Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Cheers askabob, valid points, I'll add them to my (ever lenghtening) to-do list and have a longer think about them at a later date.
This is literally the only quibble I'd have too. It's just a bit too bright. I wouldn't even say the post background needs changing necessarily, it could just be the actual page background behind them to counter the bright white on bright white. Obviously making it exactly the same as the old format is rather futile after such a massive overhaul, and a bit silly. Change is good. But off white & dark red (or indeed any colour) are visibly more relaxing than their ARRRGHHH IT BURNS!! full on counterparts.
This is why my all yellow Myspace page never became mega.
Otherwise, great job. You're the invisible God I don't believe in.