Television Vikings

It’s become a soap opera. Glad it’s ending this season, though not about the 20 dragged out episodes to get through. Its just background TV now, where as seasons 1-3 had my constant focus.
Will definitely not be watching any of the spin offs if the same show runner is on board.
I'm watching Vikings at the same time as The Last Kingdom, very confusing
It's easy to tell them apart, one is an overrated shifest with poor writing and subpar acting and the other is The Last Kingdom.
Don't worry about Ragnar. He ll have plenty to come so to speak. Rollo is my favorite character really. Except for one season where he s just a dick.

Im guessing season 1? Ha
But Rollo is most intriguing outside of Ragnar
The priest too so far
It's easy to tell them apart, one is an overrated shifest with poor writing and subpar acting and the other is The Last Kingdom.
You know I’ve tried watching the first 5 episodes 3 times now. I just can’t make it through it. I had heard previously it was trash and not received very well but I gave it a try anyway then I saw this post and thought I’d give it a go again and I just can’t.
Season 2 was great.

Enjoyed the stuff with king horik especially the last episode involving floki
Season 3 especially the Paris stuff was awesome

Ragnar playing the game at the end was fun stuff. The battles were great too
Last Kingdom is Vikings lite. Though I admit I enjoyed Last Kingdom too.
This season has been a bit wierd, but i've enjoyed it. It deffo took a dip with the end of Ragnar though.
This season is a bit dull compared to the others. The episode dedicated to a funeral for one of the main characters really dragged on. I'm enjoying mad Ivar messing around with the even more mad Russian prince. That prince's really bad English accent makes the whole interaction more amusing.

But yeah Hvitserk's descent into drug addiction is pretty boring. Bjorn has always been a bit boring. I miss the stuff set in England.

And obviously they decided to get rid of the by far the foxiest character in the show. They were trying to portray her as old and retired and a bit past it but she was still by far the hottest thing in the show.
OMG this last episode. If
Bjorn has really died
then this show is dead to me. He's the last real bit of Ragnar there.
OMG this last episode. If
Bjorn has really died
then this show is dead to me. He's the last real bit of Ragnar there.
Not set in stone. Gotta wait till next Dec to find out.
Just finished it today. All I can say is.

BJORN NOOOOOOOO!!! I love the Ivar character, but that bastard has to die for that!....on second thought, I don't think he's dead.
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Ok so trying to avoid spoilers above
Got to the season 4 mid season finale
The lead up to the France attack and the stuff with Rollo and Ragnar has been excellent

I think the time jump for Ragnar's kids aging is a great move too

This show has been so much fun up until this point
One of the few shows that hasn’t “ jumped the shark” as it where. Even with main characters disappearing the show has managed not to make the fonzie jump.
Jheeze just got to end of season 4 (s4b I guess)

Ivar is a evil fecker isn't he?

Interested to see how the show goes
losing both Eckhart and Ragnar. Focus on the kids now and lagartha it seems

Hopefully we see more Rollo too
Finally caught up

Edge ha.

The stuff in Iceland felt kinda boring / waste of time. I dunno it seemed out of place with the rest of the stories

The Russia stuff didn't however and I thought that was fun.
I do think the latest season wasn't peak but it does seem like they are winding down.

Some of the recent deaths were good. For the most part I've enjoyed it as there hasn't been obvious 'saves' for characters who are in dire situations. If they look like they are doing to die they mostly do die

Also I think torvi is a really underrated character. Loyal and a badass at times.
I have just started this in the last 4 days :eek::drool: I have to say I think it's magnificent. I am fascinated by the Vikings and I think it's a brilliant show to boot. After 4 days already 2 episodes into season 4, Ragnar is amazing. Love it.
I have just started this in the last 4 days :eek::drool: I have to say I think it's magnificent. I am fascinated by the Vikings and I think it's a brilliant show to boot. After 4 days already 2 episodes into season 4, Ragnar is amazing. Love it.
Lucky, wish I could experience this fresh again. Got my mam into it and she’s loves the show, only on season 2. Sons of Ragnar are amazing too.
Lucky, wish I could experience this fresh again. Got my mam into it and she’s loves the show, only on season 2. Sons of Ragnar are amazing too.

It's fantastic man. Obsessed with it, been practically a season a day or so. Mind blowing in parts, Paris for example. Aye they are badass, Bjorn just looks like a real Viking :lol:
Good fecking Lord!! The scene I have just watched is incredible!! For those that know...

"Vet du ikke hvem eg er!? Du kan ikke drepe meg! Vet du ikke hvem eg er!? Eg er Ivar The Boneless"

Absolutely bloody awesome and badass :devil:
Ivar is something else in that show. At times, hes a sympathetic character who deserves better but then other times hes a dickhead who deserves worse.
Good fecking Lord!! The scene I have just watched is incredible!! For those that know...

"Vet du ikke hvem eg er!? Du kan ikke drepe meg! Vet du ikke hvem eg er!? Eg er Ivar The Boneless"

Absolutely bloody awesome and badass :devil:
Beat scene in all of vikings. So fecking epic, all the soldiers were terrified to fight a cripple :lol:
I don't know, everything after Ragnar is kinda bland to me, also I don't like Ivar actor, always seems like he is overacting to me. Lost interest long time ago, watching only for closure.
I’m in the middle of season 3. It’s great. The wanderer storyline has been pissing me off though in this season. Must just be because it currently makes feck all sense.

Got to say, the guy who plays Ragnor is fantastically well suited to it.
This series is great, but the way they’ve approached language ranges from shit to stupid.

It’s fecked up when they’re speaking their own language one minute then English the next, but it’s still meant to be in their own language.

Even worse is Rollo supposedly learning French. He’s clearly thick as shit. That’s never happening. Nevermind in the timescale this would be.
Just got Amazon Prime, so is this worth watching?

Yeah, first few seasons are bloody good. Later seasons for me went downhill, still some great moments but some arcs and characters just nosedived imo.
Prefer last kingdom overall but I'm definetly tempted to rewatch this atleast for the first 4 seasons or so
This series is great, but the way they’ve approached language ranges from shit to stupid.

It’s fecked up when they’re speaking their own language one minute then English the next, but it’s still meant to be in their own language.

Even worse is Rollo supposedly learning French. He’s clearly thick as shit. That’s never happening. Nevermind in the timescale this would be.

I quite like that... Like the way they've used the language is so that you know you know when anyone is talking in English you know it isn't English... And how people will speak other languages etc (which will blend to English depending who's in the scene)... Probably the best approach for a mainstream show that doesn't want to use subtitles too much.

The learning of languages I agree on though... These lot would pick up Swahili in a day.
The language thing confused me to begin with
As somebody was speaking their own language but it was English
Then another person in English to us as a viewer asks for a translation :lol:
Well feck, Ragnor’s death was rough. Didn’t know if he was actually going then or not, right up until the snake pit came out. Was weird seeing the flashbacks of young Ragnor. They did a great job of ageing him.

I actually like King Ecbert. Hope his sons twat Ecbert’s son and the fat cnut king. Dunno if I can be arsed watching his weird bumfluff laden sons though. Hopefully focusses on Bjorn and Lagertha more.

Feel like pure shit, just want young Ragnor back.