Pro Evolution Soccer 2012

I'm sorry Doc but where have I personally attacked anyone? UAE broke forum rules by calling me a "Dickhead".

I want my lawyer and phone call.

Where have I said that?

I said you abused the report a post function by wading into a thread, wumming, and then running to the authorities when someone called you out on it.
Where have I said that?

I said you abused the report a post function by wading into a thread, wumming, and then running to the authorities when someone called you out on it.

No-one is wumming! Or is having an opinion about a video game now regarded as wumming?


In any case, as it is winding up the sensitive souls, I will vacate the thread.

Peace and Love,

M x
No-one is wumming! Or is having an opinion about a video game now regarded as wumming?


Doing it yearly is wumming.

Or are you going to play the innocent card and say "I had no idea my opinion would be so controversial?"
Really, who? Surely everyone can see it's a good game.

I doubt that everyone finds it a good game. I prefer the gameplay of PES myself although there are some animations from FIFA that I like but that's about it. No question that FIFA is a good game as is PES though and I'm pretty sure there still a very substantial number of people who prefers it for their own reasons. Like I said earlier, I played plenty of it recently as I hang out with a friend who's an avid FIFA player. Quite a number of aspects I find to be very frustrating in the game i.e. the main ones being the foul calls and the tackles, among others.

Take for example one situation I had when playing with said friend. Said friend goes down the right. Puts in a cross. Handball, penalty given. Fine. This is at around 90th minute I might add and I was leading by one goal. Van Der Sar saves it by palming it to the right. Said friend's player goes to retrieve the ball and immediately puts in another cross as he was chasing the game and another damn penalty was called, about 5 seconds after the 1st one was saved. Bloody stupid that is.
FIFA has been the better choice for years now! PES turned to arcadey shite a while ago now, which is a shame because I loved the early Winning Eleven/Pro Evo games.

Hopefully this new PES will be HUGELY improved but I won't hold my breath, Konami have promised a better game every year but not delivered.

Looks like a PlayStation 1 game still. Konami have some work to do if they want to catch FIFA this year, that has been the more improved and realistic experience of recent times. I used to adore the WE/PES series but the last few have been bloody awful, the ball felt more like a marble than a football.

FIFA 2009 feels like actual football to me. I can't wait for FIFA 2010 either!

PES has gone downhill so quickly over the last few years. It looks and feels ridiculous to me, everything is "sped up". Nothing more than an arcade fest these days but people will still buy it on it's reputation of old.


I want my game to be a football simulation, not a button mashing, disney looking, on-rails bollocks which has been PES in the last few years.

Konami have lost the plot.

Just so everyone knows that we're fair, like.
:lol: :lol:

Seabass is that you?

Who have I called an idiot?! And everyone knows that PES has been shite for years, go back and read my other posts! I used to love the PES/WE series back in the day but it's complete dog turd these days.

Lighten up! And there's no need for the personal attack either.

I'm inclined to agree with him, not sure why you reported the post. You do this every time. Look, this is a thread for people waiting for the new PES game, you coming here saying Fifa is better or Pro Evo being shit for years is just to provoke a reaction. Why do you care? Can you not accept that others might think differently, and not want to discuss Fifa, given it's a Pro thread, not the new Fifa one.

Why bother inviting this sort of reaction onto yourself, which is what happens each time? It's documented that you feel Pro is shit, or has been shit for years, that's great, but could you refrain from always bringing it up in these threads, and then complaining about the reaction you caused?
I doubt that everyone finds it a good game. I prefer the gameplay of PES myself although there are some animations from FIFA that I like but that's about it. No question that FIFA is a good game as is PES though and I'm pretty sure there still a very substantial number of people who prefers it for their own reasons. Like I said earlier, I played plenty of it recently as I hang out with a friend who's an avid FIFA player. Quite a number of aspects I find to be very frustrating in the game i.e. the main ones being the foul calls and the tackles, among others.

Take for example one situation I had when playing with said friend. Said friend goes down the right. Puts in a cross. Handball, penalty given. Fine. This is at around 90th minute I might add and I was leading by one goal. Van Der Sar saves it by palming it to the right. Said friend's player goes to retrieve the ball and immediately puts in another cross as he was chasing the game and another damn penalty was called, about 5 seconds after the 1st one was saved. Bloody stupid that is.

The new player collision system should see an end to that. Animations are now gone and the tackles, etc.. happen in real time.

As for handballs, they are set to off by default. EA only put them in because of fan demand. Your mate must have turned them on.
I'm inclined to agree with him, not sure why you reported the post. You do this every time. Look, this is a thread for people waiting for the new PES game, you coming here saying Fifa is better or Pro Evo being shit for years is just to provoke a reaction. Why do you care? Can you not accept that others might think differently, and not want to discuss Fifa, given it's a Pro thread, not the new Fifa one.

Why bother inviting this sort of reaction onto yourself, which is what happens each time? It's documented that you feel Pro is shit, or has been shit for years, that's great, but could you refrain from always bringing it up in these threads, and then complaining about the reaction you caused?

OK fair enough, I see your point :)

I will refrain from posting in here as it seems to upset a few peeps. I suppose I'm just pee'd off at Konami for giving the same promises year in, year out but not delivering.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012: Ultimate Player Controls - Xbox

Pro Evolution Soccer 2012: Ultimate Player Controls
By: Teddy Pierson -
Jul. 25th, 2011 11:14 am

Konami today unveiled additions to PES 2012 that will give users more control over the on-field action than in any football game to date. The new Teammate Control system – which gives users complete control over secondary players while the runner has the ball – represent an astonishing advance for the series.

KONAMI has previously outlined an all-new player select system wherein any player can be targeted and controlled as a set piece is taken, but the new system will give PES 2012 players total freedom in all areas. The Teammate Control system works in two ways, with users pressing the right analogue stick in the direction of the player they wish to control. The Assisted mode allows the user to activate a second player by depressing the R3 button, and allows users to get to grips with the greater level of control via effective running movements. Greater control is offered by the Manual mode, wherein the user has complete freedom of movement of the second player, and can make shuttle runs, find space, and shake off markers before calling for the pass from the player still with the ball. The player will then revert to computer control when the R3 button is released, and can also be used to override any AI runs the player wants to cancel. Both can be affected at any time, so players can make moves without waiting for a pass to be completed.

PES 2012 has already added a wealth of new AI elements to ensure that its on-field action truly reflects that of football at the highest level. The Active AI system ensures that players track attackers more effectively, but without compromising the shape of the team, while one-on-one situations offer greater control as defenders press and jostle to win the ball, as attackers can use upper body feints and movements to bypass and wrong-foot their man.

Series Producer Shingo 'Seabass' Takatsuka and his Tokyo-based team have also confirmed a secondary batch of welcome additions, many of which have been added following consultation with PES and football fans from all over the world. Penalties in PES 2012, for instance, have been completely reworked and now use a camera from behind the taker, with players determining the position, power and placement of each kick. Shooting has also been enhanced, with the various attributes of each player taken into account with the timing, pace of the ball and position of the striker's body to the ball coming into effect to produce less wild, ballooned efforts. Shot feints also return, with player moving so the goalie commits to the save, whilst the player can reposition for a clearer effort.

Alongside these additions to shooting, movement and reaction everywhere else is also been greatly enhanced. Valuable time has been shaved from player reactions, and overall improvements to the animation via flow-block motions and changes to the player hit-point elements have lead to a three-frame improvement in response times, meaning players are quicker to chase down balls, amend and tailor their run, or take on a defender. The speed with which players turn has also been streamlined, making quick movements more fluid and natural. Vitally, control is no longer totally lost when losing possession of the ball, with players recovering quickly when stumbling to reclaim the ball, or close the ground when tracking back.

All skills can also now be refined in the return of the much loved 'Challenge Training' mode. A hugely popular part of PES lore - Challenge Training - gives the player a series of tough tests which they can use to hone various skills. The mode allows users to work hard on their attacking and defending skills to improve their main game. Similarly, there are dribbling tests and set-piece challenges that necessitate hitting a series of targets, and punishing shooting tasks are used for push the player as they put in the hours that will make all the difference on field.

The aesthetic style of PES 2012 has also been refined further, with the overall movement of the players now more fluid than ever, with animations segueing into each other effortlessly and incredible attention to detail. Such is the level of graphical finesses that you can see players sweating, their neck muscles tensing as they call for the ball and bark orders to each other, and the muscles in their mouths and around their eyes contort to show the emotions the players are experiencing. This is further enhanced via dynamic lighting in the game which creates shadow and reflects from their eyes in true real-time. In keeping with the game's exclusive use of the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa LeagueTM licenses, referees governing such matches will also wear the official UEFA Champions League uniforms.

Attention to detail also extends to the circumstances surrounding each match. Players limber up before a match, grounds-men prepare the surface as the players wait in the tunnel, while managers can be seen patrolling the touchline as camera cranes pan to cover the action. The players also pick up the ball in readiness of a throw-in, and general physicality is enhanced, with players reacting to how they are challenged, stumbling or falling depending on the severity of the tackle.

"The addition of Teammate Control is something we have been working on for a while now, and we are delighted that it will make its debut in PES 2012," commented Jon Murphy, European PES Team Leader for Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH. "We have been building to create a control system that truly lets the player do whatever they like on field, and the ability to manually control a second player while simultaneously running with the ball opens all kinds of attacking options. Coupled with the Active AI advancements that ensure supporting players make shuttle run and find space, and I think we have made a huge step towards producing the most advanced football title to date."

"This is the start of a major new era for PES," added Murphy. "In the coming weeks we will detail more on how the ever-popular Master League has evolved, and will be unveiling the new face of the series. With PES moving ever upwards, it is time for an equally high profile and skilled cover star. The new player has all the attributes of the new game, in that he is a strong all-rounder, skillful, fast, and capable of making magic happen on-field. We have had a wonderful time working so closely with Lionel Messi and thank him for his efforts and support, and will reveal who will be the face of PES 2012 very, very soon."
7 days I’ve had preview code. A week of non-stop PES 2012 action. And still, I can’t put my finger on why the game has me playing it consistently. I mean, it’s development code, it’s unfinished, it has problems, but I don’t care. I want to play, and keep playing. But I should care, right? It’s these constant questions that keep going through my mind as I finish up another hour of PES.

Much has been said about the magic PES has, this ‘feeling’. It connects with the gamer, giving you enough moments of euphoria, enough moments of real achievement to keep you playing. And despite the problems, you get the feeling (that special one) that you’re playing a complete football game.

Maybe the problems don’t bother me because I’m reassured by an active and aware Jon Murphy consistently, always telling me what is being worked on. The keepers in general are solid enough, and have stepped up on animations since last code, but a few bugs have found their way in. There’s a general fragility when advancing them out to engage an attacker, and odd moments of positioning when faced with set-pieces. There’s also a horrible hop over the ball when faced with low shots on occasion, always resulting in a goal.

But other times they behave brilliantly, saving shots full stretch and tipping a ball destined for the corner over the bar. To say they’re ‘fixed’ is an overstatement, but to say they’re still an issue is also unfair. 90% of the time they work brilliantly, and there has been many long sessions where they do what they’re supposed to do.

The same goes for the shooting. When you’re on the correct foot of the player, time and space, it feels so right. But there’s a major dip in satisfaction when other attributes come into play. It’s all believable and makes sense when the ball trickles to the keeper when under pressure, or strikes with his wrong foot, but you do feel a bit…meh. Maybe too much error? Perhaps too reliant on the perfect ingredients for a powerful effort? Hard to say, but I do think shooting overall needs to be a bit more sharper, more punchy.

But again, the things above don’t bother me. They’re being worked on as I write this.

The real reason why those things don’t detract from the game, however, is because of this complete feeling of satisfaction when playing the game. It’s a feeling you can liken to any game in the industry, that gets so much right it’s hard not to go a bit gooey, and love everything about it.

The AI has been talked about a great deal, but it’s the epicenter of PES 2012, and continues to amaze as you keep on playing. It’s not just the player runs, or the way your teammates react to everything going on in the game. It’s the life it breathes into everyone. From charging down shots and crosses, to poking out their foot to intercept a pass nearby, if only to slightly divert it’s trajectory. It’s the way opposing defenders charge into the back of your player receiving the ball, in an attempt to disrupt him, or even poke away the ball. In the same instance, instantly backing off once the player has full control of the ball.
It’s the way your teammates will provide instant cover, where possible, when Messi glides past you yet again. It’s all working, it’s very much alive.

PES 2012 in so many ways is a game that brings in and teaches you so many real life elements. Charging in trying to tackle will usually see a player fly by you, or you catching him with a mistimed tackle. Similar to PES5, refs will call a foul on little niggling clips, and makes you realize you can’t simply rush in and try to win the ball back. And when you do foul, you’ll watch in awe in the way players fall, and realistically hit the ground. The collision system in general won’t get the time of day due to FIFA’s advancements this year, but there’s a real argument that it works better in PES 2012.

There’s also this incredible realism to facing teams, whether it be Barcelona or Paraguay. Like in real life, most teams suffer against the likes of Messi, Xavi and Iniesta, and PES 2012 is no different. Facing the best team in the world right now will give you a real test, in a way not seen ever before in a football game. They hold the ball, pass it around, short quick passes. And then when Messi gets the ball, just hope and pray you have enough people around you to stop him. Any rash moment will see him usually glide past your defense and score.

But then there are teams like Paraguay, who defend deep and look to counter where possible. You’ll find yourself then being asked questions. Can you brake them down? It gets you thinking, gets you using the tactics and using your team in ways completely differently to a team looking to control the game and score.

Sandwiched in between this are them teams who are solid, with a star player or two to give them that extra oomph. Take Chile, a technically sound team, with Alexi Sanchez up front, able to twist and turn defenders, hold the ball up, and sprint past players too keen to engage.

Individuality has always been key in PES, but what PES 2012 brings is a further appreciation for everyone you control, his strengths and weaknesses. I’d say their impact is even bigger than the PS2 days, where the likes of Sneijder, or even David Silva are pocket sized players blessed to control any match.

The fluidity in motion, as well as the refs working fantastically allows these slight but skillful players to truly shine. Any mistimed challenge, or aggression when the ball isn’t there to be won results in a free kick, making you feel happy to try and create space. Because you trust the game.

And in general the fluidity is a big winner in PES 2012. From controlling the player, to firing off passes quickly, to general movement and control, it’s a world away from the rigidness and locked animations that we got last year. This also impacts the right stick controls, which adds to the experience during throw-ins and set-pieces. Being able to quickly select a nearby player accurately brings in a whole new element of freedom sorely missing in the series.

The same appreciation doesn’t span across to the trigger runs unfortunately. Not because it’s poorly implemented, but because you don’t need it. I do have a feeling it was implemented due to feedback, but at the same time has no impact because the players around you are always making the runs you need. It will be interesting to see what everyone thinks of it, but I can see this feature being skipped by all.

Passing is another triumph, already spoken about at length. But the latest code gives you a greater appreciation of the better players in each team. As while even the most able passer can ping the ball about easily, the best players are able to put the ball just where you want it, and twice as fast. Even with the assistance off, (or on 2 bars, which is semi assisted) you’ll find more error allowed to the higher skilled players.

OK, I lied. It seems I DO know why I love this game, and why the console has barely been off this past week. I’ve not felt this good about PES for a long while. A feeling that has come not only by playing the game, but also watching others play it. What will stop this game from being the best PES ever comes down to Seabass and his team fixing the issues spoken about. Time will tell.

Over to you Konami, don’t let us down.

WENB PES 2012 Preview Code Impressions | Winning Eleven Next-Gen Blog
Ronaldo's fanboys will cream themselves
Just seen the jostling and defending system on a trailer

:lol::lol: Awful once again, they have a long way to go to catch up to EA but the graphics are as always Stunning!
Just seen the jostling and defending system on a trailer

:lol::lol: Awful once again, they have a long way to go to catch up to EA but the graphics are as always Stunning!

"as always"?

It's only with the the last couple of releases that the graphics have been better than Fifa.
"The first of two demos for PES 2012 is to be released on August 23rd on Xbox Live and August 24th on the Playstation Network."

Caught that part from wikipedia, anyway the first demo will definitely be out next week.
im looking forward to trying this demo, looking like i will be going with PES instead of fifa first this year, usually get fifa first and then pes later. i hear the spanish league is licensed this year, the nets appear to have been fixed thank feck. anyone know if man utd is going to be licensed this year?
Apparently the Spanish League is fully licensed. They really need to sort the licensing out. Some people can't be arsed to search up and download patches for the updated kits.
Apparently the Spanish League is fully licensed. They really need to sort the licensing out. Some people can't be arsed to search up and download patches for the updated kits.

Sort what out? They don't have EA's budget and their ability to hold down that many exclusive licences. If people want the right shirts/names/etc. then PES isn't for them, tbh.
Sort what out? They don't have EA's budget and their ability to hold down that many exclusive licences. If people want the right shirts/names/etc. then PES isn't for them, tbh.

Well, yeah. And the lack of fully licensed leagues is certainly a deterrence for someone who is one the fence or hopeful on switching. It is certainly one of the more realistic approaches PES can take to catch up to FIFA because they are still behind in many facets.
The licensing issue wont bother any PES fan. It shouldn't either. The gameplay is a lot more important than a few kits and team names. Regardless, the only league that wont be fully licensed is the premier league, and possibly one italian team.
I find the licensing issues matter. I hate it when it's not right. First thing I fix in the editor each time I get a new Football Manager game. Wouldn't be a problem for me if it were fixable with one patch in PES. Then again I've been a FIFA man since 95 through thick and thin. Will give this demo a try though. See where they're at.
Some pics to wet your appetite.If they can get the gameplay to match up they could be on to a winner.





Looks nice, but it's all about the gameplay for this. The last 3 or 4 have been so poor i'm not very optimistic at all.
Demo is supposed to be released for Xbox and PS3 today - I've read some very good feedback on various forums!

I can't find it on XBL Marketplace though - anyone played it yet?
Wha wha whaaaa??

PSN + or us regular proles?

Those England screen caps look very good btw (I'm not so sure about the Portugal ones, especially Nani, who looks like he's mid Thriller transformation) but PES has been graphically better than Fifa for a while now, it's the playing that matters.
going to download it when i get home tomorrow, looking forward to trying it out
Graphics are mouthwatering, never gave PES a proper go... if this edition gets raving reviews I will probably buy it for once.

Is it as easy to play ranked games online as it is with FIFA?

Fecking hell, Young & Lampard are spot on. I'm willing to give the PES12 demo a go this year after the absolute failures that they've had on the PS3. But saying that, I've already pre-ordered FIFA12 so it'd have to be damn good to make me buy it!
Wha wha whaaaa??

PSN + or us regular proles?

Those England screen caps look very good btw (I'm not so sure about the Portugal ones, especially Nani, who looks like he's mid Thriller transformation) but PES has been graphically better than Fifa for a while now, it's the playing that matters.

You're anything but regular.

But yeah, it's for everyone, not just the + wankers.