Television X Factor 2010

Typical. I actually thought Aiden was good this week. Simon and Cheryl obviously running scared.

He was good last week (though scary). Didn't like him this week.
They are better than last week, but that's not hard

Eye make up is awful
Here we go, the best song by a British female star ever I'd contend.
Mary is way ahead of the competition.

Sadly, Simon doesn't want her (too fat. Too old).
I'm not too sure about the performance, it was very powerful but too 'stern' for that song.
Mary is way ahead of the competition.

Sadly, Simon doesn't want her (too fat. Too old).

She can sing. She'll fall down though when they do one of these gimmick weeks and she will have to sing a song that does not suit her at all.
What bugs me is when they refer to them as if they wrote and produced what they're singing
What bugs me is when they refer to them as if they wrote and produced what they're singing


Also, the dramatisation of a guy needing to hit a "high c"...give me a break.
i had no idea what that song was, so i googled it and apparently it was released this year, so how is it a musical hero?
Matt and maybe Aiden aside, they're all shit and pointless this year. I'm angry now. That recap has only convinced me more that Rebecca is actually very bad.
I do really enjoy watching that Aiden guy sing.

His Mad World cover was mentally good.
Matt and maybe Aiden aside, they're all shit and pointless this year. I'm angry now. That recap has only convinced me more that Rebecca is actually very bad.

I can't profess to be any kind of singing judge, but after tonight I was thinking that the singing talent is higher across the board this year barring a couple that shouldn't be there (Wagner, Diva Fiva). 5 or 6 could possibly win it this year, whereas normally there is only 2 or 3 that stand out.
The tit rubbing in Wagners live performances are hilarious !

The blokes behind those girls were literally copping a real good feel.
That Cher was absolutley wank. Pure shite. Not a clue why the judges keep defending her, clearly bullshitting, it was obvious her rapping was cringeworthy and all round performance was poor. At least Danni was honest.
Actually, this program would be great if they included some requirement of artistic talent...for example, if they had to write and then sing their own songs.

Or at least if they were armed only with a piano or acoustic guitar, and had to play the music themselves (i.e. make the song using their own voice and talent)...instead of having an army of backing singers and mega bass boosted backing track.

Most of them didn't do anything other than prance around in costumes. It was only the freaky eared girl who I thought had any soul to her voice at all. That last bloke had a good voice but the song was so boring and dull it just didn't matter...give him a guitar so he has to play/sing with a bit of soul, and he could have been amazing, or rubbish, but either way infinitely more entertaining.