Westminster Politics 2024-2029

I didn't expect the party to turn on him quite so quickly. I didn't think he'd see out a term before he was stabbed in the back, he might not even make a year.
Live by the sword, die by the sword. Starmer has embraced this sort of politics to get to where he is, he can hardly complain when it's his turn to get stabbed in the back.
Fair go if you can’t be fcuked to, but have you got a link to the Tory in question?

I honestly don’t see why it’s cash for access when it’s on record that this person did work for the Labour team.

By comparison, My mate had an access pass for a few weeks. Granted, he was an electrician and was also working across British embassies across the world, so had additional clearances, but it really is just a pass that sees you skip full security and not check in and out through the main process.

The right wing press calling it an ‘all access pass’ is mad. It’s not that at all. He’ll have still been radioed in and checked at the door. It’s not like he had a key to the place.

Unless I’ve got it completely wrong.

It was probably the JCB Owner since he was the most high profile.

He didn't work for the Labour government in any official capacity which is the key. It goes without saying that these people are consulted for their views and industry expertise, it's those views they've paid to have heard. That's always the governments line as it was under the Tories, speaking to industry (who happened to have paid us).

I think some in here have a fundamental misunderstanding of how bribes work. There's a good reason in my industry (financial services) that gifts have been stripped back to nothing from the loads money era. Those gifts didn't put investor's interests first, in the same way government donations don't put public interest first.

It isn't that someone is paid directly to say or do something, it's access and it's the implication of how that gravy train can be maintained. They become a client that needs to be kept sweet and suddenly everything is viewed from that angle.

If people want to donate tens of thousands to a party then fine but they shouldn't get anything for that money. It should be treated the same as a small blind donation, support for what the party is doing not for what it can do for me.
“Fair dos” Kier for getting over £30,000 in free tickets

This is your fault. Why didn't you try and warn people that Starmer was a cnut before the election?

This is like that time I voted for Brexit, or shaved my testicles with a ferret.
Enough politics talk for today, let's talk about something nice!

It's that time of year when all of the woodland creatures are starting to stash away things for the winter. I got a great photo of a cheeky little chappy stashing his donations from right wing donors!


Thinking that Countryfile will send me a free calendar for that one.
It was probably the JCB Owner since he was the most high profile.

He didn't work for the Labour government in any official capacity which is the key. It goes without saying that these people are consulted for their views and industry expertise, it's those views they've paid to have heard. That's always the governments line as it was under the Tories, speaking to industry (who happened to have paid us).

I think some in here have a fundamental misunderstanding of how bribes work. There's a good reason in my industry (financial services) that gifts have been stripped back to nothing from the loads money era. Those gifts didn't put investor's interests first, in the same way government donations don't put public interest first.

It isn't that someone is paid directly to say or do something, it's access and it's the implication of how that gravy train can be maintained. They become a client that needs to be kept sweet and suddenly everything is viewed from that angle.

If people want to donate tens of thousands to a party then fine but they shouldn't get anything for that money. It should be treated the same as a small blind donation, support for what the party is doing not for what it can do for me.

I worked inside financial services for ages. I genuinely don’t believe that the bold is what happened.

You believe he was paying to have his voice heard. It doesn’t have to be that way around. Plenty of the time it’s not. Certainly not outside of Financial Services. Sometimes people want to do good.

I’ve criticised Starmer plenty. But I give him a lot of rope on ethics as he has a history of playing to the rules.

The numbers aren’t astronomical either. Maybe Alli is a cnut. Maybe Starmer gets his head turned by a few donations. I don’t believe either of those are true though.