Westminster Politics 2024-2029

We're shorter on pupils as well - school rolls are falling by around 75,000/year across the country, with 12% or so of school places unfilled across England in primary and secondary schools in 2022, the highest level since 2009. 90 primary schools in England were/are at risk of closure due to these pressures, but hey the private school brigade aren't writing about that.
Too busy shagging to get the numbers up maybe :lol:
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More austerity, just packaged differently. It's OK though because our team won the election.
Raising social rents and cutting winter fuel allowances doesn't suggest that's the road she's taking.
Means testing fuel allowances does although as usual with means testing it will be the those just outside the threshold that moan.

Agree on raising social rents, madness that that is being targeted for a tax to help with affordable housing while people still have second homes that are empty for 10 months of the year.
I actually have some sympathy with councils considering the fiscal rules they have to operate under. I think you can make the point that HMG does not have to do this, when individual councils cannot run at a deficit.
There's also the point that someone in social housing who is solely reliant on benefit income will have their housing costs covered in full absent 'spare' bedrooms. I think people who are stuck in the private rental market on benefit only income have a much harder time and there needs to be more consideration to raising the Local Housing Allowance to a more realistic level.
I actually have some sympathy with councils considering the fiscal rules they have to operate under. I think you can make the point that HMG does not have to do this, when individual councils cannot run at a deficit.
Here’s a Twitter thread from Labour guy defending the policy on progressive grounds.

I don’t buy the argument myself as it ultimately still fecks over the poorest.
Just hope she’s taxing the right people.
Yep, hear she's going after inheritance tax next, bringing down the threshold from £325k to a lower amount to hit 40% - also widening the time of gifting from 5 years to 10.

So if you've got a family member in a 300k house that has gifted you money in the pasted 10 years that will/could be classed as a part of the total estate and will be subject to tax.

Welcome to social communism.
Here’s a Twitter thread from Labour guy defending the policy on progressive grounds.

I don’t buy the argument myself as it ultimately still fecks over the poorest.

I don't disagree, but I was more making the point that councils have been forced to make these decisions to raise revenue in the short term, and HMG does not have to do so, given their ability to borrow money. Anyway we will see what else the budget brings.
I imagine it's one of the first questions when people apply; Where are you fleeing from?
No comment will do. Then just get a job.

I don't blame them, they just want a better life.

If I had the choice, I wouldn't move to the UK - I'd go for Poland or Portugal somewhere warmer.
No comment will do. Then just get a job.

I don't blame them, they just want a better life.

If I had the choice, I wouldn't move to the UK - I'd go for Poland or Portugal somewhere warmer.
Never considered Poland as being warmer myself, I always thought it was fecking freezing in winter with all that snow and ice
I don't disagree, but I was more making the point that councils have been forced to make these decisions to raise revenue in the short term, and HMG does not have to do so, given their ability to borrow money. Anyway we will see what else the budget brings.
Definitely agree.

Tbh with the twitter there’s still a tiny part of my brain which still hopes things won’t be so bad that I needed to post it.

Also I have to keep up my non bias pure logic and facts view of Starmer Labour Party!
The current Secretary of State for Energy -

Maybe if they sack off the standing charge and make the energy companies use some of their billions in profits to maintain the energy infrastructure?

Failing that, fecking nationalise them and stop profiteering from what is now a necessity of modern life.
Maybe if they sack off the standing charge and make the energy companies use some of their billions in profits to maintain the energy infrastructure?

Failing that, fecking nationalise them and stop profiteering from what is now a necessity of modern life.
But where do we draw the line ? Nationalise energy then next thing you know it will be sausages!

But really the answer is just nationalise/take into public ownership. Sadly won’t happen with this government.
Bollocks, paymasters at work again.


Sue Grays son is in the back pocket of these lot.
Cheers I haven’t see this.
They've only been in power a few months so they can still blame the previous government. I look forward to this excuse being rolled out next year too
Yep I’m expecting the same. British politics since 2010 is everyone blaming a former government for why things can never improve.