New profile posts

@nimic showed me what you've been saying behind my back. You're finished here. I've got a meeting with the boss in the morning so clear out your desk and feck the feck off out of here. Try RAWK.
Hello! Everton spare? Mind I ask which block. I am looking for a single, but really looking for the standing corner, or Stretty....

Thanks in advance!
There, see, that's his way of saying sorry. It's a local thing really. Also he used to steal all the other kids milk during playtime at kindergarten.
Mr Pigeon
Go feck yourselves
There's really no need to apologise to me but thanks. :)
The data in my post about the Man Utd financials are from 6/29/2022 Income Statement.
Have to write it here because as a Newbie I can only post 3 times.
Regulus Arcturus Black
Makes sense, that isn’t the current wage. Lots of contracts expired at the end of June.
Hi mate, sorry to bother you I dint know who else to contact. Having massive issues with chrome for android. If I go on the site I have to delete cookies to view the next page I click on if that makes sense. Been happening for a few week now but I found a way around if, that's not working now either.
Other browsers seems fine
A few people have been having problems with Chrome of late. Best person to contact for technical issues is the site owner, Niall. Best of luck.
I cannot log in with Chrome. It keeps saying This page is not working.
How long have you been getting the message for? And are you able to see the website on Chrome then you get that message on the login screen? What is the exact wording?
I can’t reply in the thread because I’m newbie with less than 50 posts.

But to answer your question about Mr Luckhurst:

Wasn‘t the statement of the report that Tim Cook was considering Apple to acquire Man Utd?

To me this is an assumption that can only be made reliably if someone has insight to internal sources at Apple.
Literally spamming my notes with literal abuse cos he just can't stand it that I'm betterer than him at life.
How do you think an Apple acquisition of Manchester United would look like?
Doctor Thrax
Apple has absolutely no experience with leading a professional football or any sport club. Beyond that the money that they would have to spend for the acquisition is granted by the shareholders who invested in a globally leading tech / software company. If you were Apple CEO how would you explain the purchase of Manchester United for - lets say - 6 billion USD to your shareholders?
Investors don't need to have an experience in running something to invest. What they do is find someone who knows the business. As for explaining this to the shareholders, Apple has a lot of cash it's almost creating a problem, United is a good long term investment.
Doctor Thrax
1st: Apple is not an investment firm.
2nd: If you tell your shareholders that you bought Manchester United for billions of USD just because you consider the cash as a problem, your shareholders would probably not be too happy as you could have get rid of your excess cash by just paying it to them as dividends.

Seriously, i can see no possible way how to explain such a huge and risky investment to the shareholders.
Honourable Niall,

thank you for sending your message.

In case of further questions and of course also suggestions, I will be pleased to be at your disposal!

Warm Greetings from Germany

Doctor Thrax
I'm a little bit familiar with the capital market and I'd like to mention that Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway holds 5.63% of Apple shares which makes them the 2nd most influential Apple shareholder after Vanguard Group. Anyone who knows about Buffett's investment philosophy will probably agree with my statement that it is unlikely for Berkshire to let this happen. But maybe I'm wrong. :wenger:
Thank you Cheimoon. The mod that newbies need, but don’t quite deserve lol! Have a great rest of the day.
The dark scout?
No one’s gonna know who saved an entire forum. They know … it was the Canadian Dark Scout.