New Member
In fairness, hearing so many Yanks bang on about their "gunrights", it's hard not to be flippant when this sort of thing happens.....which it seems to do on a pretty regular basis
In fairness, hearing so many Yanks bang on about their "gunrights", it's hard not to be flippant when this sort of thing happens.....which it seems to do on a pretty regular basis
I was watching CNN last night. One of the things said was that killers choose schools becasue they are often declared gun free zones, ie, no guns allowed.
They go to schools and kill because they know there won't be anyone shooting back at them.
Gun laws is just a part of the problem.
The health care situation is a part of the problem as well, the shooter was at a mental institution in 2005 and several students were concerned about his state of mind.
Not to mention the "violence solves violence" mentality that some in here are big fans of
it is scary logic, but the fact remains that one incident was stopped becasue two students went to their cars, retrieved their guns and drew down the shooter (I think that means with two guns pointed at him, he gave up) I can't remember the particulars but it was well documented.
American nutjob that thinks more violence stops violence said:The generalization about whack-job students doesn't always apply. there was a shooting at an Amish School last year perpetrated by a 30 something, he killed little kids and then himself.*
American nutjob that thinks more violence stops violence said:not everyone should own a gun, but if you do, you should at least spend some money and learn to use it properly, that includes when to use deadly force.
In fairness, hearing so many Yanks bang on about their "gunrights", it's hard not to be flippant when this sort of thing happens.....which it seems to do on a pretty regular basis
They had some Yank on some breakfast show, she was dead defensive of her fat, gun-wielding countryman
"In fairness to Americans, we wouldn't have a debate as to whether a prince should marry a middle class girl" She pointed out
A relatively fair point, such discussion would be daft if we really invested any time debating it......not quite as daft as shooting the living feck out of your classmates mind
The stupid bitch, I hope someone shoots her
How do you remove hundreds of thousands of weapons from a country overnight?
Even if there was a complete ban, it would take decades to see any appreciable effect. We're not an island either. They can be smuggled in at will.
Link ?
He wasnt mentally stable....
You should be forced to learn how to use a gun in order to be allowed to purchase a weapon....
You're a very pathetic person really.
How is that the fault of the US healthcare system?
The problem is the daft psychiatrists certified him ok, and there was nothing else anyone could do.
The gun nuts will laugh at you and say you have no right to take their guns, which as loyal taxpaying citizens they use to defend their lives and property.
Thomas, you scum of a human...
Whenever you bring up gun bans to the gun nuts they throw a very well rehearsed argument back in your face: You want only criminals to have guns??
It's a tough argument to break down because in many ways it makes sense. You're not going to change anyone's mind with your dimwitted drivel. The gun nuts will laugh at you and say you have no right to take their guns, which as loyal taxpaying citizens they use to defend their lives and property. The sensible anti-gunners will call you a fecking twat for saying things like "the more Americans kill Americans, the better." Either way, you're a fecking moron with no argument, just drivel. Go sit down in your most likely shitty apartment or whatever and stfu, thanks.
How do you remove hundreds of thousands of weapons from a country overnight?
Even if there was a complete ban, it would take decades to see any appreciable effect. We're not an island either. They can be smuggled in at will.
He's a part of the healthcare system, isn't he ?
What was the reasons for saying he was ok, was it because they were lacking funds etc etc, could be plenty of reasons.
Norway has had issues with this due to bureaucry stopping them from doing their job.
Oh no
Gun-nuts laughing at you.....that's quite the body blow
Just as a reminder to anyone who doesn't know
You don't leave the house, look like a bear's arse, collect barbie dolls and are a fat American
Good point mind
They are the ones you must convince of the idiocy, having them laugh at you really defeats the point of arguing in the first place. If you want to lobby against guns, you must do it in a way that gets to the people who's mind you are trying to change.
Do you actually show such casual bigotry and hatred towards women in your life as you do when you're Big Upping it on the internet?
Every woman is a "bitch" or a "fat cow" or something of the like.
Take a look at yourself, honestly.
So what you are saying is "There's no point in trying to change the situation as the result of the changes won't be seen for another decade"
In summary, you have no idea what you're talking about.
He was certified OK not because the Evil Americans Don't Have Socialised Medicine.
He was certified OK because the doctors mistakenly bought his representations that he was OK.
No, I'm saying Davo won't see the situation change in his lifetime even if all weapons were illegalised tomorrow.
What are you on about you dwarf-faced gimp?
The suggestion that I hate women is bizarre and random, I judge them on their own merits, or lack of
And on this basis, I hope the stupid Yank cow who was on the box is shot soon...
I wouldn't bother taking a look at yourself....
Surely a step towards a solution is better than not bothering because it will take long to see the changes ?
You're always saying hateful and bigoted things about women.
It just struck me above that it might not just be you trying to be 'Ard on the internet, but might actually be the way your brain works.
Which is truly frightening.
Did I say otherwise?
If he gets through the system because he managed to fool the headshrink, then there's an obvious flaw in the healthcare system.
Even a country like Norway, best country in the world to live in, has problems with the healthcare system
Surely a step towards a solution is better than not bothering because it will take long to see the changes ?
It isn't the system, it is the person.
I know you're just on the WUM, but don't be silly beyond what you have to be.
You didnt exactly agree, you just made a daft Davo joke
You didnt exactly agree, you just made a daft Davo joke
It wasn't a joke. It was a serious point.
He was talking about being smug because this happens over and over again, and he'll continue to be able to be smug because it will happen again presumably because of our gun laws.
Even if guns were illegalised tomorrow, he would still be able to be smug about US gun deaths for the rest of his life - because it would take decades to see a difference.
That's not a joke, it is the truth.
Doesn't really help when the black market is so rife with weapons
The trouble with passing laws banning handguns is that the average Joe's will give them up, but criminals will still get them illegally
It's not enough just to ban the sale of assault weapons/handguns
Ofcourse its the system.
You'd be pretty daft to think otherwise.
If a person that clearly belongs in a mental institution, manages to get through the system by fooling one person, then something is wrong with the healthcare system as well.
Criminals have weapons here in Norway as well.
Yet we dont have big issues with it.
You're not making any sense.
If an individual mistake makes a system flawed, the every system for doing everything everywhere in the history of planet earth is irreparably flawed.
How many different screens does someone in Norway go through if they threaten to commit suicide and stalk someone?
Do you know? Of course you don't. You're just having an anti-American WUM.