Film Your Top 5 Films of all Time

Out of curiosity, do people believe the number of great films has decreased over the years? Or is it nostalgia attached to those older films?
No, given most films at the top of the box office are prequels, sequels, remakes etc.

It's fun to look at the releases in say a random 90s year like 1995 compared to 2022 and see the difference in not just the oscar/biggest films but the average releases.
At this very moment in time I'd say in no order.

The Departed
Wolf of Wall Street

But could be.

Donnie Darko
Schindlers list
The Dark Knight
Out of curiosity, do people believe the number of great films has decreased over the years?

In Hollywood? Yes. But foreign film is still going strong.

The problem with Hollywood is that they take almost no chances anymore. Blockbusters have never really been good on average, but every once in a while they'd strike gold. But to strike gold you typically have to be original and take a few chances.

Or is it nostalgia attached to those older films?

Nostalgia will always play a part in these personal lists.
Really tough to do, ask me again in a week and I am sure one or two might change depending on my mood.

No particular order.

Blade Runner 2049
Top Secret
Genuinely surprised at so many inclusions of Requiem for a Dream. While I remember thinking it was good when it came out, it's so relentlessly grim I can't imagine ever wanting to see it again, let alone considering it a favourite, as that implies frequent rewatching and enjoyment.
Genuinely surprised at so many inclusions of Requiem for a Dream. While I remember thinking it was good when it came out, it's so relentlessly grim I can't imagine ever wanting to see it again, let alone considering it a favourite, as that implies frequent rewatching and enjoyment.
Nah, sometimes one watch leaves enough of an impact. Ringu is one of my favourites but I don't want to ruin the memory and watch it now that jhorror has been massively milked (I saw it when I was young and visiting Asia, in a similar house to the one in the film, it was dark and rainy outside, perfect atmosphere). Same for Blair Witch... Love it but I doubt it will have the same impact now.
Fahrenheit 451 by François Truffaut
The Time of the Gypsies by Emir Kusturica
Barry Lyndon by Stanley Kubrick
Il Gattopardo by Luchino Visconti
Amarcord by Federico Fellini
Out of curiosity, do people believe the number of great films has decreased over the years? Or is it nostalgia attached to those older films?
Imo it’s nostalgia. By peoples late 20’s most will have their list of great/favourites films and then will spend a lot of time repeat watching.
Fast and Furious
Fast and Furious 2
Fast and Furious 3
Fast and Furious 4
Fast and Furious 5
Furious 7
Fast 5
The Fast and the Furious
Fast & Furious 6
Fast X
Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift
Fast & Furious
The Fate of the Furious
F9: A Fast Saga
2 Fast 2 Furious
Imo it’s nostalgia. By peoples late 20’s most will have their list of great/favourites films and then will spend a lot of time repeat watching.
I agree to some extent. I think a lot of great films have similar qualities - great story telling, character arcs, writing, themes etc etc. Once you've seen a lot of the greats you know the formula already. I think the same for tv shows/music. My favourite TV shows are some of the first I watched and the same with music. Have there been as great films as Heat, Goodfellas, Godfather etc in recent years? I don't know, because I always use the older films I have watched as a barometer.

There is also the argument that films, tv shows and music are overly commercialised now. People's attention spans are shorter so more are made with the spectacle in mind over actual substance. I would argue this is also the case, so I guess the answer is somewhere in between. I would probably say there are slightly fewer good films, but a lot more bad films.
I only real have three proper favourites that I always go back to.

City of God
The Intouchables
In Bruges
Terminator 2
LOTR: Return of the King

I asked my Mrs and she said:

Pride and Prejudice
LOTR: All of them ..
Boat that Rocked
All Harry Potters

She left her fifth space open and included 12 films across 4 selections. Insanity.
1. Godfather II
2. Godfather I
3. The Shawshank Redemption
4. Heat
5. Godfellas
Congratulations. A real film fan who realises that superb cinema existed pre 1965
Uhm, thanks, I guess! I was actually myself thinking it's sad how incredibly Hollywood-based that list is. Thinking about it later, I thought I should have added Aus dem Leben der Anderen (The Lives Of Others) and probably some Québec film, but it wouldn't change the overall picture. Guess that's just what I've watched!
Blade Runner
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
The Thing
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Brilliant film.
It is beautiful and might be the movie with the best utilisation of pre existing music I’ve ever seen. The way Händel‘s Sarabande carries the movies is incredible.
Fast 5
The commuter
Red notice
Welcome to the jungle
Apocalypse Now
The Outlaw Jose Wales
Seven Samuari
The Dark Knight
Top 5 (approximate number of times rewatched):

Whiplash (5x)
Godfather 2 (8x)
Sicario (7x)
No Country for Old Men (5x)
Inglorious Basterds (4x)

Honorable Mentions (Rewatched over 3 times atleast):

Uncut Gems
Black Swan
Social Network
Wind River
Dark Knight
Risky Business
Green Book
History of Violence
Top Gun Maverick
Casino Royale
Zero Dark Thirty
Kings Speech
Schindler's List
Django Unchained
The Big Short
Wolf of Wall Street
There Will be Blood
Top Gun
Lincoln Lawyer
T2 J-Day
12 Years a Slave
Good Will Hunting
Shawshank Redemption
True Grit
Ford vs Ferrari
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Se7en is an overwhelmingly bleak movie, the palette, the score, the general grey, damp misery of it and I love it. The quick, effective world-building is a great feature and one slightly overlooked by people in my opinion. I think it's a tad underrated due to the ending that was aped a bit like the Matrix, which was lampooned and became a cultural touchstone/zeitgeist thing.

Yes, the environment in which it is set almost takes on a life of its own. It's never named but comes across as kind of a New York / LA hybrid, and it really shines through that it's supposed to be dilapidated and filled with misery and debauchery, which is why Somerset is intent on leaving it at the beginning of the plot.

There are some great thematic and structural parallels to another massive favourite of mine, the first season of True Detective, as outlined in this video essay.
Yes, the environment in which it is set almost takes on a life of its own. It's never named but comes across as kind of a New York / LA hybrid, and it really shines through that it's supposed to be dilapidated and filled with misery and debauchery, which is why Somerset is intent on leaving it at the beginning of the plot.

There are some great thematic and structural parallels to another massive favourite of mine, the first season of True Detective, as outlined in this video essay.

Classic Fincher!

No Country and Sicario 1 have some parallels too.
Top 5 (approximate number of times rewatched):
Sicario (7x)

Think this is undoubtedly the best action film I've seen directly at the pictures as I watched it with next to no expectation was blown away. The suspense scene when they are crossing the border with the barking dog it's cinematic brilliance.
Out of curiosity, do people believe the number of great films has decreased over the years? Or is it nostalgia attached to those older films?

Absolutely it's really hard to point out the particulars a good number of recent releases I've caught have consistently struggled with either pacing or character development / resonance. Just had a look at the best critically acclaimed movies of this year and the picks lack substance (subjective of course). Even look at the highest grossing via box office and it just goes to show how the industry is catering to the emerging audience.