I'm pretty sure McShane has only just broken through to the reserves. he's a great prospect but both Howard and Bardsley are ahead of him at the moment, though I've hardly seen any of Howard.
Very exciting to see Ngalula breaking through! He's very variable though at present - will be magisterial in one match or part of a match, then rubbish in the next.
Eagles isn't like Beckham IMO, and I can't see him moving into the middle. He reminds me a bit of Milner. Also can't see him breaking through next season, apart from the Carling Cup - he's just too young and has lots of developing to do.
This is beginning to sound like a negative post - not meant to be, there are some very exciting talents, BUT: we really shouldn't expect 4-5 players to make it to regular 1st-team level. 2 or 3 is more realistic I reckon. Spector, Bardsley, Jones and Eagles look the best bets to me, though I think SAF will try Timm out next season to see if 1st-team level makes him step up like Sheasy did.