Who would you prefer to win the Premier League of Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal, Man City?

Anyone but Liverpool

Hopefully it is Chelsea, easiest of all them to digest
Only one option. Chelsea. That’s it. All other options are Rabid.
Chelsea, then City in that order.

Only thing worse than an Arsenal title win for me is Liverpool winning it.
City, then they get done for cheating and get relegated and are never seen again
People keep saying that and while it’s true that it’s not legitimate, they’re our city rivals and the history books won’t care about whether or not they cheated. Them winning is detrimental to us.
Them winning stops legitimate clubs such as Arsenal and Liverpool from winning. As ugly as it is, that is a win for us. I couldn't care less what the history books say. We know the truth. They can't be taken seriously and if there is any integrity left in football, their titles will be stripped anyway. Now that is something for the history books!
Chelsea by a clear margin. Like City I consider their titles meaningless due to the financial doling it took to get them there, but unlike City they’re not being lauded as the best team ever. Arsenal fans would be insufferable if they finally manage to win the league again and so will Liverpool fans if they win another one.
Funnily enough was having this conversation with some work colleagues one of whom is a City fan. I said id rather City won of those 4 as I knew it would seriously wind him up.
In reality id rather Chelsea won it though.
Liverpool worst, City next worst.

Close between the other 2, just prefer Arsenal if having to pick. Not really bothered though.
Chelsea and by a distance. Mrs is an Arsenal fan so I'd never hear the end of that, and then you've got City going for 5 in a row or Liverpool matching 20 titles so doomsday scenario.
On the how much it bothers me scale, 0-10:

3/10 Chelsea
6/10 Arsenal
9.999/10 Liverpool
10/10 City

I don’t want to sound too dramatic, but City and their project, and similar projects, are a cancer to the premier league and European football. They’ve a made a mockery of the rules and all the competitions they participate in.

It’s going to get worse and go far beyond football. But that’s enough, if I speak, I am in big trouble.
On the how much it bothers me scale, 0-10:

3/10 Chelsea
6/10 Arsenal
9.999/10 Liverpool
10/10 City

I don’t want to sound too dramatic, but City and their project, and similar projects, are a cancer to the premier league and European football. They’ve a made a mockery of the rules and all the competitions they participate in.

It’s going to get worse and go far beyond football. But that’s enough, if I speak, I am in big trouble.
Please elaborate.
Them winning stops legitimate clubs such as Arsenal and Liverpool from winning. As ugly as it is, that is a win for us. I couldn't care less what the history books say. We know the truth. They can't be taken seriously and if there is any integrity left in football, their titles will be stripped anyway. Now that is something for the history books!
If they win more we’ll be seen as irrelevant. And unfortunately many fans don’t see their wins as illegitimate.

Never felt any rivalry with them, not even during the 2007-2010 years because it's always been that respect there.
People keep saying that and while it’s true that it’s not legitimate, they’re our city rivals and the history books won’t care about whether or not they cheated. Them winning is detrimental to us.
Fully agree with this.
Chelsea of course! I'm fervently praying they do it. Would love it! Just love it
I've always seen Chelsea as our get out of jail free card.

Never mind "the slip".
My preference is Chelsea but in truth... Any club other than the Sports Washing Cheats, ManC.
Chelsea are always my preference in this.

Of all the fans of other PL clubs that I know in real life, Chelsea fans are by far the most benign and least annoying.

The media also never go into a wankfest over them like the do the others, so Chelsea all the way