Valencia's Attitude

Would there be no wars if everyone was like Valencia?

Also, he has a very squeaky voice, not what one would expect.
It would be nice if he tries to give interviews in English.
It would be nice if he tries to give interviews in English.

I imagine he gets asked all the time and he just gives icey stare and then everyone knows not to bother. He spoke some English at the Awards do, he can do it but he's shy.
Would there be no wars if everyone was like Valencia?
Valencia could stop all wars with a mere glare at the belligerent parties....but it's all part of the greater plan that Valencia created when he laid out the Sun, the Moon, and the stars.
Imagine if players with the talent of a Sturridge, or Morrison or even Malouda had that attitude. Would be world beaters.

That's unsettling.
I imagine he gets asked all the time and he just gives icey stare and then everyone knows not to bother. He spoke some English at the Awards do, he can do it but he's shy.

First time I ever heard him speak English. What a guy. :devil:

Look at that fecking stare at the start, the very first couple of seconds....That is Valencia in a nutshell. Emotionless.

That video is clearly fake. Far too much smiling and not enough Terminator-esque, emotionless bad-assery.

It reminded me of 'Game of Death' where around 10% of the film is really Bruce Lee and the rest blatantly isn't him.

So, to summarise, that's settled then....Valencia is Bruce Lee crossed with The Terminator.

He comes from a modest background and I'd say he appreciates everything he has in life. Any top European club would struggle to find more of the same with the quality of performance to match. A humble power house, does his job and fecks off home. Big fan of his.
I fecking love tony v.

Classic united winger, chalk on his boots, gets the ball, beats the full back and crosses the ball. That goal against blackburn, toes it in, stone faces the world. No bollocks, just football, total football.

we missed your pace, and your serious face, walking in a tony wonderland.

Can you imagine tony v special pink boots and a record contract? Can you feck!

Tony V > Messi
On the field he does have that no-nonsense look about him, but if you read his tweets he seems like a totally different, personable dude off the pitch.
Wait... Valencia can't fully speak English? After 5 years in English football, that's a bit weird.
There are a lot of Cockneys and Scots that can't fully speak English. At least Valencia has the excuse that he was raised in a non-English speaking country.
This is Valencia we are talking about, not a normal fecking Human....He doesn't have time to learn languages or even basic skills. He is a footballer, absolutely nothing else, that is all he does.
I predicted his bad form to last quite long-term just a month or two in to the season but some people who want him sold are a bit out of line.

He should be benched until he reaches his old form though and if he doesn't he shouldn't be anywhere near the starting eleven.

I think constantly being played may have had a negative effect on him. One can guess that there were a lot of envy from other benched team-members who considered themselves more worthy of starting than him.

In form I think he is the best traditional right midfielder in the world(There aren't many around though.).
I'm pretty confident that once the season is underway, worries about our wings suddenly being a weakness will evaporate. Valencia will be back in form, and I think there's a decent chance that Nani will too. If nothing else, he seems the sort of player who might benefit from the honeymoon effect of a new manager. Suddenly we'll be back to having the best overall resources on the wing in the league (especially having added Zaha).

We'll try to return to worries about our shit CM, only to discover that we're playing Carrick and Thiago behind Kagawa. :drool:
I predicted his bad form to last quite long-term just a month or two in to the season but some people who want him sold are a bit out of line.

He should be benched until he reaches his old form though and if he doesn't he shouldn't be anywhere near the starting eleven.

I think constantly being played may have had a negative effect on him. One can guess that there were a lot of envy from other benched team-members who considered themselves more worthy of starting than him.

In form I think he is the best traditional right midfielder in the world(There aren't many around though.).

If he had a left foot he probably would be.
If he had a left foot he probably would be.

I think that is the exact reason to why he is a traditional winger though. If his left foot was good he would be a modern winger instead.

I don't think Fergie told him he wasn't allowed to cut inside, his own limitations forced him to never leave the side-lines.

Not saying that every traditional winger is weak with their left foot though.
If he had a left foot he probably would be.

Yes Tony, change your style. You only made it as far as Man United on one foot.

I wonder how many great young footballers have been killed by the footballing geniuses harping on them to change their style to fit close minded orthodoxy. Maybe that's why there are so few interesting, exciting British players who will take on defenders with whatever they've got.
Nice to see in the modern game. Fantastic player aside, it's great to see his approach to the other side of football. Not a harder worker on the pitch, probably have never, ever seen him complain about anything, not even sure he knows how too. He's got that Scholes retard side to him, which makes me think he is all football and nothing else, very focused, professional and content. I love how he is on the pitch, he doesn't even smile, or sweat, probably for fear it might suggest the wrong thing.

I have no idea how many of our players have agents and how common it is to get rid of them, but it came as zero surprise when I heard about Valencia releasing his - simply because he felt he now didn't need one - having ended up where he did. It might not mean a whole load really, but it says a hell of a about him to us. I also wonder if it makes a big difference for him and his game, because he is obviously satisfied and comfortable, maybe it gives him less to worry about, and an easier job to focus on. It's a shame there aren't more players around with his attitude, I suppose he really is the model footballer to have in your team.

Did we ever have a thread discussing/highlighting Scholes retardery? It's one of the most endearing things about him.