Welcome to RedCafe.net on XenForo!

I think one of the reasons people were so attached to the old Caf layout was due to the ability to go seamlessly from one post to another. The only thing in between is the red divider. Signatures are an enormous disruption to this flow.
I remember reading that in the next version of XenForo they'll be using a different editor, so maybe the buttons will work on iPads then.
Yippee! I've already received 4 alerts that my posts have been quoted 4 times. Mostly to be questioned, disagreed with, and ridiculed.

Still. A good start.
Rejoice yee oh former New Members, from this hour forth thou art Full Members!
Yippee! I've already received 4 alerts that my posts have been quoted 4 times. Mostly to be questioned, disagreed with, and ridiculed.

Still. A good start.

There you go. Have another stroke.

It's easily the best function of the new site, a really good addition. In fact the whole thing's great really, bar the insane brightness.
Niall, great job mate. Just one question though, I have to log in every time I open the caf (even though I have checked remember me), is this correct and will we have to go through the logging procedure every time?
Niall, great job mate. Just one question though, I have to log in every time I open the caf (even though I have checked remember me), is this correct and will we have to go through the logging procedure every time?

you shouldn't have to. Have you cookies enabled?
Niall, great job mate. Just one question though, I have to log in every time I open the caf (even though I have checked remember me), is this correct and will we have to go through the logging procedure every time?
Works fine for me
yeah, I'd guess so. What browser? tablet/laptop/phone?

So far it is doing it on my home laptop (chrome), my phone (Chrome) and work (IE).
:lol: Get lost you two. haha.
Trivial I know, but there doesn't seem to be any quick post (Alt + S), at least on Chrome.
Incidentally, the new edit feature's really good too. This will allow me to gain valuable seconds on people quoting my post while I'm still editing it for the 8th time.
Niall, great job mate. Just one question though, I have to log in every time I open the caf (even though I have checked remember me), is this correct and will we have to go through the logging procedure every time?

I think I know what is causing this, will bump it up the list!
Niall, great job mate. Just one question though, I have to log in every time I open the caf (even though I have checked remember me), is this correct and will we have to go through the logging procedure every time?

It's done this to me a few times on the iPad as well, never had this problem until now.