Vinicius Junior

This is on Rubiales, not Tebas. The league is run by a racist more interested in attacking a victim of racism to defend the league then showing support and trying to push for change - which is absolutely insane because one of Tebas' main goals for years has been increasing the powers of the league over the FA, and this was a golden opportunity to do just that. Alas - but the lack of response against racism is the FA's fault, not the league's. The league doesn't have that jurisdiction
La Liga and Serie A do not deserve to have a player like Junior playing in it. I cannot watch these leagues anymore. There is racism in France, Germany and the UK but at least when it happens there is an effort to stamp it out. I still remember the Brentford supporters applauding Saka....respect! Awesome supporters.
Guess Vini is right, if that is what the authorities are doing it just shows that Spain is a country with high tolerance level for racism
What is it with these people? It's like they're all reading from the same script.

"They aren't racist, the player provoked them and they decided that the best way to respond was by shouting racist things. If he didn't provoke them they would not have been racist."

What kind of crazy thinking is that? That's like a textbook definition of looking for an excuse to justify being racist
Yeah, but the way he provokes them is by scoring goals. All that he needs to do is stop scoring goals and the racism will dry up.
Yeah, but the way he provokes them is by scoring goals. All that he needs to do is stop scoring goals and the racism will dry up.
He also had the audacity to be a black man who didn't just keep his head down and know his place.

These fecking football fans, man. They're probably idiots in real life, haven't put in 1% of the effort into anything in their life like Vini has with football. A net deficit to society. They know they can't match up to the guy so they pull the same shit their dads or granddad's probably did; my skin is superior to your skin.

And their FA, the major authority for governance in their sport, thinks it's pretty much ok to do these things. In 2023. feck sake.
He also had the audacity to be a black man who didn't just keep his head down and know his place.

These fecking football fans, man. They're probably idiots in real life, haven't put in 1% of the effort into anything in their life like Vini has with football. A net deficit to society. They know they can't match up to the guy so they pull the same shit their dads or granddad's probably did; my skin is superior to your skin.

And their FA, the major authority for governance in their sport, thinks it's pretty much ok to do these things. In 2023. feck sake.
It's all vile. The idea that he will not play games to placate the racists is just unacceptable in a civilised world.
Four men were fined 60,001 euros (£51,700) and given a two-year stadium ban for hanging an effigy of Vinicius near Real's training ground in January.

Three other people were fined 5,000 euros (£4,300) and banned for one year for making racist gestures during Real's game at Valencia on 21 May.

Very strange performance from him today, or perhaps Araujo just has his number.

Do any RM fans think he has been especially irritable and not as mentally switched on of late because of all of the abuse? I've always thought of him as a mentally strong player, but he has been through a lot.
Very strange performance from him today, or perhaps Araujo just has his number.

Do any RM fans think he has been especially irritable and not as mentally switched on of late because of all of the abuse? I've always thought of him as a mentally strong player, but he has been through a lot.
He has always been quite aware of what is happening in the stands. Already in the classic two years ago (before most of the racist incidents) Ancelotti called his attention to focus on the game.
In any case, Araújo is one of the best in the world and, with some exceptions, Vini cannot beat him
Very strange performance from him today, or perhaps Araujo just has his number.

Do any RM fans think he has been especially irritable and not as mentally switched on of late because of all of the abuse? I've always thought of him as a mentally strong player, but he has been through a lot.
Araujo largely has his number.

Vinicius Jr was in tears during his news conference as he detailed the racist abuse he has suffered while playing for Real Madrid in Spain

Brazil winger Vinicius Jr says he feels "less and less" like playing football because of the repeated racist abuse he has suffered.

Heartbreaking and sadly it won’t stop. Fully understand if he had enough and decides to move away. Infuriating to see it happen each week and nothing is being done about it.
I get that he doesn't want the arseholes to win but its not worth his mental health. Just leave.
The club in conjunction with La Liga and the other clubs need to take a united stand. There should be zero tolerance policy on this. It’s a joke it still happens this day and age.
This is the point where club needs to take a stand
Well no, it's not; a stand should have been taken an eon back and it's a disgrace this has gone on for so long.

The racism in Spain make them look like a literal backward country. The lens should be blasted at them internationally, but nobody cares enough to do so.
He needs to come England, most people here are civilised and see non white people as equals, unlike the rest of Europe. He’d be a legend at United rather than left to fend for himself at Real.
He needs to come England, most people here are civilised and see non white people as equals, unlike the rest of Europe. He’d be a legend at United rather than left to fend for himself at Real.

i’ll unsubscribe from this version of brexit.
His treatment here in Spain is scandalous. You really have to be here to see the reality. I've met plenty of Madrid fans who say he brings it on himself etc. I hope he moved away, he deserves better.
Well no, it's not; a stand should have been taken an eon back and it's a disgrace this has gone on for so long.
I mean yeah, you're right, but they didn't before, so they need to do it now

The racism in Spain make them look like a literal backward country. The lens should be blasted at them internationally, but nobody cares enough to do so.
They are a backward country when it comes to racism. It's a very new issue for them and they don't really understand it yet. Italy is the same. I'm tuning out most of the Acerbi - Juan Jesus stuff because it makes me want to physically grab people and shake them like fecking tops
IF and a big if he decides to leave, should we break the bank for him if we can or more to the point can we tempt him to sign for us? How much he’s worth? 120m? 150m?
The racism in Spain is disgraceful. Absolutely shocking that it keeps on going week after week and the authorities don't do anything

That said, would the Spanish press hound him like that and fan the flames of racists if he was a Barcelona player? As a keen observer of that league, I doubt it.
The racism in Spain is disgraceful. Absolutely shocking that it keeps on going week after week and the authorities don't do anything

That said, would the Spanish press hound him like that and fan the flames of racists if he was a Barcelona player? As a keen observer of that league, I doubt it.
Nah, would be the roughly the same. Bit better in the media but that's only because the madrid based medias are supposed to show at least a modicum of impartiality, being technically national media, whereas the catalan media can be as sectarian as they want
I had started reading this thread on page 37, took me a few mins to notice these were comments from 2023. I assumed they were about Vini's press conference. Says it all really - shit hasn't changed.
Btw Carvajal gets asked about it and parrots the "Spain isn't racist it's just a few people" line, which seriously Flo needs to hire somebody to train him in what to say when he goes off with Spain because this isn't even the first time he gives face-palm answers while with spain
Btw Carvajal gets asked about it and parrots the "Spain isn't racist it's just a few people" line, which seriously Flo needs to hire somebody to train him in what to say when he goes off with Spain because this isn't even the first time he gives face-palm answers while with spain

What a great teammate he is. They must be best friends.
Carvajal’s statement was pretty mad. “Let off some steam?!”
Carvajal’s statement was pretty mad. “Let off some steam?!”

It would be if that's what he said, but he pretty much said; "Then there are some people who go to football to unload their rage and anger, and when they see someone being hurt, they keep at it. It's shameful. Hopefully it will be made so that these people can no longer enter the stadium, because it is one of the most ugly things that exist within this sport."
A Barcelona journalist/streamer retweeted this a while ago.

"When you have to promote your Netflix documentary/ when you have to testify before the judge (for the insults in Valencia) but you're on vacation".
He deleted it but then made a mess of explanations, saying he didn't notice the monkey.
Btw Carvajal gets asked about it and parrots the "Spain isn't racist it's just a few people" line, which seriously Flo needs to hire somebody to train him in what to say when he goes off with Spain because this isn't even the first time he gives face-palm answers while with spain
Vini himself said similar sentences in his press conference.
In any case, and this is a personal opinion, I believe that the board (despite their public support) has no interest in having a standard bearer, neither in this nor in any other social conquest.
It would be if that's what he said, but he pretty much said; "Then there are some people who go to football to unload their rage and anger, and when they see someone being hurt, they keep at it. It's shameful. Hopefully it will be made so that these people can no longer enter the stadium, because it is one of the most ugly things that exist within this sport."
Slightly better. The first part of the quote is still pleading ignorance because him and “his friends from Leganés” have never had problems
Slightly better. The first part of the quote is still pleading ignorance because him and “his friends from Leganés” have never had problems

But what he actually said was;

"To answer the question you keep asking. No I do not believe that Spain is a racist country. I believe (as in I think this might be accurate) we have a very high level of integration here. I come from a modest place in Leganes, and I grew up with many different people from many different countries and we never had any issues with each other. Your skin colour didn't really matter (among us is implied here)."
But what he actually said was;

"To answer the question you keep asking. No I do not believe that Spain is a racist country. I believe (as in I think this might be accurate) we have a very high level of integration here. I come from a modest place in Leganes, and I grew up with many different people from many different countries and we never had any issues with each other. Your skin colour didn't really matter (among us is implied here)."
What he actually said was exactly what I said he said. He denies Spain being racist and he claims that because he grew up with people where he personally didn’t see racism, there’s no issue.

Thanks for direct translations, I guess.
What he actually said was exactly what I said he said. He denies Spain being racist and he claims that because he grew up with people where he personally didn’t see racism, there’s no issue.

Thanks for direct translations, I guess.

All he's saying is that he doesn't believe Spain is inherently racist. The part about racism not being a problem just because he didn't experience anything isn't accurate. He never said that.

His treatment here in Spain is scandalous. You really have to be here to see the reality. I've met plenty of Madrid fans who say he brings it on himself etc. I hope he moved away, he deserves better.

We'll gladly take him :devil:
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It would be if that's what he said, but he pretty much said; "Then there are some people who go to football to unload their rage and anger, and when they see someone being hurt, they keep at it. It's shameful. Hopefully it will be made so that these people can no longer enter the stadium, because it is one of the most ugly things that exist within this sport."
Give me strenght :rolleyes: