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Thank you for the offer. Just to confirm about the spare for Leicester. It is a single correct?

If I understood correctly, then again thank you but will look for a pair together before I commit. I hope you understand but again thank you for the offer.

Rob Bowman
Thank you again for your offer and the understanding. I will get back to you one way or the other and if you could do the same would be appreciated but I understand if the situation dictates otherwise.

Still got?
Yeee still have it!
Hi mate,
If you are still after a pair for West Ham I have got a pair in W3103 for £70
Couldnt reply the thread was locked. You are also talking shite about me, 90% percent I am? Really? What’s the point of just talking crap about someone else? I thought Ole wasn’t the right man and was unimpressed with the Wenghorst signing, that makes me 90% percent does it? Like you’ve been following me for 18 years on this forum and know me do you. Yeah thought so.
Real Name
Are you all right mate?
How do we present men from act like trans women and abuse women or girls? Do I have to date trans men as much as men? Am I transphobic if I don't want female genitalia in my bed? Yes, that is something I heard. There is a lot to discuss.
Of course there is trans debate. Who can compete win women in the Olympic Games? Who can enter ladies dressing rooms? Who gets monthly menstruation leave? Do you need some kind of certification to enter a dressing room or a wig and a lipstick would be enough?
s"orry, what's ridiculous about it exactly?

and yes, i do think racism, like sexism, homophobia and transphobia is bigoted behaviour. i think you'll find most people do.

edit: also, there is no 'trans debate'. what you're talking about is transphobia."
Hi mate, I will have all 3 for a young lad I know, if they are still available I will give you his membership details etc for you to transfer and I’ll pay you for them, text me on 07982 252206
Hi Mate, could potentially take all three Leeds tickets from you if you still have them. Do we all need to be members? I think only one of us is. How much are they?

I'll check and make sure my mates are up for it, obviously sell on if you get a more concrete offer before I get back to you

Hi mate, are the forest pair sat together? I'm a member and have bought off people on here before
Bad Isn’t It Mate, Got Palace In The Ballot But Couldn’t Make It Due To Work Today :mad: :mad:
i have never offended anyone in my posts, used inappropriate language or have been commenting anything else but theme of discussion, but anyway, you keep deleting most of my posts. would you be so kind to give me some explanation or recommendation for future discussions. kind regards
Hi buddy

It will be due to formatting issues. Please read the site's formatting guide. We only work to the rules. Nothing personal.
United fan since 1991.
First real memory is Clayton Blackmore's free kick against Montpellier.

I ve been fortunate to be at Old Trafford for:
Scholes vs Barcelona 08
Macheda vs Villa 09
Rooney vs City 11
Rashford vs City 23
Maybe you missed the part where Dobby was freed and he was very happy to be free. Winky had Stockholm syndrome, she relied entirely on het master, and most of the houseelves are like her. The message is not that slaves should never be freed but rather that you have to consider their interests and wished as well.
Hermione tried to free them without considering their future, like where will they live, how will they earn money? Also she never tried to involve them in the decision making she just decided they should be freed as quickly as possible. I think you should open your eyes then read the story again.
Mike Smalling
I don't care what you think.
If you would give centaurs basic rights in the wizarding world, you clearly know nothing about them. They have their own territory in the forest where they are let to live in peace. If any human enters they territory they rape or possibly kill them. That's what happened to Umbridge in the 5th book. So they already have basic rights, not in human's world but they have their own place where they can live as they wish.
As for houselves their situation will get better but we don't see the end of it in the books. Hermione tried to free them, which was a terrible idea because they have nowhere else to go. Houselves have a good place at Hogwarts, and there are many families who treat them well.
A lot should be changed of course but we know the Hermione continued to work on it after the books. It's a work in progress, you can't expect everything to be nice and rosy just because Voldemort is finished.