The bad "V"
Going back to the release of PS4Desperate times.
I wanted to go back to that moment in time where Sony were good.
Going back to the release of PS4Desperate times.
Have MS closed down a Chinese retailer because they were selling imported consoles?
Have MS got Ddosed for a month from kiddies and have their whole network down? And then after people’s private details got leaked they offered shitty games as compensation.
Have MS priced out their gamers by pricing games to £70?
Have MS appeared on BBC watchdog?
Have MS made multiplayer free on their console and then start charging for it on their new console?
You living in the past and so can I.
8 from IGN
9 from Gamespot
92 from PCGamer
Recommended from Eurogamer
Resident Evil 2 and 3 Remastered are both on sale at the moment on the store. I've only just started RE2 but zomg it's so so good. A few jump scares but it's properly well done and real established tension. The only slight annoyance is zombies being bullet sponges, but I think that's done so you have to think tactically about how you approach situations.It does look good. Not sure horror games appeal to me that much though. Especially if it’s full of jump scares.
When am I going to be able to actually buy one of these things?
It does look good. Not sure horror games appeal to me that much though. Especially if it’s full of jump scares.
Twice I’ve now managed to get a series X in to the basket only to be denied when completing my order. Honestly starting to wonder if I can even be bothered trying.
Yeah for sure. Doubt I would have ever bought the Ori games, but here I am about to finish the second, and they’ve been one of the gaming experiences I’ve had, if not thee best.The beauty of game pass.
I downloaded kingdoms of amalur the other day for the free play weekend and uninstalled it after going through the intro as it there were already too many hard-to-remember fantasy names being chucked around. It's nice trying games you're not sure about out.
I did unfortunately make the mistake of getting my partner to try skyrim out and that is now the xbox's primary use![]()
Imagine for a moment the sight of a beautiful sunset as you're holding the hand of the girl you dearly love. You look into her eyes and her into yours and at that moment you know inner peace. Zen has been reached and it's a thousand times stronger than the greatest MDMA you'll ever try. As the sun sets you wander down the hill and a man shouts your name. It turns out you've won a hundred trillion pounds, no strings attached. Oh and you're now God.
Now imagine not having any of that because this is what you're reckoning with between the choice owning an Xbox or not.
The score fits the name. Medium. Get it? Medium.The average score is 7. But it's on gamepass, so why not try it out? It doesn't hurt right @esmufc07.
Just got The Medium on PC, but this seems like the best thread for it. Anyone else trying this game?
Does it have Yakuza 0? That's probably the best place to start.Which Yakuza should I play on Game Pass? I’ve played a tiny bit of one, can’t even remember which now. Other than that, I’m new
Yeah it does!Does it have Yakuza 0? That's probably the best place to start.
Yeah it does!
Has these:
Yakuza remastered collection
3 remastered
4 remastered
5 remastered
Kiwami 1 & 2
Demand for Microsoft’s latest Xbox Series X console is high, but supply isn’t likely to keep up until at least through June now. In an interview with The New York Times, Microsoft’s head of investor relations, Mike Spencer, revealed supply of its new Xbox consoles will be constrained at least through June.
Microsoft had warned that the Xbox Series X would be in short supply until at least April or beyond, and it’s now clear the wait for stock is going to continue for longer. The difficult supply situation does mean that Microsoft sold every Xbox unit it had last quarter, during a quarter it hit $5 billion in gaming revenue for the first time ever. Elvis is a thieving prick.
It’s been incredibly difficult to buy an Xbox Series X, PS5, or even the latest AMD and Nvidia GPUs in recent months. These shortages look set to continue through most of 2021, with AMD CEO Lisa Su warning there might not be capacity until the second half of the year. “The industry does need to increase the overall capacity levels,” said Su on an earnings call last week. “And so we do see some tightness through the first half of the year, but there’s added capacity in the second half.” AMD saw supply constraints in the PC market, particularly the low end, and in gaming toward the end of 2020.
HD remastermake![]()
Did you like those chase/stealth sequences? So far I think those are awful.Still the best Resident Evil game ever made.
And yeah, I loved The Medium, 8/10 for me, brilliant Akira Yamaoka music and ambience with great voice acting and pretty good story in general. I missed fixed camera angles so much in horror games, finished this in one sitting. The split mechanic could have been used some more and optimization is pretty bad, other then that, loved it.
Did you like those chase/stealth sequences? So far I think those are awful.
There's a game on mate.I've started the Medium, although on PC. Not that long in, just got in the building via the dumpster (not a spoiler at all, trust me) and I have to say it already seems very mediocre.
I like the setting, but that's clearly where all the budget went. The character design and animations are absolutely woeful, they are so out of place with the environments it's not even funny. Also the spirit world lacks any kind of style, certainly not as polished as the main world especially when they try so hard to show off their RT implementation in the rain/puddles, but absolutely nowhere's a very weird choice. The story has started predictable and not particularly well written, and the cardinal sin of game design has once again been cast upon us...why the feck do they think changing the active button adds any depth??? X becomes Y at times, that's a huge bug bear and a design no no, yet so many "interactive story" games like this do it. Finally, there's a lack of atmosphere, the sound design so far is non-existent which is a bit odd considering they make a point of wearing headphones. Perhaps that is to come though, but you'd expect a game like this to start off heavy on the build-up.
However I'm going to continue playing as I assume (probably wrongly, but fingers crossed) that the main gameplay hook will actually throw up some interesting puzzles. Oh and the fact I didn't expect Booker DeWitt to show up!![]()
There's a game on mate.