World Chess Championship: Carlsen vs Karjakin


Full Member
Apr 23, 2016
Plumbus - Uncompromising and Innovative
The World Championship starts tomorrow in NY, best out of 12 games.

I predict a "boring" match. The tension will be there of course, but I doubt we will see much of the Najdorf, the Grunfeld or the KI. And of course no Pirc, King's gambit or other wild, possibly dubious stuff.

The Berlin and the Queen's Indian look the most probable battle-grounds. Maybe the Italian. Trying to squeeze a slight advantage in pawn-structure.

With both known to be quite good defenders, I just don't think aggressive play will pay off. I hope I'm wrong though.
Any good places to follow from? Hopefully with comments from people that know way way way (x28) more than me about chess?
I will watch it on NRK probably. But they only broadcast in Norway.

I have a weakness for, they provide the best coverage of major events. I doubt they have the live video, so you'll only see the board. But Jan Gustafsson and Peter Svidler are unrivaled as chess commentators imo.

Agon, the producer, has the official broadcast with Judith Polgar I think. Google them and you'll find a stream for the live broadcast. This may cost money though, not sure.
Cheers, doesn't look bad, and it looks like it will have a stream as well. (there's youtube video, with countdown until tomorrow - almost exactly 24 hours from now)
Carlsen will crush Karajkin. Caruana is probably closest to him right now IMO
Carlsen will crush Karajkin. Caruana is probably closest to him right now IMO

I don't even play chess, but i like to watch it.
Magnus has struggled against Caruana tto, hasn't he?
Bad matchup for Magnus compared to Karjakin.

Is Lahlum commenting on NRK?
loved to watch the sows on vgtv with him.
I don't even play chess, but i like to watch it.
Magnus has struggled against Caruana tto, hasn't he?
Bad matchup for Magnus compared to Karjakin.

Is Lahlum commenting on NRK?
loved to watch the sows on vgtv with him.
I don't think Magnus struggles against anybody. The guy may go down as the GOAT if he gets people who can actually challenge him. I hate his style of chess but it is bloody effective.

I was an amatuer in India, did pretty good (won a few tourneys) but have been casual for years.
I'll also probably go see one of the games because I'll be in NY

anybody want to go

@Edgar Allan Pillow were you in the chess tourney i organized a while ago?
Magnus has struggled against Caruana tto, hasn't he?
Well, sort of. He beats him almost as frequently as he beats Nakamura, but also loses to him more frequently than to any other top player (I think). The stats are +8-5=10 overall, +3-1=3 in the last two years.

Did any of you guys follow the Blitz Battle? I thought it was fantastic entertainment, and not just because Carlsen won.
Did any of you guys follow the Blitz Battle? I thought it was fantastic entertainment, and not just because Carlsen won.

Much fun, I think even not very ardent chess fans find that format entertaining.

Its fascinating to see them play when they don't control their facial expressions, you realise how quickly top GM's realise mistakes made.
Judith Polgar thinks Karjakin is already in trouble. He doesn't seem to know what he should do in this position.
Worldchess is now ok, J. Polgar commenting.

Karjakin looks kind of surprised with the opening (it was Tromplovsky, and he played 2... d5), now thinking more than 20 mins for his 6th move.

Edit: He has just made his 6th move.
Magnus' dad: "I think Magnus is in the mood for war now that he's in America so he decided to play the Trumposky." :lol:
The comments are however a bit disappointing, no possible lines being shown or analysed on the analysis board, just general explanations and estimations (which can be really boring and monotonous when players think for 15-20 minutes between the moves) plus some unfunny jokes (on Trump and Putin too) and quotes from social networks. Polgar's voice is also unbelievably annoying.

The game's becoming interesting though. Looks like Karjakin's found a good plan after being surprised with the opening.

Edit: She's finally started analysing moves, demonstrating possible lines on the board, etc.. Also, the program on chess.24 is now back on (van Kampen and Hansen commenting though).
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Yup, the commentary is disappointing. The problem with commentary is that the best players and the most known players are usually not good at commentating, while the better commentators are usually weaker and less known as players. And most of the times they prefer to have a bigger name than a better commentator.
Yup, the commentary is disappointing. The problem with commentary is that the best players and the most known players are usually not good at commentating, while the better commentators are usually weaker and less known as players. And most of the times they prefer to have a bigger name than a better commentator.

Exactly. And we are not talking about patzers exactly, rather 2650+ GMs that are good in commentating.
White needs to put his pawn chain on dark squares to limit the movement of the black bishop and give the king more freedom. Besides, this is the endgame (with no queens on the board), the king should be looking to move towards the center, not away from it.