Lester Freamon
Aka Caveman
Haha, ski cross. That was awesome. But now it's Biathlon. That's shooting and skiing, Mockers. Shooting. And Skiing.
Haha, ski cross. That was awesome. But now it's Biathlon. That's shooting and skiing, Mockers. Shooting. And Skiing.
Ann Kristin Flatland would so get it.
you're being very generous calling cross country ski-ing actually ski-ing....it's like calling speed walking driving
At this rate she'd probably miss my cock and suck my thigh though.
Shit day, saved by Grønvold. Sort of. That's a quality faceplant from the Canadian btw
Now for the Pants to put Sweden in their place. And a hopefully epic game between Canada and USA. I wonder who the refs will try to favor now?
I hate the Pants. Typical noggies. Arghhh must resist commentating on the ref in the Canada-USA game. I have a sneaky feeling USA might win though they usually bottle it in the later stages.
Our pants is equal to your stupid-looking flag.
Did you just mock our glorious flag?Don't forget who you used to belong to
Rather 500 years under the Danes than 100 years under you