That's it. He's a square peg in a round hole at Premier League level these days but worryingly for Everton fans he's actually been one of their top two or three players.
I can't remember which journo tweeted it at the time, but his comment when someone asked what he thought of the Rooney deal was perhaps spot on: "Doesn't really matter. He'll have lost his place by January."
I actually think he has done well this sesaon with 3 goals already. Better than last 2-4 for us. Although I expect him to get worse no doubt and given that Everton already struggle they sure would need something better.
I suspect the bigger problem is his play style might hinder other players though and thus make the team worse which I thought was a big problem for us. Although I think that is mainly cause they have bought very weirdly with so many similar types of players.