Westminster Politics

With my fixed rate mortgage due to end next month and my meeting with the advisors next week...I want to cry.

I fecking hate Tories.

We got our first mortgage in February at 1.99% fixed for 2 years. The original offer that expired was 2.49% fixed for 5 years. At the time we thought it was good news :(
We got our first mortgage in February at 1.99% fixed for 2 years. The original offer that expired was 2.49% fixed for 5 years. At the time we thought it was good news :(
Ooooohhh, 2.49% for 5 years through this shit show? That would've been nice, sorry to hear that.
With my fixed rate mortgage due to end next month and my meeting with the advisors next week...I want to cry.

I fecking hate Tories.
Mine ends October and there's only one direction the payments are headed...
Quite a long (but I think interesting) thread from Richard Murphy on why the Bank of England is making everything worse and how they are needlessly making the 'have-nots' suffer:

While we are getting battered due to sticking to the variable rate on our gas and electric over the next couple of years I can't quite believe our luck with the timing of our 5 year fixed rate mortgage we renewed in January. Committed to 1.64% too and it didn't take effect until April.
While we are getting battered due to sticking to the variable rate on our gas and electric over the next couple of years I can't quite believe our luck with the timing of our 5 year fixed rate mortgage we renewed in January. Committed to 1.64% too and it didn't take effect until April.

We’re lucky to be in a similar situation, 5yr fixed from March.
We got our first mortgage in February at 1.99% fixed for 2 years. The original offer that expired was 2.49% fixed for 5 years. At the time we thought it was good news :(
Good luck - I am serious.
My mortgage will still run for 10 years, it started 5 years ago.
We got a 5 year fixed at 1.8% I think from June? We could have got it at 1.4% if we had completed in March...but alas, happy with what we have.
With my fixed rate mortgage due to end next month and my meeting with the advisors next week...I want to cry.

I fecking hate Tories.

Ours due to end next month too. We went for a 5 year fixed rate offered yesterday before the Bank of England announcement
ive been dowm some twitter rabbit hole, and it appears theres a liz truss / kwasi karteng / amber rudd love triangle....
Hes actually said that? That he had to undo Labour policies helping out poor and deprived areas and divert the money to richer more well to do areas?

Mr Sunak's campaign did not dispute the video and instead defended its content.

'Levelling up isn't just about city centres, it's also about towns and rural areas all over the country that need help too. That's what he changed in the green book and he will follow though as prime minister,' a source said.


Amazing isn't it?

Rishi Sunak has vowed to phase out university degrees that do not improve students' "earning potential", under plans to reform education.

The former chancellor promised to assess university degrees through their drop-out rates, numbers in graduate jobs and salary thresholds - making exceptions for nursing and other courses with high social value.

"Rishi Sunak plans to continue to underpay nurses."

Well the last crisis was because of immigrants and poor people, and the Tories have been charging up the new and improved Hate Machine recently with its targeting systems pointed at trans people and wokeness so I'm not surprised.
They're both hideous. We have to cross our fingers and hope (well feck) the general public makes a sensible decision and throws the Tories out in the next GE.
That is quite sickening for the general public

What a cnut.

Tories showing their true colours. Take from the poor and give to the rich.
Absolutely crystal clear. But will the general public take any notice, or even know about it. Or even care given everything else going on.

So this 'kangaroo court' which actually has more Tories on it than opposition MPs is yet another witch hunt.

MAGA v2.0
Liz Truss is going to be a brilliant PM.

From a comedic value perspective.
Shes basically Johnson without his upper class privileges, so when she fecks up she wont be shielded by the british forelock tugging....considering shes had 2 major balls up already just during her campaign...it aint going to last long for her....