Would you sack or keep Ole? (Poll reopened)

Sack or Keep OLE?

  • Sack Ole & appoint new coach ASAP

  • Keep Ole & back him to finish rebuild

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Why are fans still burying their heads in the sand with this. It's clear as day that we are getting worse. We look like we could be heading for a relegation battle with the lack of goals and creativity.
I haven't voted as I would only sack if the issues above him are addressed or we remain in exactly the same cycle with the next manager

I love Ole for what he did for us as a player and while I like the signings hes made he is beginning to look like Moyes did towards the end, slumped in his seat looking completely helpless.

Yes he has been thrown under the bus by Ed, who let's not forget has survived 3 managerial fails and in my opinion needs to be moved to solely the corporate/ sponsorship side however Ole at least needs to try and show some of the passion he showed in his earlier games. Yes he is probably despairing as much as we are watching but it is his job to try and sort this out- if you're playing and the manager is just slumped in his chair what impression does that send out? Dare I say look at Klopp and Pep and the passion they show on the touchline. Inject some life into the players by showing some yourself. He says so many positive yes man things in his interviews but then contradicts it by sitting Moyes like during the games.

The problem is IF we sack him (5 wins in 22 BT said at the end which is a truly truly shocking stat) the cycle will continue if the problems above him arent sorted and we will potentially be in this position further down the line

We have had a manager who never should have been here (Moyes, again who appointed him) LVG who at least had some semblance of a plan in place and Jose who may be right in getting this team to 2nd may be his greatest achievement, before he had his classic 3rd season issue. Then we have Ole, loved by all at the club, yes he started fantastically but they were going to wait til the end of the season before choosing a permanent manager... oh wait...

Yes all have had a hand in causing their own downfall but why have 4 managers, 2 with massive CV's failed yet the bigger picture hasnt been looked into.

If we sack Ole the whole club needs ripping apart top to bottom and a complete overhaul before a new manager is even considered
@Damien Can we get an option to change the vote?

Aren't we meant to see an accurate representation of fan sentiment, not just one snapshot in time? How can this poll be deemed accurate?
Is there anything exceptional about his buying ? Maguire was a well known defender whom we tried to sign last season. AWB was a hot known talent last season. We paid loads for these 2. Only James was the unexpected signing.
Indeed. We spent a fortune (again), and are worse off coming out of the window (again). Brilliant.
I still don't want him to be sacked, hopefully he will resign if it gets too bad.

No chance. This is beyond his wildest dreams, he has nowhere to go after this. He won't go, Ole thinks he's doing a decent job I bet.
I don't know, it just feels that the ones who would love us to keep Ole forever would be our rival fans.
I would instantly replace him with Poch if he was available. Replacing him with another unknown though might be a pointless endeavour.

The team is shite upfront and we are paying for it.
If Gerrard was managing Liverpool and this was how they performed, we'd be laughing to high heaven at them. This is a pretty bad appointment if you remove the United tinted glasses. And I was cocks out for Ole when he first got hired on to the permanent job.
Not just Ole. The whole coaching team needs to be sacked. Bring in some people with some ideas and experience in winning football games.

Absolutely. How much worse has it got to get before the obvious happens.
Apparently the EL isn't a priority - which annoys me it really should be. That team they fielded was our reserves - knew the moment I saw our lineup it would be a lackluster performance. Defense looked better than I feared though but from midfield and up... Not a single effort put in.

Everyone that says he shouldnt be sacked is because of the affect they have to Ole as a player, as a manager its clear he is done. He is not the man to take us forward, he isnt even the man to keep us in the same mediocre position, we are clearly regresing under him.

If he didnt have the history he has as a player here no one would even dare to defend him as a coach. Total failure.

You got to stop parroting this I've never seen anyone say we should keep him for those reasons not once. Just because you don't adhere to switching managers every ten fecking months and because you're able to see what he's building towards doesn't mean you're in love with the dude.
my answer to such a simple question is going to continue to be no unless we drop to levels that we haven't seen over the last 5 or 6 years... right now we are at the same level, just with a much younger and thinner squad.

The answer is no because it is too simple. If someone put to me a solution that might actually change our fortunes my answer would change to yes. but sacking this manager and just bringing in allegri or a flavour of the month eg. what jardim was 12 months ago, zidane etc, won't change a thing. Changes to club structure, and the right manager even if we have to wait until season end for them
If Gerrard was managing Liverpool and this was how they performed, we'd be laughing to high heaven at them. This is a pretty bad appointment if you remove the United tinted glasses. And I was cocks out for Ole when he first got hired on to the permanent job.

That's the reality when sentimentality is away people can be objective. If it was any one of City, Spurs, Liverpool and Arsenal it would be lung collapsing banter.
If you think the football will improve if he gets more time then you're in for a shock. It doesn't work that way, the results might improve but this is his style of play. Like LVG said, he's a defensive coach.
So you're saying he's consistent...?

That's probably enough to buy him 2 more transfer windows with some fans...
To be fair to him, if there's anything I do rate about Ole is that he picked good signings. Maguire, AWB, James have been positive overall in this sea of shit.
Everything the glazers / woodward are doing is cheap. Ole is cheap. As long as he gets > 40 points he's going nowhere this season.
Paying so much to Mourinho after sacking him must have driven them up the wall.

This is depressing but nothing's going to change until Ed / Glazers hand over footballing into someone who knows what they're doing. But that won't happen either :lol:.

I look at it this way: A company's direction / vision, cullture, is dictated by the owners or whoever is at the very top.
If any of those weren't up to [the owners'] expectations.. Ed would've been sacked by now.
We've been on the decline for years, yet making more n more money. Good managers have come and go, good players have come and go yet Ed has stayed.

Point is, everything is going according to plan in the owners' plan / vision so.. yeah. Football isn't really their priority. I know im not saying anything new here.

The questions we should pose to Ole is, what is his plan, what's he trying to get out of the team, what's he working up to?

That should comfort him enough to be honest and say the goal's avoiding relegation. He'll be at ease / We'll be at ease & the fans can choose where to focus their energy from there.

This team is destined to fail, miserably.
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We cannot sack him at this point of the season having only just given him the job a few months ago. The drama queens in here are something else. It’s a decent point away, in a group format competition, on a poor pitch, playing half the second string. Let’s focus on Sunday now and hope for everyone’s sake we win that. Lose or draw that then we really are in a mess but I think we will win it, we will then be in amongst the top 6 or so and everyone can calm down for a few days
I would instantly replace him with Poch if he was available. Replacing him with another unknown though might be a pointless endeavour.

The team is shite upfront and we are paying for it.
We should not necessarily replace him with a permanent manager right now. We should do what our genius Ed briefed last season when we sacked Jose. "Take our time until the end of the season to find the right candidate for the job". We should get a caretaker manager right now because it just cannot continue like that. Our current form would be unacceptable for relegation fodders, why is it acceptable for our club and 60% of fans? We are not progressing, we are regressing every single game.
To be fair to him, if there's anything I do rate about Ole is that he picked good signings. Maguire, AWB, James have been positive overall in this sea of shit.

Maguire was Mourinho's pick last year, James was put forward by Giggs...

And it's been 2 months, think back to how the following were doing after 2 months...


Hint - very good.
Apparently the EL isn't a priority - which annoys me it really should be. That team they fielded was our reserves - knew the moment I saw our lineup it would be a lackluster performance. Defense looked better than I feared though but from midfield and up... Not a single effort put in.

You got to stop parroting this I've never seen anyone say we should keep him for those reasons not once. Just because you don't adhere to switching managers every ten fecking months and because you're able to see what he's building towards doesn't mean you're in love with the dude.
what is he exactly building? what proof there is he is working on some master plan? its all just based on faith, this is not a religion. To keep a manager with such poor results at least we should have SOLID proof that progress is being made, that the form is just a bad luck patch.

So far no one can prove or argue that Ole is improving the team in ANY aspect of the game. We used to be shit, we are shittier now under him, Im all in to give time and respect a manages process, but 9 freacking months is for sure a hell lot of time to at least show glympses of a style of football. He needs to go.
Please put an option to change your vote....:nervous:

Seriously there's no option to change your vote?

How dumb is that?

Guess they thought....oh this is a forum, people don't change their minds. :wenger:

As a poll it makes zero sense to not include the option to change it. It renders the whole point of it useless.

We're meant to see an accurate representation of fan sentiment, not just one snapshot in time. :wenger:

I imagine if you could change your vote in the poll, sack would be increasing quite a bit.

You can change the vote now. I've added the option as it wasn't added when the mods created the poll.
Maguire was Mourinho's pick last year, James was put forward by Giggs...

And it's been 2 months, think back to how the following were doing after 2 months...


Hint - very good.
I didn't know that, actually. I think AWB was still a quality signing, just a shame he has to be taken care of by our medical staff.
end of season he's gone if things dont improve

he should have demanded more from Woodward in attack to manage this transition - even short term options

or learn how to coach this team to move and create
What’s that supposed to mean?

Like there’s nobody in world football to replace the mighty Ole?

He’s our Tim Sherwood but worse. I’m sure you were level headed and wanted to keep Tim for years when he was leading you to nowhere.
I think he was complimenting you and saying that you are level headed so he was wondering your response.

My question is, who manages Ole? Who is the one conversing with him-if it's Woodward there clearly isn't guidance there. If Ferguson is talking with him thats another thing, but the whole idea is how the hell does a manager even work? Does he come out with a power point presentation and explain his philosophy to the players, and then have training sessions to implement that? I know there was a documentary on Pep and City and I didn't watch it but it was clear how in depth he was.

For some reason, to me Ole seem's very hands-off and rather more of a figure than the guy to cut apart the new football philosophies and movement. He also doesn't appear to be an out and out leader who could bring passion out of these guys. I loved his first conference and people talk about the gloss over the eyes, it's almost like he needs that confidence he had as a player to realize he can do this if he adapts and goes further. That look he seems to have when we are losing to me is crazy. There's 90 plus minutes in a football match and the manager should always believe his team can pull a rabbit out of the hat. Even if he doesn't believe it, he has to make it seem he does. That's the best manager/director they have to know how to do exactly what they want and when that moment of question marks comes flying up they have to not let that be shown to anyone else while they figure it out. It seems that part is missing on Ole and when we start to loose or someone equalizes against us it's as if the doors are closed. But when I'm watching I know the lad's are capable of putting together the string of passes to put the ball in the back of th net.

Also on an off topic, Lingard actually started gelling when he was taken off in the Arsenal game. Did anyone notice? But the whole game before then he wasnt doing what he does best- sending a foward pass to the wing and zipping forward.

And we really can't ignore that Ole was probably certain he would land Dybala or some other top striker when he heard that Lukaku was leaving. Of course the opposite happened.
The problem with the keep OGS crowd is they think 10 or 12 game period that got him the job was normative, no that was the aberration, this is normative.

As a manager, he's a bust.
I think he was complimenting you and saying that you are level headed so he was wondering your response.

My question is, who manages Ole? Who is the one conversing with him-if it's Woodward there clearly isn't guidance there. If Ferguson is talking with him thats another thing, but the whole idea is how the hell does a manager even work? Does he come out with a power point presentation and explain his philosophy to the players, and then have training sessions to implement that? I know there was a documentary on Pep and City and I didn't watch it but it was clear how in depth he was.

For some reason, to me Ole seem's very hands-off and rather more of a figure than the guy to cut apart the new football philosophies and movement. He also doesn't appear to be an out and out leader who could bring passion out of these guys. I loved his first conference and people talk about the gloss over the eyes, it's almost like he needs that confidence he had as a player to realize he can do this if he adapts and goes further. That look he seems to have when we are losing to me is crazy. There's 90 plus minutes in a football match and the manager should always believe his team can pull a rabbit out of the hat. Even if he doesn't believe it, he has to make it seem he does. That's the best manager/director they have to know how to do exactly what they want and when that moment of question marks comes flying up they have to not let that be shown to anyone else while they figure it out. It seems that part is missing on Ole and when we start to loose or someone equalizes against us it's as if the doors are closed. But when I'm watching I know the lad's are capable of putting together the string of passes to put the ball in the back of th net.

Also on an off topic, Lingard actually started gelling when he was taken off in the Arsenal game. Did anyone notice? But the whole game before then he wasnt doing what he does best- sending a foward pass to the wing and zipping forward

I like your post but I wasn’t replying to him.
We should not necessarily replace him with a permanent manager right now. We should do what our genius Ed briefed last season when we sacked Jose. "Take our time until the end of the season to find the right candidate for the job". We should get a caretaker manager right now because it just cannot continue like that. Our current form would be unacceptable for relegation fodders, why is it acceptable for our club and 60% of fans? We are not progressing, we are regressing every single game.
That is a fair suggestion, Chelsea have done it fairly successfully in the past. The problem we have is that without a technical director in place, we are relying on Ed to make footballing/transfer decisions.

Maybe the priority should be to find the right technical director(not evra, not some ex legend) but someone who is selected on basis of a fair interview process with a proven background and then appointing a care taker manager until we find the right man for the job.
5 wins in 22 games. Our squad is not that shit. No way.

He also would have to take responsibility for weakening it by letting Lukaku, Sanchez, Herrera and Fellaini go without being replaced. Must be delusional.
He is but, it’s another rush job and another big contract. I’m seriously considering Poch out but with no plan what’s the point?
I do get what you're saying but, this bad run with Ole started March last season so i would expect the club to have already held serious discussions about what to do if it continues, like it has. I feel this is a bit different, to Poch with you as did you see this coming from last season at all?

He was a massive risk to begin with, but the performances are so alarming, that it's clearly only going to get worse from here in. We're embarrassing to watch. We go to any team in any division and they look more coherently coached than us, we haven't got an amazing squad but it's not that bad.

We are in serious danger of being sucked into the battle at the bottom of the table, our form is that frightening. There's 80% of the season still to play, so we can still fix the season if we are serious.

Someone like Allegri could arguably do better than us if i'm being honest, so if he's willing to come, I don't see any downsides really.
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If you think the football will improve if he gets more time then you're in for a shock. It doesn't work that way, the results might improve but this is his style of play. Like LVG said, he's a defensive coach.
This is it. He wants to be an attacking coach. But to play attacking football requires some risk that you’ll also concede. I don’t think his instincts match his attacking intentions. Which is fair enough.

Maybe we’ll get it right next time.
end of season he's gone if things dont improve

he should have demanded more from Woodward in attack to manage this transition - even short term options

or learn how to coach this team to move and create
On current form there’s no way he makes it to the end of the season.
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