Television The Propgropthrop

Mark Calaway went on record before as saying if anybody would end the streak, he'd want it to be Glen Jacobs (Kane).

But, I suppose it would make sense for a young up & coming superstar to do it.

He also offered to lose to the up and coming Orton a few years back.

Imagine the hype someone would get, it could throw an undercard performer into a certified main eventer, it's pointless pushing a past it HHH or Kane like that, much better use for a Wade Barratt, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan type.

Seriously, everyone complains about Creative's writing nowadays, and as a suggestion for improvement? Put forward something they would. Kane being involved adds nothing, having taker beaten by a young superstar does the most good for the company, sure it might not draw as large a crowd (which, lets be face it, at mania it will be a huge crowd anyway) but who cares? long term thinking is what's needed is a young'un to win, what bigger push for a career can you have than ending the streak? You have a certified main eventer until they retire. Kane doing it will give Kane a push to being the main eventer where he has largely been a middle carder throughout his time, but how long will it last, 2? 3 maybe years?

This is why taker vs HHH is ridiculous, what possible good can come from HHH doing it? He should be happy with his current cushy role as an advisor/vice president/whatever the hell he is supposed to do. His current participation as a wrestler is doing nothing but harm to his reputation, that said he is competing with Nash, who can't even walk across the ring without tearing his quad, so that at least makes him look a little better than he actually is.

As great as taker has been for the business even he must be seeing that it's time to leave it be, he can only do 2 months max a year by now, most of which is just promos! I'm sure he can respect that he doesn't have it in him anymore, retirement MUST be close, this should, with all due respect (and there is a lot), be his last mania. As mentioned Kane getting the better of him would do no one any good, giving a Barratt, Bryan. Even comeone like Punk would be a big one, should he face taker at Wrestlemania he has cemented his position as THE MAN at the company, and he's still young enough to get a lot from it.

Anyway, I'm hooked to this It Begins stuff, guessing is useless, promos is the thing that WWE are best at nowadays. I'd assume that the girl is metaphorical, maybe mid match in the next Raw the girls face will appear on the titantron and just say "It Begins now", cue entrance of whoever it is (Y2J, Vince or taker being most likely) to destroy whoever is in the ring (or not in Vince's case, which is why I doubt it will be him).
I think he meant it should be because of Kane, not that Kane should win. I.e [Insert Superstars name] wins because of a Kane interference as you can't really have Taker win every WM every single year just to be beaten by someone normally unless they actually make it the most epic match up you've ever seen, would just look totally false.
CM Punk is fantastic but the ratings have plummeted since he won the title. It'll probably be taken off him as a result.
Y2J has said that he won't ever come back to WWE so I doubt it's him.
I think he meant it should be because of Kane, not that Kane should win. I.e [Insert Superstars name] wins because of a Kane interference as you can't really have Taker win every WM every single year just to be beaten by someone normally unless they actually make it the most epic match up you've ever seen, would just look totally false.

Not really, the build up the likes of Ziggler, Bryan and to a lesser extent Barrett have received make it plenty believable they could beat someone who disappears off the screen for 10/11 months.

CM Punk is fantastic but the ratings have plummeted since he won the title. It'll probably be taken off him as a result.

They need to give it a stable home for a while, allowing the title to gain some credibility which it has been lacking for an awful long time, he'll keep it until probably Elimination Chamber when Cena will win it, unless they are taking away the title from the mania match.

Y2J has said that he won't ever come back to WWE so I doubt it's him.

Y2J is a compulsive showman, he makes such lies to mess with the fans heads, he's also made hints he is returning, such as the "working in Hawaii" tweet he made. There is no reason to take his word at face value.
Not really, the build up the likes of Ziggler, Bryan and to a lesser extent Barrett have received make it plenty believable they could beat someone who disappears off the screen for 10/11 months.

If Bryan beat Taker I'd just laugh. There comes a point where you have to just realise that a punch to the face would drop him. It's like putting Santino in against Mark Henry. You can't have him annihilate the likes of HBK, Triple H etc etc and then lose to D Bryan. Your run of the mill match up maybe but Wrestlemania?

Wade Barrett is interesting, I can see that. I also remember IIRC Taker saying off camera he'd like to drop the streak to one person in particular who was up and coming but didn't say who.
If Bryan beat Taker I'd just laugh. There comes a point where you have to just realise that a punch to the face would drop him. It's like putting Santino in against Mark Henry. You can't have him annihilate the likes of HBK, Triple H etc etc and then lose to D Bryan. Your run of the mill match up maybe but Wrestlemania?

Wade Barrett is interesting, I can see that. I also remember IIRC Taker saying off camera he'd like to drop the streak to one person in particular who was up and coming but didn't say who.

The problem with it potentially being Barrett is that he just hasn't had that push to believability yet, whereas Bryan already has MITB and a title reign under his belt, making it more believable.

Chances are Cena wins at EC and Punk faces taker, or maybe have Ziggler face him, other than that it's all the old boys, which they need to move away from ASAP.

Whoever it is needs to have top in ring ability, another reason I mentioned Bryan, he's an ace technician.
So, you think this one is a fake and the real Kane will be the person behind the It Begins videos?

I do think it's the real Kane, I think it's Glen Jacobs. The It Begins videos are a totally separate thing I reckon. Big talk that Chris Jericho is the man behind It Begins, which I'll be very disappointed with actually. I like him, but how many cryptic video returns does the man need? I hope it's Shane McMahon, but I won't be surprised if it is indeed Jericho.

Definitely seperate. The it beings videos began before Kane returned anyway. So it wouldn't make sense if real Kane was behind them
The "Elevator" Cam on Smackdown was hilarious... though I'm not sure whether that was intentional or unintentional hilarity.

Anyway, was pretty underwhelmed by both Smackdown and RAW this week, next weeks episodes will hopefully fare better, with the title match on both shows and the return on RAW (I'm pretty sure it's Jericho... though it could just be Taker)
All three links come up with the same series of pictures for Kane. Which one do you think is different?

This one has been done to death over the years and has become abit of a myth. As an active wrestler, Kane has always been portrayed by Glen Jacobs. Sometimes he has long hair, sometimes he has a stubbly beard, sometimes he has had a mask, sometimes he's been bald and unmasked. It's still the same guy.

He might have a different build but all pro wrestlers vary in size and strengths at different periods when they have been wrestling for 15 years with the same gimmick. Look at different pics of Taker and Show and see how different they sometimes look.

Ah bollocks, must only work on a phone. Just had a look at the latest pics of Kane and you're right, its the same guy. It's just this picture that threw me..

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Don't really watch wrestling anymore but was interested to hear that Kane was back with his mask. I stopped watching around the time he was unmasked and I thought it was a bad decision at the time.

Looking at recent pictures though, it seems they're misusing him again. He's already on the mic and his mask is a bit shit really. They should have put him in one of his earlier masks and kept him away from the mic to create the intimidating 'monster' that he used to be. He didn't say much at all in all the years I used to watch, he's still going to be too human.
pocco said:
Looking at recent pictures though, it seems they're misusing him again. He's already on the mic and his mask is a bit shit really. They should have put him in one of his earlier masks and kept him away from the mic to create the intimidating 'monster' that he used to be. He didn't say much at all in all the years I used to watch, he's still going to be too human.
I wasn't thrilled with the mask either, but to have him go all the way back to how he was would have been a bit silly. We've seen his face, we've heard him speak then he goes back to being the silent monster; the years of him without the mask would have been pointless. I'd rather the mask covered more of his face, but I like that he's cutting promos now too.
Whoever edited this deserves a medal!

I can't wait until Monday, RAW should be fecking amazing!

As much as I'd love it to be, it won't be him. As far as I know, he's still under contract to UFC, and the Promos don't make any sense if they're him. I'm pretty confident it'll be Chris Jericho, especially with his Twitter claims yesterday that it's obvious it will be Brock.
Not really, the build up the likes of Ziggler, Bryan and to a lesser extent Barrett have received make it plenty believable they could beat someone who disappears off the screen for 10/11 months.
This is the Undertaker we are talking about here, the phenom, the deadman etc. The streak is also one of the greatest things in professional wrestling and there's no way in hell an up and comer should just be given the right the end it and fair play to Randy Orton for not ending it when he was given the opportunity. I would be pissed if Ziggler or Bryan just randomly ended it, unless of course its part of the greatest storyline the WWE comes up with and given their recent record I wouldn't really trust them to execute it well enough. If however say Bryan and the taker were going at it, having an epic match, near falls everywhere then Bam, Kanes music hits (it should be noted, that there would be build for this, for example Kane asking for the match but being declined or something, he wouldn't just randomly come out (unless there's a separate storyline for Kane whereby he's a super heel who comes out and choke slams every face in sight)) but yeah, Kane then comes out, Choke slams taker and Bryan takes the win and the streak with him, can you imagine the heat? It would be fecking immense.
Can anyone guess who's this?
For you PS:



Whoever edited this deserves a medal!

I can't wait until Monday, RAW should be fecking amazing!

Oh please, I wish that was real! I loved Brock Lesnar, and now he's retired from the UFC or whatever he's in. It's possible it could be him??

I'd be happy with Shane, Batista or Lesnar. (Hope it's not Jericho or Taker - Jericho because it's so hyped up to be him, it won't be surprising if it is, and we all know Taker's coming back for Mania).
Oh please, I wish that was real! I loved Brock Lesnar, and now he's retired from the UFC or whatever he's in. It's possible it could be him??
As I understand it, even though he's retired from fighting at UFC he's still under contract so he won't be able to compete for the WWE just yet.
As I understand it, even though he's retired from fighting at UFC he's still under contract so he won't be able to compete for the WWE just yet.

There is no chance he will go back to WWE that fast contract or not. I do believe he will within the year though.

He got destroyed on Friday night and clearly was not cut out for MMA at all. Not sure how WWE will be able to push a guy who failed quite badly in real fighting.

At least with Ken Shamrock he was a legitimate MMA star
He was handed a very early title fight against a guy about half his size. It was only his 4th fight that he got the title (one of which he lost)

He brought the UFC a lot of money because of who he was though.
I can imagine a great match between Ziggler and CM Punk tonight, with a number of near falls. Then the last cryptic video shows and all of a sudden Jericho comes out of nowhere and beats the shit out of CM Punk with the show ending with him holding the title over Punk.