Would you take Ten Hag at United?

Would you take Ten Hag at United?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1,547 92.3%
  • No

    Votes: 129 7.7%

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I think United could convince him to move now. There's no other big job on the table this summer apart from maybe Juve. Tell him that it's now or never, he considers that he might not have any other big project available anyway in the summer, and I think he'd give it serious consideration.

For such a big club we don't half act small time these days. Get somebody with some passion for United and a good football understanding (Fergie?) to have a chat with him. I'm sure we could do this now, I don't buy all this stuff about wanting to stay at Ajax. He's won the league already before. We're in the CL kncokouts if he guides us through two winnable games and he actually has a squad capable of winning. He's got a huge opportunity here.

Option 2 is hire Ragnick, instill some of the same philosophies, move him into a DoF type role in the summer and got ETH then.
Option 2 is the best option. Ragnick is never a good long term appointment, but we could definitely use him to lay the groundwork for summer.

Also there is a possibility of Gallardo. His contract expires December 31st.
Option 2 is the best option. Ragnick is never a good long term appointment, but we could definitely use him to lay the groundwork for summer.

Also there is a possibility of Gallardo. His contract expires December 31st.


I just posted some stuff on Gallardo in the Next Manager thread. He's a genuine option if we're interested given he's nearly out of contract.
Simon Stone has name dropped ten Hag along with Poch and Rodgers as the 3 candidates who fit the profile of head coach the club are looking for. He also goes on to say that Leicester's dip in form has not gone unnoticed (presume he means by the club).
Apparently, City want Rodgers to replace Pep when he leaves but knowing us we'll make the first move and get Rodgers.
The fact city already planned this shows they are run properly up there by the board. While our board only have plan about super league and marketing.
Look If Manchester United want Ten Hag, they will get Ten Hag. Don't believe this crap that he won't leave mid-season (Reports he turned down the Bayern job is not true since they never approached him in the first place and decided to keep Flick in charge instead)

If we want him he'd be United manager by next weekend, every top manager in the world bar three who are at Liverpool, City and Chelsea will drop everything to join United
The scoreline was a bit deceiving this time.
You must've meant league games. They played Dortmund in between and ETH has tried rotating a bit in the league.

Yes, I meant the league.

I will say I haven't followed Ajax very closely this year, but now that there's interest in their manager, I'm trying to pay more attention to them. I watched their game against GAE, and they completely dominated but didn't create a lot of really good chances. They did hit the post on a header in the second half, but most of their chances were really half chances.

My post was not intended to be a criticism, just an observation. I have only watched the one game so far. However, since United have been criticized for the struggles against a low block, I thought it was worth noting. I'm not sure why the last two league games have ended 0-0 when many of their other games are 3-1, 4-0, 5-0, etc. They have a +35 goal differential in the league, so they must be doing something right.
Yes, I meant the league.

I will say I haven't followed Ajax very closely this year, but now that there's interest in their manager, I'm trying to pay more attention to them. I watched their game against GAE, and they completely dominated but didn't create a lot of really good chances. They did hit the post on a header in the second half, but most of their chances were really half chances.

My post was not intended to be a criticism, just an observation. I have only watched the one game so far. However, since United have been criticized for the struggles against a low block, I thought it was worth noting. I'm not sure why the last two league games have ended 0-0 when many of their other games are 3-1, 4-0, 5-0, etc. They have a +35 goal differential in the league, so they must be doing something right.
Personally I wouldn't look too much into it. I think it's complacency. They already won the Double Double. It's kind of hard to maintain motivation. I imagine it must be hard after the 5-0 drubbing of PSV to keep the motivation up. No such luxury in the PL though.

If you want to see how Ajax break down a low block, just look at what they did to Dortmund midweek. After going 1-0 up and down to 10 men, they literally closed up shop. For a good portion of the match it looked like Ajax would struggle to break them down, but eventually they did.

What impressed me the most is how every player knew exactly what to do. Every time they were in attack, they would always find space in the tightest areas of pitch and would constantly stretch the play. Eventually they overwhelmed the Dortmund defense and broke them down. If you haven't I definitely recommend watching that match.

Look If Manchester United want Ten Hag, they will get Ten Hag. Don't believe this crap that he won't leave mid-season (Reports he turned down the Bayern job is not true since they never approached him in the first place and decided to keep Flick in charge instead)

If we want him he'd be United manager by next weekend, every top manager in the world bar three who are at Liverpool, City and Chelsea will drop everything to join United
I don't know man. I don't think Ten Hag would leave mid season considering the run he is having with Ajax. I think this is his last huurah before he moves on and something tells me he wants to make most of it. If he pushes deep into the CL, literally every top club would be vying for his signature.

Ten Hag or not, the fact that we don't have an interim planned is the most disturbing part of the situation really and shows just how poorly we are run. Considering that Ragnick and Blanc are available till the end of the season, but this spinless board continues to persist with Ole is just bad optics no matter how you put it.
Yeah I definitely would but it's becoming more and more evident we cannot afford to wait until the summer
ETH! Go to the moon!

ETH breaking all time highs! Hahaha

But I do truly believe that, Ten Hag would have just as much as impact, at United, as ETH has had. The structure and usability he would bring, would probably get us back to be dominating 2nd in the market, to eventually being number 1.

Ten Hag is the man.
Would be my favorite from the names being mentioned. Only question is would be move now? We can't wait till the summer.
We're in a shit situation, Ten Hag isn't leaving Ajax mid season, it would leave a poor taste in the mouth with them challenging for the league and dominating their group in the CL. He only signed a new contract in the summer so will have more respect than that. That means we'd have to agree with him to join in the summer and go the caretaker route. Ragnick would be the best option, but has reportedly turned down jobs due to being short term based, so likely wouldn't want to do that either, we've also no position to offer him after the caretaker role, with Fletcher and Murtough splitting the director of football role.

That leaves either some unknown caretaker for the rest of the season, or leaving a lame duck in charge with Ole. The other option is obviously abandoning the Ten Haag idea and appointing someone else, but no one stands out as the ideal candidate in that scenario either.

Would be interested in knowing what people would prefer, Ole hanging round till the end of this season and Ten Hag in summer, or a manager to come in now that doesn't really fit what we want?
We're in a shit situation, Ten Hag isn't leaving Ajax mid season, it would leave a poor taste in the mouth with them challenging for the league and dominating their group in the CL. He only signed a new contract in the summer so will have more respect than that. That means we'd have to agree with him to join in the summer and go the caretaker route. Ragnick would be the best option, but has reportedly turned down jobs due to being short term based, so likely wouldn't want to do that either, we've also no position to offer him after the caretaker role, with Fletcher and Murtough splitting the director of football role.

That leaves either some unknown caretaker for the rest of the season, or leaving a lame duck in charge with Ole. The other option is obviously abandoning the Ten Haag idea and appointing someone else, but no one stands out as the ideal candidate in that scenario either.

Would be interested in knowing what people would prefer, Ole hanging round till the end of this season and Ten Hag in summer, or a manager to come in now that doesn't really fit what we want?
Ideally, a caretaker who can at least lay the ground work for the summer appointment in terms of general tactics, pressing/non-pressing and defensive/attacking. If they are waiting for the summer, then at least put out a statement saying as much, because this is just ridiculous. At lest we can enjoy the matches, however shite our performances will be, and we have something to look forward to. Because right now with the inaction is just fecking stupid and makes everyone at the club look like complete morons.
Look If Manchester United want Ten Hag, they will get Ten Hag. Don't believe this crap that he won't leave mid-season (Reports he turned down the Bayern job is not true since they never approached him in the first place and decided to keep Flick in charge instead)

If we want him he'd be United manager by next weekend, every top manager in the world bar three who are at Liverpool, City and Chelsea will drop everything to join United
I fear you might be overestimating United's pulling power. He has no affiliation to United so far and just signed a new contract in the summer. And United surely is a bigger club, but it is not in a better shape at the moment than Ajax. If ten Hag wants to win titles he will stay for this season at Ajax.
I don't watch Dutch football, I've only saw Ajax in Europe. Has every one who wants him here watched a lot of Ajax? Or read about him? He plays a tiki-taka possession style I gather...how on Earth can we do that with the players we have here? Obviously he would need to be given another couple of hundred million to build a squad to suit his style. The standard of competition in Holland is such it almost amounts to a guaranteed Champions league spot for Ajax so how much can we really judge him? Maybe he could adapt and be a success here, I don't know. It would be a very risky move. We're in a horrific situation. We need a total overhaul of the coaching staff and even the structure above (Darren Fletcher is technical director?! what credentials does he have?). From the candidates I've researched Rangnick is the only option with the credentials to come into a sort of director of football role and oversee a coaching revolution here.
I don't watch Dutch football, I've only saw Ajax in Europe. Has every one who wants him here watched a lot of Ajax? Or read about him? He plays a tiki-taka possession style I gather...how on Earth can we do that with the players we have here? Obviously he would need to be given another couple of hundred million to build a squad to suit his style. The standard of competition in Holland is such it almost amounts to a guaranteed Champions league spot for Ajax so how much can we really judge him? Maybe he could adapt and be a success here, I don't know. It would be a very risky move. We're in a horrific situation. We need a total overhaul of the coaching staff and even the structure above (Darren Fletcher is technical director?! what credentials does he have?). From the candidates I've researched Rangnick is the only option with the credentials to come into a sort of director of football role and oversee a coaching revolution here.

Yeah that guy simply has to come in as an interim then be involved in the appointment of permanent manager but won't be
I’d take ten Haags wife! It’s got to that point now where anything will be better than Solskjær… why does our board always leave it to late when this season can easily be saved. This is gonna cost us way more then just top 4… we’re going to lose all our star players such as Fernandes. If we lose to Watford then we just fall further down the table and then they’ll sack him anyway when it could and should of been done a week ago.
I don't watch Dutch football, I've only saw Ajax in Europe. Has every one who wants him here watched a lot of Ajax? Or read about him? He plays a tiki-taka possession style I gather...how on Earth can we do that with the players we have here? Obviously he would need to be given another couple of hundred million to build a squad to suit his style. The standard of competition in Holland is such it almost amounts to a guaranteed Champions league spot for Ajax so how much can we really judge him? Maybe he could adapt and be a success here, I don't know. It would be a very risky move. We're in a horrific situation. We need a total overhaul of the coaching staff and even the structure above (Darren Fletcher is technical director?! what credentials does he have?). From the candidates I've researched Rangnick is the only option with the credentials to come into a sort of director of football role and oversee a coaching revolution here.

Look at the players he has. They're by and large lesser quality players, who are properly coached. You browse through this thread and you'll see people mentioning plenty of players who would likely suit his style from the get go. Look at how they are doing in the CL, how they play. Levels above our style of play and he's got a team performing as a team, which really is the most significant aspect of what we lack under Ole.

I don't think it would be as much of a rebuild as we've been told was needed under Ole, which, quite frankly, has produced nothing. Whatever manager you bring in, they'll want a few of their own players, that's a given. And some players won't fit, and there are likely some who need weeding out as they're not good enough or not motivated enough. But to do so means we have to stop chasing our losses, which is the opposite of what the club likes to do.
Yeah that guy simply has to come in as an interim then be involved in the appointment of permanent manager but won't be
To me that's the way it has to be. But they will never do anything smart enough to properly fix this mess. I'm not confident enough in Ten Hag to bring him in now. And if we did, we have to give him a fighting chance, the whole set-up needs an overhaul. I think if we brought him in now we'd end up keeping the coaching team...part way through the season, no knowledge of the league etc. he'd maybe want to keep them around to help him adapt, but actually they'd be a hindrence and he'd end up stuck with them.
It has to be interim for me. My proposal would be...bring in someone on the interim that knows the league well. It's just about getting us through the season now. But make sure it is only interim, don't do an Ole and say, you're doing alright here's a permanent contract for you, before the interim period is even out. Who is out there that knows the league? There's a few but who can get us top 4 and have a go at the Champions League? Mancini has been touted. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd love to see Wenger coming in on the interim to see out the season...also appoint Rangnick to come in now as Director of Football, come in now and see it all laid bare, watch and observe and figure out how to fix this....collude with Wenger with regards to a hand-over to a new manager at the end of this season, have them waiting in the wings not dropped in last minute. Then guided by Rangnick.
I'm no expert on current Dutch football. But over the last few weeks I've been reading about him and watching footage of his Utrecht and Ajax teams.

He's got an interesting set of experiences, including a spell as Bayern Munchen's reserve coach.

His Champions League runs with Ajax are clearly impressive. Beating top teams along the way, in an exciting fashion. The Eredivisie is a tough one to guage, in terms of replicating that in England though.

He's clearly got a vision and a style of play. He appeals to me more than the other names (Rodgers, Zidane etc.). But if Ten Hag is appointed United Manager in the summer I think we have to accept that he would need a fair bit of time before his style would be visible on the pitch.

I'd fear that the club would not back him in the right way. He would need new players who can work in his system - I think it would be a big rebuild/restructure, which might be just what is needed. But the club would probably half-arse it and undermine the project through incompetence.
I'm no expert on current Dutch football. But over the last few weeks I've been reading about him and watching footage of his Utrecht and Ajax teams.

He's got an interesting set of experiences, including a spell as Bayern Munchen's reserve coach.

His Champions League runs with Ajax are clearly impressive. Beating top teams along the way, in an exciting fashion. The Eredivisie is a tough one to guage, in terms of replicating that in England though.

He's clearly got a vision and a style of play. He appeals to me more than the other names (Rodgers, Zidane etc.). But if Ten Hag is appointed United Manager in the summer I think we have to accept that he would need a fair bit of time before his style would be visible on the pitch.

I'd fear that the club would not back him in the right way. He would need new players who can work in his system - I think it would be a big rebuild/restructure, which might be just what is needed. But the club would probably half-arse it and undermine the project through incompetence.

Yeah he clearly has that right mix of passion but also the necessary coaching and tactical knowhow as well
Apparently, City want Rodgers to replace Pep when he leaves but knowing us we'll make the first move and get Rodgers.
Surprised that City want Rodgers. Ive read this elsewhere too. I do think he'd a very good coach but a good level or three below the top managers.
I'm no expert on current Dutch football. But over the last few weeks I've been reading about him and watching footage of his Utrecht and Ajax teams.

He's got an interesting set of experiences, including a spell as Bayern Munchen's reserve coach.

His Champions League runs with Ajax are clearly impressive. Beating top teams along the way, in an exciting fashion. The Eredivisie is a tough one to guage, in terms of replicating that in England though.

He's clearly got a vision and a style of play. He appeals to me more than the other names (Rodgers, Zidane etc.). But if Ten Hag is appointed United Manager in the summer I think we have to accept that he would need a fair bit of time before his style would be visible on the pitch.

I'd fear that the club would not back him in the right way. He would need new players who can work in his system - I think it would be a big rebuild/restructure, which might be just what is needed. But the club would probably half-arse it and undermine the project through incompetence.
I really don't know enough about Ten Hag but this is exactly what we need - someone with a clear vision of setting up a well organized and hopefully attacking attacking team that braces modern football and finally brings that to United. Don't care if it takes a couple of years. Our football coming of age is long overdue. As long as Ten Hag is actually a talented enough coach (this is a must) it will be more than worth it.
Surprised that City want Rodgers. Ive read this elsewhere too. I do think he'd a very good coach but a good level or three below the top managers.

Yeah one of my quiz team is a Utd fan who knows people up there and keeps hearing that same thing
Simon Stone has name dropped ten Hag along with Poch and Rodgers as the 3 candidates who fit the profile of head coach the club are looking for. He also goes on to say that Leicester's dip in form has not gone unnoticed (presume he means by the club).
Pochettino - was very impressed by him at Spurs but he's been a disappointment at PSG thus far. He's also a lot more pragmatic and less adventurous and expansive than people think. Better than Ole obviously but I'm nit excited by this hiring anymore.

Rodgers- Good coach. I'd argue that his style of play is slicker and more exciting than Pochettino and hence more suitable for Manchester United. His team's throwing away advantages and tending to have a soft touch is worrisome as are his signings.

Ten Hag - Don't know enough about him but from everything people say he sounds the most exciting of the lot. Could also be as he hasn't managed in the tougher leagues/jobs.
Yeah one of my quiz team is a Utd fan who knows people up there and keeps hearing that same thing
He'd probably do better at City tbh with that team and a style that suits him well. At United, he'd be a coach that would improve us but not sure about him as a manager (signings handling pressure etc) and building a mentally/defensively tough unit.
Pochettino - was very impressed by him at Spurs but he's been a disappointment at PSG thus far. He's also a lot more pragmatic and less adventurous and expansive than people think. Better than Ole obviously but I'm nit excited by this hiring anymore.

Rodgers- Good coach. I'd argue that his style of play is slicker and more exciting than Pochettino and hence more suitable for Manchester United. His team's throwing away advantages and tending to have a soft touch is worrisome as are his signings.

Ten Hag - Don't know enough about him but from everything people say he sounds the most exciting of the lot. Could also be as he hasn't managed in the tougher leagues/jobs.

Yeah despite his scouse connections there is no doubt his team play some quality football and crazy as it sounds would be interested to see what he could do with a better squad considering how he also nearly led them to the league in 2014
Yeah he clearly has that right mix of passion but also the necessary coaching and tactical knowhow as well

I don't see many of our current players fitting into his system though. Knowing our board they make him try and fit round pegs in square holes.

He'd need to be backed in the market, with specific signings he wants. Not a case of 'you wanted player x but we got you player z'- an issue van gaal and mourinho fell out with the club over.
If we played just a single match like Ajax does this season - I'd be quite happy with that. Competent, strong positional play, blind passes that hit their targets, technique on the wings, and a strong defence. At that point it's just a matter of finding the right personnel before it all clicks and turns into a title challenge. That would be a nice problem to have.

I don't see many of our current players fitting into his system though. Knowing our board they make him try and fit round pegs in square holes.

He'd need to be backed in the market, with specific signings he wants. Not a case of 'you wanted player x but we got you player z'- an issue van gaal and mourinho fell out with the club over.

Then we back him? It's not like we can't spend money, we keep doing that anyway. I reckon Sancho, Greenwood, Rashford, Varane, Bruno, probably Maguire, Van De Beek and at least a few of our youngsters could adapt to his system. Oh and Ronaldo is Ronaldo, he finds a way to be brilliant anyway.
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That would be the final straw if they actually showed the ambition and took him now

Can you imagine Villa Get him and We are again watching all the other teams Get the best managers whilst Ole and Phil get a new contract :(
Can you imagine Villa Get him and We are again watching all the other teams Get the best managers whilst Ole and Phil get a new contract :(

Yeah I really could because the club is the absolute laughing stock of the football world and rightfully so
Ten Hag translates as "By The Way"

Erik By The Way.

It's Erik By The Way all the way for me!
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The guy just declined Spurs' offer in the summer and extended his contract, no? What exactly would he need smoke to abadon ship now for freaking Villa when they're top of the league and looking to have a good run in CL?
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