten HHH. Strange how the WWE works sometimes.
They've already had two HHH v Undertaker at Wrestlemania. However, conveniently when promoting the second match, they forgot about the first match, as if it never happened. They promoted it as Undertaker's hardest ever Wrestlemania match, and that he hadn't already beaten HHH. Strange how the WWE works sometimes.
Rumour is that for Undertaker's match with HHH:
HBK's been booked in as special referee so it might be that HHH and HBK will try to screw Undertaker over.

WWE are building a rich portfolio with forgetting the past, e.g. ring 'implosion' with Big Show and Mark Henry. Michael Cole kept babbling on like how he'd never seen it before. But then Big Show comes out on the next Smackdown and says 'Oops... I did it again.' :lol:
Hope Stephanie is back on TV. Her tits were massive when she was a general manager :drool:
Ziggler's probably my favourite guy in WWE right now, in terms of match quality and promo quality. I also think he's probably the best in the company (at the moment) in terms of how he takes moves. He made the Rough Ryder look like being hit by a bus.
They'd want to get cracking on a new costume for Kane though. Does anyone else thinks he looks like that evil dude from The Mask?
