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Would risk it all for the Colonel
With the Chief Whip apparently.What does this mean? Do you mean that Starmer visited the Speaker?
With the Chief Whip apparently.What does this mean? Do you mean that Starmer visited the Speaker?
Welcome to this very thread 15 minutes ago.
You mean the same Ofcom that, like Ofgem, is accountable to Parliament. The same parliament that - oh, you know where I'm going with this.Is he still an MP? How the feck are ofcom allowing this?
He probably went over there to get Hoyle's prediction and money for the Commons Porto vs Arsenal sweepstake Starmer is running.Meeting the Speaker isn't rare
He probably went over there to get Hoyle's prediction and money for the Commons Porto vs Arsenal sweepstake Starmer is running.
A stupid take.I imagine he went there to try and advance the Labour party position.
Today was a chance for parliament to unite and speak with one voice on the horrendous situation in Gaza and Israel.
It was in that spirit that Labour put forward an amendment calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. One that that will last, that would require both sides to observe it, that would demand hostages are returned, that aid gets into Gaza, that said Israel has a right to be protected against a repeat of 7 October and – crucially – that requires a road map for a two-state solution.
Unfortunately, the Conservatives and the SNP decided to walk out hand-in-hand, refusing to vote on this serious matter, yet again choosing political games over serious solutions.
With the Chief Whip apparently.
Apparently someone outside the room heard them. It was probably a heated conversation.That would have less influence on the Speaker. I can't imagine Starmer or the Chief Whip choosing to leak to the BBC that they threatened the Speaker.
What passes for British democracy went up against Starmer not wanting to look like he believes Israel has the right to commit acts that Parliament considers collective punishment and thus a war crime.I'm officially confused about what has happened today, and even if someone explained it I would probably still be confused. This is what I get for ignoring politics for a couple of days.
Labour's wording left out condemnation of Israel and added that a ceasefire won't happen until Hamas ceases violence. A total cop out.I'm officially confused about what has happened today, and even if someone explained it I would probably still be confused. This is what I get for ignoring politics for a couple of days.
The PA news agency takes a look at what happened on one of the chamber’s most heated days since the Brexit debates of 2016 to 2020.What I don't understand is why, with the government amendment, there would have been 3 separate votes (original SNP text, government amendment, Labour amendment) but once the government amendment was withdrawn the only vote was on the Labour amendment. That seems very strange from a procedural point of view.
It also seems strange that Labour is essentially allowed to gazump the SNP on the SNP's opposition day. What is the point of allotting an opposition day to the SNP if one could theoretically table an amendment replacing the entire text of whatever the SNP put forward and then only having a debate and vote on that amendment? Seems ridiculous.
The fecking state of these tweets.[...]
The PA news agency takes a look at what happened on one of the chamber’s most heated days since the Brexit debates of 2016 to 2020.
– What was expected to happen on Wednesday?
Section 31 (2) explains that when the Government tables an amendment to an Opposition Day Debate motion, the original words of the motion will be voted upon first and if rejected then the Government’s alternative wording will be put to a vote.
The expectation therefore was that the Government amendment to the SNP motion would be selected for debate with both being voted on.
– What did the Speaker do?
Sir Lindsay said he wanted MPs to consider the “widest possible range of options” and announced at the start of Wednesday’s debates that he would be selecting both the Labour amendment and the Government amendment.
He acknowledged this was an exceptional move and this provoked uproar in the chamber, with Conservative former minister Sir Desmond Swayne lampooning the Speaker by shouting “bring back Bercow!” – a nod to the previous Speaker John Bercow, whose controversial tenure concluded with the Brexit wars.
Sir Lindsay also faced shouts of resign and “shame” from the SNP and Conservative benches.
– Why was the Speaker’s decision an issue for many MPs?
The SNP have up to three days on which, as the second largest opposition party, they can lead debates. The selection of the amendments by the Speaker led them to argue they were being denied an opportunity to have a vote on their motion – given that Labour’s amendment would be voted on first and sought to change its content.
Claims also circulated that Sir Lindsay had bowed to pressure from Labour to select their amendment, something that was denied.
Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt accused Sir Lindsay of having “hijacked” the debate and said it had become a “political row within the Labour Party”, adding: “Regrettably Mr Speaker has inserted himself into that row with today’s decision and undermined the confidence of this House in being able to rely on its long-established standing orders to govern its debates.”
– Did anyone else question the decision?
Sir Lindsay was warned by House of Commons Clerk Tom Goldsmith about the unprecedented nature of his decision ahead of the clash with MPs, with the senior official saying he felt “compelled to point out that long-established conventions are not being followed in this case”.
The clerk is the chief adviser to the House on matters of parliamentary procedure, privilege and broader constitutional issues.
– What happened next?
Once tempers had calmed after the Speaker’s initial decision, an actual debate took place in the House of Commons. Shortly after 6pm and after the SNP frontbench had finished their speech to wind up the debate, Mordaunt made a point of order on behalf of the Government.
It was at this point she attacked the Speaker’s handling of the matter and suggested the Government would take no part in votes linked to the motion.
As Deputy Speaker Dame Rosie Winterton tried to move towards holding the votes, further points of order were raised during heated exchanges.
Flynn repeatedly demanded to know the whereabouts of the Speaker before SNP MPs and several Conservative MPs walked out of the chamber in an apparent protest at the handling of matters.
It was understood that SNP MPs headed to the voting lobby in anticipation of voting in favour of calls for a ceasefire.
– So they had a vote?
Further points of order continued to be raised, with Conservative MP William Wragg asking if ministers could sign his no confidence motion in the Speaker and Dame Rosie denying claims that Sir Lindsay selected Labour’s amendment amid threats from the party that they would “bring him down” should they win the election.
A vote then took place when Wragg rose to ask that the House sat in private. This was defeated but was interpreted by some as a time-wasting ruse in the belief that if the clock ticked past 7pm – the moment of interruption for the day – that no other votes could take place.
Deputy Speaker Dame Rosie later said advice had been taken and the vote on the Labour amendment was required to take place regardless of the timing.
If MPs had decided the House should sit in private, the galleries would have been cleared and the broadcast feed would have ceased.
– OK, so at this point there was a vote on the actual debate?
Yes. Labour’s amendment pushing for an immediate Gaza ceasefire was approved by the Commons without a formal vote being called.
The Deputy Speaker ruled that it had been approved on the shouts of MPs. Conservative former minister Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg later challenged this ruling and said: “It is absolutely extraordinary that that noise level was deemed to be ‘aye’.”
Some MPs were left frustrated that a formal vote did not take place, with many wanting to place on record their decision and show their constituents they had supported a ceasefire.
– And how did the Speaker respond to events?
Sir Lindsay returned to the chair once Labour’s amendment had been approved. He apologised to the Commons amid shouts of “resign” from some MPs.
He said he was “very, very concerned about the security” of all MPs, adding: “I wanted all to ensure they could express their views and all sides of the House could vote. As it was, in particular the SNP were ultimately unable to vote on their proposition.
“I am, and I regret… with my sadness, that it’s ended up… in this position. That was never my intention for it to end like this. I was absolutely convinced that the decision was done with the right intentions. I recognise the strength of feeling of members on this issue.”
Sir Lindsay also denied meeting Labour adviser Sue Gray on Wednesday.
– How did MPs respond to the apology?
The SNP’s Mr Flynn said he would take significant convincing that the Speaker’s position was “not now intolerable” and claimed his party had been treated with contempt.
Sir Lindsay has offered to meet Mr Flynn and other key players to discuss the matter.
– What is the impact of Labour’s amendment being agreed?
Opposition Day Debate motions are non-binding on the Government. But on matters such as this they at least signal the feeling of the House of Commons. What was clear from the debate is MPs from all sides want to see an end to the violence in the Hamas-Israel conflict, although they disagree on how best to achieve this.
– What happens next?
It is unlikely the Speaker has heard the last of Wednesday’s events and business questions on Thursday may be another occasion when Mordaunt and others consider the matter further.
Nah, it seems they tried to make this motion about politics, got caught out and now are throwing their toys out the pram.So on this reading it wasn't so much Hoyle accepting the Labour amendment that prevented the naked SNP motion from being voted on, but the withdrawal of the government's amendment by the Conservative Party. Is that right? I'm still confused though. Just because an amendment is proposed by another opposition party instead of the government shouldn't change the procedural order so radically. Surely precedence should still be given to the party who's opposition day it is. Strikes me that because this was such an unusual decision by the speaker such an occurrence was't legislated for and so convention dictated the house fall back on some set of standard (non opposition day) procedures.
It really does feel like the SNP was short changed.
As not someone playing politics, which bit of blocking aid, food, fuel and water into an entire population do you not consider collective punishment? Which bit of bombing civilian areas and refugee camps do you not consider collective punishment? How high up the Hamas totem pole do you think Hind Rajab was prior to her death?Nah, it seems they tried to make this motion about politics, got caught out and now are throwing their toys out the pram.
The Tories is seems also know they couldn't do anything so upped and left.
Nah, it seems they tried to make this motion about politics, got caught out and now are throwing their toys out the pram.
The Tories is seems also know they couldn't do anything so upped and left.
So on this reading it wasn't so much Hoyle accepting the Labour amendment that prevented the naked SNP motion from being voted on, but the withdrawal of the government's amendment by the Conservative Party. Is that right? I'm still confused though. Just because an amendment is proposed by another opposition party instead of the government shouldn't change the procedural order so radically. Surely precedence should still be given to the party who's opposition day it is. Strikes me that because this was such an unusual decision by the speaker such an occurrence was't legislated for and so convention dictated the house fall back on some set of standard (non opposition day) procedures.
It really does feel like the SNP was short changed.
No. Hoyle should have chosen the SNP one, but chose Labour. The Government withdrew their motion in protest. The SNP were shafted here after Labour MPs lobbied the Speaker that their safety would be at risk if the SNP amendment was chosen.
You know, the party of Jo Cox obliquely alluding to what happened to Jo Cox if Starmer wasn't removed from this political jam.
I don't get the 'security of MPs' thing. Are they saying parliament should surrender to threats from the public? What sort of precedent is that?
No. Hoyle should have chosen the SNP one, but chose Labour. The Government withdrew their motion in protest. The SNP were shafted here after Labour MPs lobbied the Speaker that their safety would be at risk if the SNP amendment was chosen.
You know, the party of Jo Cox obliquely alluding to what happened to Jo Cox if Starmer wasn't removed from this political jam.
Dame Rosie Winterton said:"There were going to be, as I understood it, three votes tonight. The government has withdrawn from that. The consequence is, as the right honorable gentleman says, that if the...if the Labour Party amendment is passed it is then added to the SNP motion so he [SNP leader] is right to say, if there were a division, there would be just one vote but if it goes through then we move on to the next business."
The reason I'm not on the same page here is something that the Deputy Speaker said when I was listening. I've just gone back in the broadcast to about 18:15 or so and she says the following in response to the SNP's point of order:
"There were going to be, as I understood it, three votes tonight. The government has withdrawn from that. The consequence is, as the right honorable gentleman says, that if the...if the Labour Party amendment is passed it is then added to the SNP motion so he [SNP leader] is right to say, if there were a division, there would be just one vote but if it goes through then we move on to the next business."
I understood the "three votes" to be the SNP motion and the two amendments. Clear as mud to me.
Sole intention was to focus on Labour, rather than get any votes for the ceasefireThe fecking state of these tweets.
They never seem keen to explain which bit of the SNP's original motion Starmer found so awful he couldn't show their oh so desired 'cross-party support' for it.
@DobbaOf course, if the Speaker hadn't selected the Labour amendment, the SNP motion simply wouldn't have passed and there wouldn't be a record of Parliament wanting a ceasefire.
Hoyle is a disgrace. Its bad enough he went on a sponsored trip to Israel (deeply inappropriate for a speaker), and now this. He should be removed as speaker.
Starmer is just a cnut, but he's got away with it. Hopefully the voters who care deeply about this issue don't forget it come the polls.
I recognise politicians making political points quite well tbhThis doesn't seem correct but I've thought about it a fair bit and I remain very uncertain. You seem very certain, but that just makes me think you haven't given this very much thought.![]()
Farcical take.This is Labour's equivalent to The Conservative's prorogation of parliament. It's shameful. They're an absolute disgrace.