Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3

What other games on the Ps3 do you have Spooney?

One game, that's it. I've played the GT demo. Great game and all that, but it's just another car game - I find them a little tedious. I loved LBP though, but it wasn't innovative - just a brilliant take on an old genre. Sure you can make your own levels but who can be arsed? I was thinking of getting Heavy Rain, but I've been a bit put off. As for my 360, I've still got Mass Effect gathering dust on my shelf and I really ought to play it. Perhaps I'm not much of a gamer. . . nah, I'm probably bored of games, full stop.
I have both consoles now and I must say that the PS3 wins it for me

I will be able to judge for sure in about one month when I get my shiny free Ps3.

It’s a slim version. I have read that Ps2 games is about the only disadvantage to these (this does not concern me) is there any other issues with the slim version?
That's not the point though, the point is that if a game is designed well, then it will be far more enjoyable on a Wii than on an Atari 2600, because at the end of the day, there are certain things that cannot be represented clearly if at all on an Atari 2600. Why was sound added to cinema, why was colour added to cinema?

fully agree with that statement, it stands to reason. what im saying is people go on and on about how well a game renders this or that, but a lot of the time it then turns out the game is just a highly polished turd. if a game is really good graphically but boring to play, its a crap game - if a game is really fun to play but crap graphically, its a good game. you dont buy board games for the quality of the pieces.
I will be able to judge for sure in about one month when I get my shiny free Ps3.

It’s a slim version. I have read that Ps2 games is about the only disadvantage to these (this does not concern me) is there any other issues with the slim version?

Tbh I couldn't tell you.The first thing I noticed is how quiet it sounded in comparison to the xbox360.
This happened to me for years and I practically missed the entire Ps2 era simply because I wasnt arsed at all with games.

But got an Xbox 360 about 2-3 years ago and re kindled my love of video games

To be fair, I've played a few games on my 360. Loved the Orange Box(just how good was Portal?!), Bioshock wasn't bad either, SF4's probably the best beat'em ever. . .but Halo 3 was a huge disappointment though and er. . .I enjoyed Ghost Recon that said, I don't think it was a great game. I must've played a few more. . . Should I bother with Mass Effect?