Your Top 5 films: 2010

My revised list so far.
5. How to train your dragon.
4. The girl with the dragon Tattoo.
3. True Grit.
2. The Social Network.
1. Black Swan.

I have yet to see the Fighter, Monsters, A Prophet and Four Lions.
I need to see this 'How To Train Your Dragon'. Not normally big on animated stuff though.

I will almost certainly include 'The Fighter' on my list for 2011.
I need to see this 'How To Train Your Dragon'. Not normally big on animated stuff though.

I will almost certainly include 'The Fighter' on my list for 2011.

Will be watching that tomorrow night so I may revise my list again.
I have not yet seen Inception or Mother or Social Network or Catfish or Carlos so my list would be the following in no particular order

A Prophet
Secret in their Eyes
Hurt Locker (Think I saw this in 2010 but if not Down Terrace)
Mesrine (Part1&2)
Chico & Rita

Most overrated would have to be Four Lions.
I have not yet seen Inception or Mother or Social Network or Catfish or Carlos so my list would be the following in no particular order

A Prophet
Secret in their Eyes
Hurt Locker (Think I saw this in 2010 but if not Down Terrace)
Mesrine (Part1&2)
Chico & Rita

Most overrated would have to be Four Lions.

Forgot about that one, it would probably be number one on my list. It's one of the most interesting films i've seen for years (Possibly unintentionally so, on the film makers part) .

1. Catfish
Did you see it in one chunk? The first half is quite brilliant, the second not so great.

yeah I watched it all through with a couple of hours break in the middle. the first half was great. Then again I thought A Prophet was underwhelming too
yeah I watched it all through with a couple of hours break in the middle. the first half was great. Then again I thought A Prophet was underwhelming too
That would explain Mesrine for me, the second half was dull (I think they wanted to balance the first half being too much a homage to the Jacques-the-lad). Can't agree about A Prophet though, that was a long film in one part not stretched over two, Mesrine would have been better for that IMO.
That would explain Mesrine for me, the second half was dull (I think they wanted to balance the first half being too much a homage to the Jacques-the-lad). Can't agree about A Prophet though, that was a long film in one part not stretched over two, Mesrine would have been better for that IMO.

Mesrine would definitely have benefitted from being shorter. the second half just lost its way and I couldnt wait for it to end. A prophet was probably overhyped for me. Had people going on and on about it and I maybe expected too much. Decent movie but just not great in my opinion
Forgot about that one, it would probably be number one on my list. It's one of the most interesting films i've seen for years (Possibly unintentionally so, on the film makers part) .

1. Catfish

Watched this just last week, then watched it again with a few of my flatmates and told a few others about it and they all agreed it was great. Didn't really know what to expect from it first off even though the basic storyline was fairly straightforward, but it was gripping throughout and the suspense created - intentional or not, although the editing was clever - was a welcome surprise.

Black Swan and Catfish almost definitely in the top 5, still to watch the Fighter, The Social Network, Mesrine, The Secret in their Eyes, A Prophet and True Grit (and How to Train Your Dragon) so I'd say it's a decent year for movies. Inception was a good watch as well.