Westminster Politics

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I've only looked at the graph but the message there is that Labour needs to learn how to appeal to homeowners for votes or they've no chance.
indeed it looks like something around 80-85% of consituuiencies have more than 50% ownership rates ... and they already win virtually all the constituiencies below 50% so yeah logically policies to better apeal to existing householders is pretty much a must
What’s crazy is that in many states here, the person driving the car could claim he was fearful & was just trying to leave & he wouldn’t be charged with anything.
What’s crazy is that in many states here, the person driving the car could claim he was fearful & was just trying to leave & he wouldn’t be charged with anything.
Do you mean Fearless?
I’ll do my part to ensure a stellar turnout for the remaining America’s Comeback Tour events.
Most interesting is how high the 59% figure is for people not knowing what the term means, given the right wing press drone on about it so much.

is it a term many would use in real life? Seems like a Twitter term and one that’s popular, but only in certain Echo chambers. I’m not at all surprised by how high that % is.
is it a term many would use in real life? Seems like a Twitter term and one that’s popular, but only in certain Echo chambers. I’m not at all surprised by how high that % is.
That's a fair point, not sure I can remember hearing anyone using it in convo in real life. Only occasionally when discussing some newspaper article etc...My wife, who reads very little UK media, didn't know the term.
Most interesting is how high the 59% figure is for people not knowing what the term means, given the right wing press drone on about it so much.
I guess a made-up word means different things to different people. I've only come across it on the caf really, and when I do I just skip over the rest of the post then; if anyone wants my attention they'll have to put their points in English I'm afraid.
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Who actually describes themselves as 'woke' non-ironically?

I'd probably be described as woke by someone trying to insult me based on my political and social beliefs but would absolutely cringe to give myself that title.
Most interesting is how high the 59% figure is for people not knowing what the term means, given the right wing press drone on about it so much.

Twitter tends to over inflate opinions somewhat, to the point where people think they're significant. This is a good example.
There is no doubt at all that obscene amounts of taxpayer money has been handed out to 'friends' of government officials.
And hopefully, investigations will reveal all.

they will investigate themselves and conclude that they’ve done nothing wrong
Or if whoever is appointed to investigate does conclude they did something wrong they'll just disagree and ignore it.
Yeah, that's more likely, they'll just brazen it out and it will get covered up by the next controversy.

Trump's playbook, page 1, chapter 1
I’m sure we be were told that this could never happen and would be terrible for the rail industry when Corbyn proposed something similar
I suspect you only read the headline. This is not nationalisation, the trains and track will still be run by private companies, they just won't be called franchises any more. It's arguably an increase in privatisation, as currently much of the track, and some of the trains, are state-run, whereas they won't be in future.

Labour's long-time policy, not just Corbyn's, has been to actually re-nationalise, and it has generally been one of their more popular policies.
I suspect you only read the headline. This is not nationalisation, the trains and track will still be run by private companies, they just won't be called franchises any more. It's arguably an increase in privatisation, as currently much of the track, and some of the trains, are state-run, whereas they won't be in future.

Labour's long-time policy, not just Corbyn's, has been to actually re-nationalise, and it has generally been one of their more popular policies.
Great. Cos the last railway privatisation went so well
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