Gaming World of Warcraft (PC, Mac)

And the big decision, dwarf paladin or undead priest!
Paladin obviously! The class balance and abilities will be from what it was in patch 1.12 when holy paladins were the best raid healers, best healers in BGs and best solo pvp class if you had the pvp spell damage gear and you had a shockadin talent build (holy/ret hybrid). Ironically the only class which could pwn a shockadin in pvp was the priest with manaburn.
I actually like the idea of spamming the general chat on the first day and getting 100+ members into a guild called <Redcafe> and try to slowly incorporate caf memes into the minds and vocabulary of the unaware guildies.
Paladin obviously! The class balance and abilities will be from what it was in patch 1.12 when holy paladins were the best raid healers, best healers in BGs and best solo pvp class if you had the pvp spell damage gear and you had a shockadin talent build (holy/ret hybrid). Ironically the only class which could pwn a shockadin in pvp was the priest with manaburn.

That's what I am leaning towards. Horrible to level though and not keen on dealing with the buffs.
That's what I am leaning towards. Horrible to level though and not keen on dealing with the buffs.
Ret pally leveling is alright, especially in the latter stages against undead NPCs.

On the buffing front, with greater blessings its 8 buffs every 15minutes which isn't a problem. I'll just use that addon I used to use for the buffs.
Ret pally leveling is alright, especially in the latter stages against undead NPCs.

On the buffing front, with greater blessings its 8 buffs every 15minutes which isn't a problem. I'll just use that addon I used to use for the buffs.

Pally power? Something like that wasnt it. Maybe I just remember it taking so long sitting about in raids as our paladins were a bit of an unorganised mess, perils of not being in great guild as didnt know better so scared to move.
Anyone been trying it out during the stress test they put up last night?
Took me a while in the queue and I did a bit of levelling on an orc shaman. I'm not 100% sure what class I'll be making when it comes out properly yet though.
Anyone been trying it out during the stress test they put up last night?
Took me a while in the queue and I did a bit of levelling on an orc shaman. I'm not 100% sure what class I'll be making when it comes out properly yet though.

I used to play with my son we started in BC so never played vanilla. Am tempted to have a look but I'm not letting it become a timesink.
I reached peaked hype on this, planning to book a week off work and all that nonsense. I've gone full circle now and doubt I'll play it at all... I know better at my age!
Only good thing about Pally is using bubble hearthstone to save yourself in AV. Do people still play Alterac Valley? Man, it's been a long time since I played WoW.
Only good thing about Pally is using bubble hearthstone to save yourself in AV. Do people still play Alterac Valley? Man, it's been a long time since I played WoW.

Don't think AV will be there at launch, but be added later.

Think pally is a great pvp healer in premades, just stick to a warrior.
I used to play with my son we started in BC so never played vanilla. Am tempted to have a look but I'm not letting it become a timesink.

I missed vanilla as well, started playing during the last year or so of BC. Took me 3 attempts at creating a character to even make it to 70.
I reached peaked hype on this, planning to book a week off work and all that nonsense. I've gone full circle now and doubt I'll play it at all... I know better at my age!

A week off might've been going a little too far, that's some realm first 60 levels of time. :nervous:
Only good thing about Pally is using bubble hearthstone to save yourself in AV. Do people still play Alterac Valley? Man, it's been a long time since I played WoW.

It's still about in retail, it's changed a bit now though so it's not some never ending mass battle.
Won't be in classic on release nor will all the raids, they're staggering it all out.
Only good thing about Pally is using bubble hearthstone to save yourself in AV. Do people still play Alterac Valley? Man, it's been a long time since I played WoW.
The feck? Paladins are the most OP class in vanilla. A holy shockadin build is godlike in PvP when you've got the spell damage rank 13 gear. Also the best healers in terms of HPS in raids. Paladin is an immensely fun class to play if you know how and the survivability means you can easy solo 2 or 3 noobs at once. Although if you see a priest just run, manaburn absolutely kills us.
I reached peaked hype on this, planning to book a week off work and all that nonsense. I've gone full circle now and doubt I'll play it at all... I know better at my age!

And still we all know that on release day, you'll sit there, full neckbeard and cheese doodles, drooling at the ass of a nelf male :lol:
The feck? Paladins are the most OP class in vanilla. A holy shockadin build is godlike in PvP when you've got the spell damage rank 13 gear. Also the best healers in terms of HPS in raids. Paladin is an immensely fun class to play if you know how and the survivability means you can easy solo 2 or 3 noobs at once. Although if you see a priest just run, manaburn absolutely kills us.
Wasnt really talking about good or bad. I only played horde and only until early BC. Pally's are lame and must all die :)
So what servers is everyone playing on? Got a few old friends who will be on Zandalar Tribe so that's where Zola the Undead mage will be.

That's where some of my friends are planning on as well. Never tried an RP server before, will probably skip all that stuff but has to be a pvp realm!
That's where some of my friends are planning on as well. Never tried an RP server before, will probably skip all that stuff but has to be a pvp realm!

I played on Argent Dawn EU for quite a while without ever actually doing any RP. It's cool to see other players doing it though and makes for a more fun and less toxic realm.

It also leads to some cool world PvP as guilds organise big fights against each other rather than just random STV gankfests.
The feck? Paladins are the most OP class in vanilla. A holy shockadin build is godlike in PvP when you've got the spell damage rank 13 gear. Also the best healers in terms of HPS in raids. Paladin is an immensely fun class to play if you know how and the survivability means you can easy solo 2 or 3 noobs at once. Although if you see a priest just run, manaburn absolutely kills us.

We're nothing but a 2min 40 men buffbot that relies on cloth scraps for our mana.

Oh... and wipe prevention bop.
So what servers is everyone playing on? Got a few old friends who will be on Zandalar Tribe so that's where Zola the Undead mage will be.

That's where some of my friends are planning on as well. Never tried an RP server before, will probably skip all that stuff but has to be a pvp realm!

Cool, i'm on the same server, but on the good side, i'll keep an eye out for Zola, and then kill you.
Quite a few Brits on that server, accoding to the discord polls.

As someone said, RP-PvP is pretty much just a pvp server that is MUCH less toxic. All you need to think about, is to not bother people who are rp'ing, except if their name is red, of course, and have proper name.
Legolasdoomcnut, Newbslayer, and those kind of names, will be reported by the community, and name changed by blizz, and there's nothing you can do about it.
I played on Argent Dawn EU for quite a while without ever actually doing any RP. It's cool to see other players doing it though and makes for a more fun and less toxic realm.

It also leads to some cool world PvP as guilds organise big fights against each other rather than just random STV gankfests.

Do like the sound of that.
So what servers is everyone playing on? Got a few old friends who will be on Zandalar Tribe so that's where Zola the Undead mage will be.

At the moment, my group marked Shazzrah as destination but now due potential ques, they thinking to switch to Gehennas. Gehennas might have another type of problem, so we unsure about that too. Blizzard really fecked up with giving us only 2 pvp eng speaking servers from the start.
Think they are assuming while initially servers will be incredibly busy, there will also be a big drop off after a few months once peoples nostalgia is sated and so fewer servers means they stay busy for longer.
I'll be on Zandalar Tribe, horde side. Tauren Druid named Sanoe. I won't play very much though, due to life etc. It's purely a nostalgia trip so the novelty of leveling to 60 in 6 months might wear off.
Been away from the game for about a year or so now as life is so hectic and I just haven't had the time.

Am I right in these things:

Classic launches 27th of this month?

You can play it even if you don't have the latest expansion? All you need is game time? (To play classic that is)
Been away from the game for about a year or so now as life is so hectic and I just haven't had the time.

Am I right in these things:

Classic launches 27th of this month?

You can play it even if you don't have the latest expansion? All you need is game time? (To play classic that is)

Yeah, you just need a subscription, and you're good to go.
The reunion forums they created for finding old server mates and guild mates are cool. Seeing some old names from years ago hadn't talked to in years. One of my best friends said I didn't even remember your mages name but they were asking about you on the forums hah.
Too lazy to read all this. I have what used to be my guild s main raiding tank specced warrior in mostly full T3 (and full fire res gear as well) and my badass Quel Serrar *spelling* sword. Is that going to be worth anything in the "new" servers?
Too lazy to read all this. I have what used to be my guild s main raiding tank specced warrior in mostly full T3 (and full fire res gear as well) and my badass Quel Serrar *spelling* sword. Is that going to be worth anything in the "new" servers?

Nah it’s a fresh start, new characters etc.

Got a week off work and my character saved for next week, can’t wait now.
They added 4th pvp english speaking server, dont know how they expected to put whole Europe initially in only 2 pvp eng. servers.
They added 4th pvp english speaking server, dont know how they expected to put whole Europe initially in only 2 pvp eng. servers.

In their defense, the new layering system makes it so you can have upwards of 10k people on the same server as opposed to the <2k cap we had during actual vanilla!

I'm super excited for this! Will be rolling an undead rogue as it's the only class I've never played. Only playing casual like, but I can't wait anyway!
I dont think it has anything to do with layering, seems they find adding servers easier, maybe even cheaper solution than to put 10 servers out there and merge them later if needed.

Also layering will be only in phase one, after that oh boi cant wait for it.
The guild I'm supposed to be joining might be a bit too savage for my tastes. Some of the rules:

Ganking is allowed, no camping for more than 30 mins.
Leave no Alliance player you meet alive, regardless of your level or their level.

I can honestly say I've never camped anyone for any period of time, let alone half an hour! Also attacking every ally I see seems exhausting, sometimes I just wanna farm boars.
The guild I'm supposed to be joining might be a bit too savage for my tastes. Some of the rules:

Ganking is allowed, no camping for more than 30 mins.
Leave no Alliance player you meet alive, regardless of your level or their level.

I can honestly say I've never camped anyone for any period of time, let alone half an hour! Also attacking every ally I see seems exhausting, sometimes I just wanna farm boars.
Is anyone really going to know if you don't attack every random Alliance player you come across? :lol:
Is anyone really going to know if you don't attack every random Alliance player you come across? :lol:

"Listen guys, I saw Zola just walk past a level 30 alliance paladin yesterday. It's the 3rd time this month, I think he needs to be /gkicked"

I haven't even thought about guilds yet, think I might be doing it wrong.

Have my characters saved on Golemagg server, pvp one obviously.

The guild I'm supposed to be joining might be a bit too savage for my tastes. Some of the rules:

Ganking is allowed, no camping for more than 30 mins.
Leave no Alliance player you meet alive, regardless of your level or their level.

I can honestly say I've never camped anyone for any period of time, let alone half an hour! Also attacking every ally I see seems exhausting, sometimes I just wanna farm boars.

Not much of a ganker myself tbh, and will only kill someone several times if they've been doing it to me.