Who would you prefer to win the Premier League of Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal, Man City?


Full Member
Jun 24, 2024
Obviously not are great from our perspective, but for me Arsenal is the clear preference. City is easily the one I'd want least, and I've got much more dislike for Pool in particular than Arsenal. Chelsea wouldn't be too bad, but seems like they're more of a long-term threat and easier to hate.
For the benefit of everyone, Chelsea are the lesser of all evils. They win and you never hear about it. If Liverpool or Arsenal have success they talk about it for 62 years.
For the last two years I would have preferred Arsenal but they're just irritating the feck out of me now with them not being able to stop City and now Liverpool. So it has to be Chelsea.

Downside with Chelsea is that we'll never hear the end of it if Sancho wins a league title and that it was all Ole, Ralf or EtH's fault he was so crap here.
Definitely not that two teams, plus I don’t think I want that big baby Arteta winning it too. So it’s Chelsea by a mile for me,
Chelsea, then Arsenal.

Don't want slimy little Pep cheating his way to 5 in a row and don't want Liverpool getting to 20 titles.
Chelsea. Their manager is far less of a cnut than Arteta. The only slight downside would be seeing Sancho lift the title, but I guess we could spin that as saying it was good business from us as Sancho helped stop Liverpool from winning the league :lol:
Would you rather be beaten around the head with a baseball bat or a cricket bat.

Couldn't give a flying feck about any of them.

Arse aren't going to win, Liverpool are faltering, City are shit and Chelsea are a shoddy little club who aren't worth anyone's attention.
Even though Chelsea have the horrible Abrahmovich shady stuff and being a level of oil team before City took it to unreal levels, it has to be them.
Superb run of games on paper coming up.

Liverpool not winning a home banker feels big. Shame Arsenal didn't captalise though.

It's actually close between Arsenal and City as Arsenal have some annoying fans while I don't care for City much. Wasn't happy with their treble or 4 titles in a row but would hate it more if Liverpool managed to do that.

Chelsea are in good position but unfortunately I'm afraid they won't have enough atm to actually win it this season. Though wouldn't be against them winning it again - 2005, 2015 and 2025.
Hard one but I'm gonna have to go with Chelsea.
I’m pretty numb about City. They wouldn’t be here without over a decade of cheating so I just don’t care.

I’d prefer Chelsea to Arsenal because their fans are far less annoying.

Liverpool obviously bottom by a mile.
United to play at Chelsea on 18th May (their last home game of the season) so may have a say in title race or give them guard of honour like 20 years ago. Though not sure Chelsea will keep up until then.
Chelsea or City are the easy favorites for me from this list. Ideally Liverpool should be the last choice but I genuinely hate Arteta, Arsenal and their fans almost as much so its tough between those two.
Arsenal would be cool, they haven't won for ages and definitely deserve something. I dislike City & Chelsea the most of them.
Don’t pin your hopes on us please. We will only disappoint :lol: