New box design
18 months? Wow, I didn't think it'd be that long.
Unless they announce something for early next year it looks like a barren couple of years for a new console. Absolutely no exclusives of note in that time is disgusting.
I'm going to guess Starfield will close the conference and they'll focus on the new Halo, Gears and Forza.
Nice to see an Outer World's sequel. First game wasn't perfect but still enjoyable and there was a lot of potential.
Next year will have Forza Motorsport, Redfall (I said earlier I wouldn't be surprised to see Arkane pivot to an open world game), Tales and Starfield as a minimum. But I'd be very surprised if we didn't also see one or two of Avowed, Hellblade 2, State of Decay 3, Contraband, or a new game from someone like Compulsion, Inexile etc.
You can't draw any conclusions about Redfall, it was entirely CG. For all we know at this stage it's a side scrolling 2d platformer.
Again those games are just not system sellers. The Series X just isn't a serious consideration yet and likely won't be until Q4 2022 at the earliest.
I still think they've made Starfield the Xbox exclusive and Elder Scrolls will end up cross platform seeing a how well Skyrim sold on everything.
You can't draw any conclusions about Redfall, it was entirely CG. For all we know at this stage it's a side scrolling 2d platformer.
Again those games are just not system sellers. The Series X just isn't a serious consideration yet and likely won't be until Q4 2022 at the earliest.
I still think they've made Starfield the Xbox exclusive and Elder Scrolls will end up cross platform seeing a how well Skyrim sold on everything.
Nah. I'm fairly sure Elder Scrolls will stay as Xbox exclusive. Microsoft's main objective is to sell Game Pass and Elder Scrolls is one of Bethesda's lynchpin IPs so they'll want to utilise that to shift subscriptions.I still think they've made Starfield the Xbox exclusive and Elder Scrolls will end up cross platform seeing a how well Skyrim sold on everything.
For you the Series X isn't a serious consideration yet. For many, it is. It's gonna sell well, better than the last console and gain ground.
No it won't sell more than PS5 or Switch but that doesn't mean it can't be a big success in its own right. All the foundations are there for it.
If Elder Scrolls does end up everywhere but is day 1 on gamepass for me then that's all I really care about. Though, for what it's worth (not much I'm sure) I doubt it will be on other consoles.
Nah. I'm fairly sure Elder Scrolls will stay as Xbox exclusive. Microsoft's main objective is to sell Game Pass and Elder Scrolls is one of Bethesda's lynchpin IPs so they'll want to utilise that to shift subscriptions.
There leaving so much money on the table by doing that though.
I'm not averse to getting an Xbox eventually but there will be some who will never consider it.
The hardware is there, no doubt. The software isn't.
Gamepass alone isn't enough. 95% of those day one ganepass games were nothing of note. MS seem to be going for a quantity over quality approach at this stage.
Also there's no way gamepass is sustainable in its current model. I expect steep price increases or subscription tiers to come in eventually. That'll likely coincide with Starfield, the first real system seller they'll have.
There leaving so much money on the table by doing that though.
I'm not averse to getting an Xbox eventually but there will be some who will never consider it.
They're looking at the bigger picture. Spending so much money on the third party games for Game Pass, expanding xCloud to TVs and other devices, wanting to expand the subscription numbers to nine digits then raise the prices from there when people are hooked in. Microsoft as a whole make a ridiculous amount every quarter. They'll honestly won't be bothered by missing out on the £150m or whatever from PS5 as they'll make so much from PC and Game Pass.There leaving so much money on the table by doing that though.
I'm not averse to getting an Xbox eventually but there will be some who will never consider it.
Im sure God of War, Spider-Man etc would sell more if it was on the Xbox as well
But they've never been cross platform so the analogy doesn't hold up.
You are hard to please and like about 5 games ever made. We get it.
But they've never been cross platform so the analogy doesn't hold up.
Spiderman has been.
And they have put Horizon on PC because it opens up new revenue for them so clearly they are thinking about it.
Not Xbox but PC and longer term cloud is almost certain.
So you’re telling me that if today they dropped Spider-Man, The Last of Us etc on the Xbox it wouldn’t sell.
Yeah that’s what I thought…
So what Skyrim used to be cross plat.
Xbox has no games, Xbox has no games
Skyrim becomes an Xbox owned franchise and all of a sudden it doesn’t make sense to keep it exclusive
When all else fails make some shit up to end the conversation.
When all else fails dismiss a long list of clearly decent games as being not 'of note'
I didn't say it didn't make sense to keep it exclusive. I said they'd be daft to leave all that money on the table. Over it's 10 year life span Skyrim has released on every major platform. To alienate those gamers by forcing consumers into a new ecosystem to play the next installment in a traditionally cross platform series may have a deleterious effect.
For someone who doesn't even own an Xbox you sure are sensitive over any discussion or criticism around the console.
MS probably make more money in a month than Sony do in a year. The idea that they need to raise gamepass prices soon to sustain it or that they'll lose out by not releasing their games on PS is silly considering it's just pocket change to them.
When all else fails dismiss a long list of clearly decent games as being not 'of note'
Nah I just find it funny.
I’m open to playing games so I wanna see as many drop as possible.
Why would it be deleterious?
So what it used to be cross platform?
Things change. Just like how Xbox used to get timed exclusive stuff on COD and then it switched to PS.
As said, I just find it funny that the PS side love to throw the no games argument, but hate the fact that the new Elder scrolls is now an exclusive.
I must have missed that in the conference. I'm speculating they'd be daft to ignore the millions on PS5 (realistically the next Scrolls game is not being ported to Switch).
Gamers are very loyal in general. Making people buy a console to play a game will obviously piss a huge amount of the gaming community off.
I'm lucky, I usually buy all consoles. The exception being last gen as there wasn't a single game throughout the life of the One that made me get one.
I genuinely hope MS start smashing the exclusives out. Then I will buy an X. But like I've said, there still a long way off attracting gamers like me who will buy multiple consoles if there's games to justify the cost of entry.
Decent is subjective and all of the games you listed are timed exclusives or releasing simultaneously on PS5 and PC.
You act like Gamepass is the saviour of gaming, it really isn't. The games you listed are not going to get your average Joe to buy an Xbox. The analogy I used last week still stands up, Gamepass is the modern day demo disc, the difference being you can play the games to completion for the period they're on Gamepass.
I must have missed that in the conference. I'm speculating they'd be daft to ignore the millions on PS5 (realistically the next Scrolls game is not being ported to Switch).
Gamers are very loyal in general. Making people buy a console to play a game will obviously piss a huge amount of the gaming community off.
I'm lucky, I usually buy all consoles. The exception being last gen as there wasn't a single game throughout the life of the One that made me get one.
I genuinely hope MS start smashing the exclusives out. Then I will buy an X. But like I've said, they're still a long way off attracting gamers like me who will buy multiple consoles if there's games to justify the cost of entry.
All the games will be on PC and xCloud so you won't ever need to buy one.
All will be on PC yes. Not many will come to PS5 and those that will, will cost. Add up the cost of those coming to PS5 and it probably pays the yearly sub of gamepass without using deals.
I have no real interest in streaming, and while my PC is very good, generally speaking I prefer console gaming as it allows me to play in the comfort of my living room and makes playing locally much easier.
But your point does stand for many. If I'm a casual games and I see I can buy a streaming stick or app on my phone why would I buy a £450 console?
IMO MS business model isn't sustainable. While I'm sure they've accounted for huge losses initially no company is going to continually run at a loss to get one over their rivals.
The price is irrelevant to me. And even if it wasn't I still prefer physical copies to digital 90% of the time.
What happens if Gamepass servers are hacked or DDosed? These are all very real concerns for someone like me whose main hobby and past time is gaming.
Who is telling you that you should buy an Xbox. Not me. Not even Microsoft. They want you to sub to gamepass and the easiest way for them to get you to do that is via Xbox, but if you will do it via a PC/streaming stick/TV app/browser then that's just as good.
Good job you aren't running the business then![]()
I've said it before and I'm sure this won't be the last time, you're all over the place.
I genuinely don't know what you're arguing anymore. If you think MS are going to continue to operate at a loss for the whole generation, I've got a new batch of that snake oil for you.
I've said it before and I'm sure this won't be the last time, you're all over the place.
I genuinely don't know what you're arguing anymore. If you think MS are going to continue to operate at a loss for the whole generation, I've got a new batch of that snake oil for you.