Television We didn't all go to Gudger College

Whenever a big name leaves a show, the creators are always stupidly stubborn and take the approach that they can just carry on without them. It pretty much never works and I know it's easier to do with a voice acted show but it'd be nice to see a show for once go "Yeah we can't do this show without him so we're ending it".
Maybe he'll live by the quote from Ned Flanders:

"Networks like animation 'cause they don't have to pay the actors squat!"
"Plus they can replace them, and no one can tell the diddly-ifference."
Tear it down Harry, tear it down!
Never a fan of the Arman tamzarian. Felt that episode was pointless though it had some good scenes in the episode, but ultimately the whole thing felt like a waste of time. However that specific season as I remember had some great episodes.
I remember a book of essays on The Simpsons (Planet Simpson?) which suggested that that episode marked the end of the golden era. Plenty of great episodes for the next few years after it, but never as consistently brilliant as before.

Even that episode has some great Skinner in 'Nam moments tbf. The plot's just a mess though, it doesn't ring true for too many of the characters involved, and then creates consistency issues for the show going forward. Fake Skinner was never mentioned again as far as I know?
Tear it down Harry, tear it down!

I remember a book of essays on The Simpsons (Planet Simpson?) which suggested that that episode marked the end of the golden era. Plenty of great episodes for the next few years after it, but never as consistently brilliant as before.

Even that episode has some great Skinner in 'Nam moments tbf. The plot's just a mess though, it doesn't ring true for too many of the characters involved, and then creates consistency issues for the show going forward. Fake Skinner was never mentioned again as far as I know?

It was mentioned in one episode where Skinner brought up another plot point that made no sense to which Lisa replied by calling him Arman Tamzarian.
Best time to ask then - is the Family Guy episode at all worth watching? I avoided it thinking I'd only feel depressed and old.
Tear it down Harry, tear it down!

I remember a book of essays on The Simpsons (Planet Simpson?) which suggested that that episode marked the end of the golden era. Plenty of great episodes for the next few years after it, but never as consistently brilliant as before.

Even that episode has some great Skinner in 'Nam moments tbf. The plot's just a mess though, it doesn't ring true for too many of the characters involved, and then creates consistency issues for the show going forward. Fake Skinner was never mentioned again as far as I know?

It was mentioned in one episode where Skinner brought up another plot point that made no sense to which Lisa replied by calling him Arman Tamzarian.

The one where Lisa renames the fifth or sixth cat to Snowball again. They pretty much said "lets never mention it again" but then had episodes later on where Skinner was shown as a baby / foetus in Agnus (sounds weird writing that). It just made me think, what was the point? lol
Best time to ask then - is the Family Guy episode at all worth watching? I avoided it thinking I'd only feel depressed and old.

Just seen it a few days ago, and it's meh, like so many other episodes. You'll still feel depressed and old thou. ;)

In the same season there was a Futurama/Simpsons crossover too, Fry was so criminally underused there. :X
Rick and Morty are going to appear in this week's new episode during the opening couch gag.
The stuff about him wanting to be able to do other stuff doesn't make sense to me, he's been doing loads of other things for years, why would that suddenly change? Either he's just using that as an excuse to get out, or it's actually about money. Or maybe it's a publicity stunt, what with the season finale airing soon...
Just announced they're going to recast his characters with new voice actors.
They said they would recast if they cant come to an agreement.
"Then get me his non-union mexican equivalent"

Just seen the episode where it's the piss take of Back To The Future for the opening credits, seems really weird, a bit morbid and strange. :s Has sorta creeped me out.
:lol: I didn't realise it was a different cartoon, just assumed it was BTF due to the looks of them and other things they said and done. Makes a bit more sense now. Still a bit weird to start the simpsons off with.

Yep they are a sort of BTF inspired duo. I was just laughing because I imagine that must have been the reaction of most people who watched the episode. Rick and Morty is very much adults only, so all those kids watching must have been wondering wtf was going on.
Just seen the episode where it's the piss take of Back To The Future for the opening credits, seems really weird, a bit morbid and strange. :s Has sorta creeped me out.
:lol: You need to catch up with Rick & Morty, Parmo. You won't be sorry.

Smithers look! He’s standing up. I’ve never seen anything so adorable. Do you know who it reminds me of?




No, no, no, a person. You know who I mean.

Snoop Doggy Dogg? Bob Barker? David Brenner?

No, no, the person who’s always standing and walking!

Rory Calhoun?

That’s it!


Marge: That crazy lady who lives in our trash pile attacked me again.
Homer: That's not the way she tells it.
Marge: And the school nurse says Bart has the plague.
Homer: It's like measles. Good to get it out of the way.