Westminster Politics 2024-2029

I find the freebie argument quite silly. It's almost as though there's an expectation for any party to not take freebies which is just detached from reality.

Society should be smarter than that and focus on the broader issues at play but instead appear happy to continue mudslinging.

I am reading some of these freebie news and maybe I've missed something material but it relates to clothing or tickets to games. That's hardly what the dirty conservatives were doing by way of corruption. An element of hypocrisy exists in every politician. Accept it and hold them to more material standards.

If I'm not allowed to take freebies in insurance then I don't think it's too much to ask for Politicians not to take freebies!
I have literally no idea why people are finding this so hard to grasp.
They’re just accepting free gifts from lobbyists working for huge corporations, I don’t see what the problem is.
At the end of the article, 'It is categorically untrue that the government is considering changing alcohol licensing hours.'.
Who ever said this might want to tell the health minster -

Speaking at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool, public health minister Andrew Gwynne said the government is considering “tightening up the hours of operation” of bars and pubs as part of an attempt to improve health and combat anti-social behaviour.
Mr Gwynne insisted Labour is “not the fun police” nor “supernanny”, instead saying the measures would be driven by both moral and economic arguments.

He said the current health of the nation is “morally reprehensible”, adding that “there isn’t enough money” for the NHS to cope with rising demand without taking action to combat the causes.
Mr Gwynne added: “These are discussions that we have got to have – even if it’s just about tightening up on some of the hours of operation; particularly where there are concerns that people are drinking too much.”

I know this would never happen, but a fun tactic for labour to explore now could simply be to listen to the public and put legislation on the table to severely diminish the level of gifts and donations they can accept.
I know this would never happen, but a fun tactic for labour to explore now could simply be to listen to the public and put legislation on the table to severely diminish the level of gifts and donations they can accept.
They won't do that though, it's their turn to ride the gravy train. I genuinely believe that's the main reason a lot of MPs even want to be MPs
They won't do that though, it's their turn to ride the gravy train. I genuinely believe that's the main reason a lot of MPs even want to be MPs
Completely agree! You’d think a labour government would be smart enough to realise though that they can’t take the mick because the media always suddenly rediscover how to provide scrutiny when they’re in power.
If I'm not allowed to take freebies in insurance then I don't think it's too much to ask for Politicians not to take freebies!

Depends on the volume really, and if there’s an active work element to it.

I think a government full of people that routinely got free tickets to;

-A football match
-A theatre show
-A musical
-A new restaurant opening
-A festival
-A regatta
-An athletics meet

Our country would be in a better place. I’d want there to be some kind of work element to all of it. Dovetailing a festival ticket with some exposure to how they get set up, how many people are involved, what kind of people are involved.

And admittedly I’m just listing a bunch of culture secretary adjacent stuff, but that’s the department that seems to get the wrong end of the shitty stick every single time.

These people work for us, and shouldn’t be off on a jolly. But they absolutely should be at the heart of all of the good shit our country does and has to offer.

We have this divorced political attitude to what work looks like in this country. Work hard and spend on things and experiences. With little regard to all of the work that’s going on to provide those experiences.

Going to watch Arsenal isn’t just 22 players and two snotty Spanish managers. It’s cooks and stewards and police and volunteers and community.

So yeah, I’m fully with you that freebies that amount to nothing more than champagne in a box with a donor, should be a huge Fcuk no. But there are responsible ways to accept and enjoy corporate gifts. I don’t think it’s a highway to corruption. We need a shitload of responsibility and transparency there though.

The Tories have definitely corrupted that whole perception. If Labour got the messaging right, I think the country would get on board with it. They need to work a fcukload harder at it though, and seem to be getting it wrong.
Rachel Reeves constantly trumpeting being the first female Chancellor is such a weirdly outdated brag in an era where the Tories have had 2 female Prime Ministers in the last 5 years. I’m all for celebrating feminist milestones but it feels like a real Charity Shield of progressive achievements.

I know it’s mostly just her Nancy Astor fetish, but still, it comes off all wrong to anyone other than the kind of people who were really excited that women could join the Garrick Club…. Which is basically just 8 women that work at The Times.
Rachel Reeves constantly trumpeting being the first female Chancellor is such a weirdly outdated brag in an era where the Tories have had 2 female Prime Ministers in the last 5 years. I’m all for celebrating feminist milestones but it feels like a real Charity Shield of progressive achievements.

I know it’s mostly just her Nancy Astor fetish, but still, it comes off all wrong to anyone other than the kind of people who were really excited that women could join the Garrick Club…. Which is basically just 8 women that work at The Times.
Some anti-Semites are worth praising.
You can't just expect Starmer to stop taking freebies, the man is freebies daft! Spare tickets to the football? Free clothes tied in with some whispered words in the ear about bankers' bonuses? A new sofa, two pairs of limited edition Crocs, a small gold plated alarm clock? Gobble them up, yum yum. Like a fatter version of Kirby.
I'm not sure making jokes about Gaza when heckled is entirely sensible either.

Polls have shown more than 70%+ of the country support a push for a ceasefire, I can't see this helping mr popular.

I'd also note that as he mostly reads his speech like a HAL-9000, he only got actually animated when he was attacking the left. Like many on the labour right, its the only thing he actually believes in.
Depends on the volume really, and if there’s an active work element to it.

I think a government full of people that routinely got free tickets to;

-A football match
-A theatre show
-A musical
-A new restaurant opening
-A festival
-A regatta
-An athletics meet

Our country would be in a better place. I’d want there to be some kind of work element to all of it. Dovetailing a festival ticket with some exposure to how they get set up, how many people are involved, what kind of people are involved.

And admittedly I’m just listing a bunch of culture secretary adjacent stuff, but that’s the department that seems to get the wrong end of the shitty stick every single time.

These people work for us, and shouldn’t be off on a jolly. But they absolutely should be at the heart of all of the good shit our country does and has to offer.

We have this divorced political attitude to what work looks like in this country. Work hard and spend on things and experiences. With little regard to all of the work that’s going on to provide those experiences.

Going to watch Arsenal isn’t just 22 players and two snotty Spanish managers. It’s cooks and stewards and police and volunteers and community.

So yeah, I’m fully with you that freebies that amount to nothing more than champagne in a box with a donor, should be a huge Fcuk no. But there are responsible ways to accept and enjoy corporate gifts. I don’t think it’s a highway to corruption. We need a shitload of responsibility and transparency there though.

The Tories have definitely corrupted that whole perception. If Labour got the messaging right, I think the country would get on board with it. They need to work a fcukload harder at it though, and seem to be getting it wrong.
Nope, corporate gifts in general should be outlawed. Free tickets to watch England in Wembley, fair enough, free tickets to watch Arsenal from their billionaire owner, feck off. Pay for your own ticket.
I'm not sure making jokes about Gaza when heckled is entirely sensible either.

Polls have shown more than 70%+ of the country support a push for a ceasefire, I can't see this helping mr popular.

I'd also note that as he mostly reads his speech like a HAL-9000, he only got actually animated when he was attacking the left. Like many on the labour right, its the only thing he actually believes in.
Harsh on @Hal9000.
Nope, corporate gifts in general should be outlawed. Free tickets to watch England in Wembley, fair enough, free tickets to watch Arsenal from their billionaire owner, feck off. Pay for your own ticket.
Why are free tickets for England OK but not Arsenal?
It’s only fair the PM suffers along with the rest of the country.
He should also suffer Arteta's antics like the rest of us!

He's not PM of just England, on that basis he should be made to suffer the Jocks, Taffs and the Paddies as well!
He should also suffer Arteta's antics like the rest of us!

He's not PM of just England, on that basis he should be made to suffer the Jocks, Taffs and the Paddies as well!
The Government (through DCMS) has invested hundreds of millions in football pitches and grassroots football at the behest of the FA. The Culture Secretary and Sports Minister also meet regularly with the FA, so you can make an argument that attending men's and women's England games is more of an official government visit than watching one of the 92 Football League clubs.
He should also suffer Arteta's antics like the rest of us!

He's not PM of just England, on that basis he should be made to suffer the Jocks, Taffs and the Paddies as well!
Oh, and sport is a devolved matter so if Starmer or other UK Ministers are invited to watch Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland they can only go if the devolved administrations give permission. Usually these invitations don't happen, at least from my experience in the Culture Department when I worked there.
The Government (through DCMS) has invested hundreds of millions in football pitches and grassroots football at the behest of the FA. The Culture Secretary and Sports Minister also meet regularly with the FA, so you can make an argument that attending men's and women's England games is more of an official government visit than watching one of the 92 Football League clubs.
I don't care TBH, the Arsenal thing makes sense to me, he had a season ticket but with his position, security concerns and such like the private box makes sense to me, the alternative was moving folks out of their seats, people are making mountains out of molehills on this
Oh, and sport is a devolved matter so if Starmer or other UK Ministers are invited to watch Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland they can only go if the devolved administrations give permission. Usually these invitations don't happen, at least from my experience in the Culture Department when I worked there.
When the predecessors were Boris, Truss et-al can't say I'd blame then TBH