I highlydoubt Moss will succeed in NE. I guess time will tell.
Bump, Yankees how 8 and a half games back now.
Clemens came out of the bullpen....WTF???
dodgers baby! yankees, angels, and frisco gay area giants suck.. everyone else is cool
Angels don't suck at all. You're right about the rest.
10 games back at the all star break.
you think they have a shot at the playoffs?
red sox had the same record last year at the all-star break and ended up in third place. anything could happen...
Anything could and I'm still hoping for a huge Boston style collapse so we can take the division but more realistically it'll probably be the wild cardberth. I have to say though if we make it into the play-offs i really fancy us for the series, more than the past couple of years I fell this team could do it.
I hope the Yanks don't give A-rod 30mil as good as he is thats too much. How much money does he need but if he does opt out and he won't go for anything under 30mil I think the yanks should go after miguel cabrera he is out of contact and would wants half of what A-rod wants.
Huge series for the Yanks now that we take on a dicision rival in Toronto. They just tied a series with the Soxand are stillsmarting over that Rodriguez shout. Kei Igawa will win us the opening gamehopefully. Also with boston facing the shitty royals its crucial we don't fall further. behind.
I say give the man what he wants. It would be a huge mistake to let him go.
The way the fans treated him last year booing him and the way the new york media treated this year is unfair so if he does opt out I would not blame him. Saying that I really don't want him to leave he is noby far the best baseball player in MLB.
With the trade deadline coming who would you trade.
Farnsworth is definitely the guy most Yankees fans want gone.
If Mark Cuban buys the Cubs, ARod will end up in Chicago. His insanity level is right up there for ARod and his agent to con for $30m per year. No pro athlete is worth that kind of dosh.
Jays will sweep...... unless A-Rod starts to cheat again....
Yanks already have the aeries and are going for the sweep now. Boston is now 7 games ahead.
The Jays pitching staff is really awful past Halliday and with Ryan out for the season there is absolutely nothing in the pen....
The Jays pitching staff is really awful past Halliday and with Ryan out for the season there is absolutely nothing in the pen....