Lester Freamon
Aka Caveman
hehehe I don't mean to pick on Norway in particular. I'm of the opinion that very few Olympic athletes (summer or winter) are clean 100% of the time.
That's ridiculous. I lived in cold dry air for the better part of my life and only developed minor asthma after moving to a marginally warmer climate contracting a particularly strange illness, big city pollution and too many ciggies. It's gone now but I can tell you that some of those inhalants can give a healthy person quite a boost in a cardiovascular sense.
No Norwegian Cross Country athlete has ever been caught or even had suspicions hanging over them. As a nation we love our winter athletes and pride ourselves on the fact that they are clean. Any Norwegian athlete caught doping would basically be persona non grata over here.
Did you train outdoors for ~1500 hours a year in that air?