Vaccinated Players

I never realised they had idiots as staff on here

Are you trying to get banned? Insulting the most reasonable and reasoning modmin on here suggests that you are.

I'd suggest winding your neck in.
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You want to stop people without the vaccine to not be able to live life normally?

If they choose to endanger others then they should be strongly encouraged to or suffer the consequences.

Many countries insist on a full vaccination record to enrol kids in school or childcare already to protect others from the stupid, selfish and/or ignorant. This is no different.

In the land of the free Universities demand all sorts of vaccinations to enrol. Coronavirus vaccination is required by most to facilitate the return to F2F teach this term.

Government's routinely restrict people to protect them from themselves and protect others. So why the outrage?

Maybe we should mark those who havent had the vaccine with something so that the likes of yourself and others can cross the road when they see them coming?

Godwin's Law fail.
My point about the studies was in regard to the rate of transmission, for every study that shows the rate of transmission slows with vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated the opposite can be found.

Can it? Every single bit of data I have seen overwhelmingly suggests or shows transmission and hospitalisations are hugely reduced.
NBA refused to let players who are not vaccinated play. There was a Canadian player who asked for exemption and was refused. Now he has got his vaccination.
That's what the FA should do. No vaccination, not playing.
Common sense, really.
Ive got a limited understanding for sure, but the way it was told to them (and me when I got mine) this vaccine means you wont get severely ill and theres less risk of passing it on. The friend of the family just proved both cases to be lies

Maybe lies is the wrong term to use, false would have been better.

No one can say this vaccine (not doctors, not scientists, no one) is 100% effective, maybe thats why people dont want to risk taking it is all im saying
No one has ever said that it works 100%, in fact, they have explicitly said that it does not. If a vaccine has a 95% rate against serious cases of covid, it also means that it has a 5% failure against those cases. Why is so hard to understand this?

However, that is still far better than not taking the vaccine. Almost 99% of people dying from covid are not vaccinated, the vast majority of infected people are not vaccinated, and the chances of a new variant increase every time someone gets covid (mostly unvaccinated people). While in the West unfortunately it is not possible to mandate it, I am all for making the life as difficult as possible to those who willfully choose to not get vaccinated. For a start, I would love to see the insurance not covering the cost of covid treatment if you refuse to get the vaccine. Pay tens of thousands of dollars if you want to tel your ignorant friends how enlightened you are.
Don’t think there’s anything really malicious about footballers not being vaccinated. Rather they just live sheltered lives and spend their days with people who live sheltered lives. Doubt they consider it selfish or really speak about it much between themselves either tbh.

lot of hyperbole around it all.
There's no better follow up to calling a mod an idiot, than going off on an incredibly idiotic ramble.
Literally nobody was told that the vaccine guaranteed that everyone who took it could not possibly ever a) catch covid or b) die from covid. If that’s the impression you got then you’re seriously misunderstanding the way these things work. Vaccines aren’t magical potions. They’re medicines, which inevitably work better in some people then others. The point of being vaccinated is to reduce the chance of being infected and to reduce the chance of being made seriously unwell. That was always the goal and there’s an absolute shit-load of evidence out there to prove that they have achieved this goal.

Your anecdote about your family friend’s death is tragic but about as relevant to the importance of vaccines as knowing someone who died in a car crash despite wearing a seat-belt. If someone told you that was a reason to never wear a seat-belt again you’d laugh at them. So why are you trying to convince us that knowing one person who died despite being vaccinated is justification for not taking it?

What right does anyone have to force someone to take something they dont want to?
What right does anyone have to expose others to the consequences of their own irresponsible behaviour?

There are laws against public endangerment. This is no different.

You arent required to have the vaccine to do everyday things supermarket petrol stations shops restaurants etc if anything the lockdowns have shown people, they can literally live at home and have everything they need brought to them. So forcing people to take a jab that they don't want to doesn't seem fair.

This is coming from someone who is already vaccinated....
For a start, I would love to see the insurance not covering the cost of covid treatment if you refuse to get the vaccine. Pay tens of thousands of dollars if you want to tel your ignorant friends how enlightened you are
100%. They want to avoid the thing made that is best equipped to fight this? Then you don't have a right to put a strain on the Healthcare system when you need your life saved.
What right does anyone have to force someone to take something they don't want to?

Nobody is saying you will be physically forced but part of government's job is to encourage or discourage various behaviours with rules, laws and regulations with non-compliance having consequences.

"I don't want to wash my hands or comply with basic hygiene laws at my café. You can't make me if I don't want to. You aren't the boss of me."

"I'm a great driver Officer so I don't need to wear a seat belt or comply with the speed limits"

"I don't want to have my eyes tested before you renew my driving licence. It an infringement of my rights"

"What do you mean that I need a certified medical certificate from a specialist before I can be a Dive Instructor. It's none of your business if I have an undiagnosed heart, lung or ear condition that might kill me and my pupils underwater".

What do you think might happen in all of these situations and always has?
Let people do their own risk assessments and stop condemning them, I don’t think the vaccine is a one size fits all, A tennis player just ended his season suffering from a vaccine injury. People know their bodies, give them space to make their choices.
wtf is "vaccine injury"?
Let people do their own risk assessments and stop condemning them, I don’t think the vaccine is a one size fits all, A tennis player just ended his season suffering from a vaccine injury. People know their bodies, give them space to make their choices.

No. People know their bodies is bullshit BTW. And people are even worse at assessing risk.

Vaccination isn't just an individual risk so shouldn't be a purely individual choice.
Because public safety > individual whim. It’s that kinda argument that woulda let Typhoid Mary keep killing people.
Exactly. And most countries require all kinds of vaccinations before kids can be enrolled in schools. Vaccinations for things like Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B, Diphteria, Tetanus etc. have been required for decades. This is not anything new.

The "don't force me to get vaxed" bullshit is ridiculous. Also, nobody is forcing you to take a vaccine, but you can absolutely be denied privileges like attending school, flying, attending a game and other participatory activities where you would be a danger to the society. Tough luck, have your freedom of being unreasonable if you want to be secluded to your cave, but if you want to be part of a society - act responsibly. This is very simple
No. People know their bodies is bullshit BTW. And people are even worse at assessing risk.

Vaccination isn't just an individual risk so shouldn't be a purely individual choice.

This whole "do your research" and "I know my body" stuff is just so amazingly human and such bullshit. Just on here, a football forum filled with idiots (to use the word of the day), misfits, WUMS, and whatever @Mr Pigeon is, you have multiple MDs, PhDs, infectious disease experts, etc all preaching the same message. Have we changed the mind of a single <redacted to prevent banning>? Nope. I have given up on ya'll (not you @Wibble, even if you are an idiot) and am concentrating on working on outreach in my community where maybe I can make a difference. Such a waste of a life.
As it stands - vaccines are not effective in preventing symptomatic disease.

They are preventing the majority of it and massively reducing the severity where not prevented.

Vaccines have caused numerous side effects.

The side effects are incredibly rare and most, if not all, the side effects happen far far more often if you actually get covid plus all the other effects of getting infected.

Not getting vaccinated is like not wearing a seat belt because some drunk bloke crashed his car in 1979 and couldn't get out of the car before it exploded.

Not to mention the actual Some people have died.

How many? A handful in comparison to the 4+ million people who have died from covid (and millions more who would have died without the vaccines).

Myocarditis is serious especially for athletes.

It isn't very common and when it does occur it is very very rare that it is anything serious. My son is a professional athlete and his entire team/squad were vaccinated with mRNA vaccines. Can you guess how many suffered Myocarditis? Other teams who had covid outbreaks over the last year still have players out with long covid including a couple with, you guessed it, Myocarditis - and it wasn't mild.

Vaccines have not stopped transmission of the virus.

They have hugely reducing transmission and when not hugely reduce the severity of illness.

So footballers should be free to make their own decisions according to their risk benefit analysis.

Their own risk analysis? :lol: Probably no better than yours, which is seemingly non-existent.

And don't forget they are risking their fellow player, coaches and other staff, fans, relatives and the general public, which no doubt isn't included in their "risk analysis".
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Assuming all these numbers are correct - which I don't know if they are. So if anyone has proper sources for those, feel free to post.

But under those numbers: If more than 80% of Israels population is vaccinated and around 85% of hospitalised people are of the group of vaccinated - doesn't that mean the vaccine doesn't provide any protection from being hospitalised?

What are you talking about. Read the article.

In real-life Israel, as of Aug. 15 — using Morris’s summary of official data — 301 fully vaccinated people had an illness severe enough to require hospitalization. They represented just 53 out of every million fully vaccinated Israelis. At the same time, 214 hospitalized people were not vaccinated.

Not to mention that the vast majority of people hospitalised after vaccination will be elderly or otherwise immune compromised. In effect they aren't vaccinated or get limited benefit. Even more reason for the unvaccinated to get vaccinated to protect those who either can't or don't get the full benefit.
Exactly. And most countries require all kinds of vaccinations before kids can be enrolled in schools. Vaccinations for things like Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B, Diphteria, Tetanus etc. have been required for decades. This is not anything new.

The "don't force me to get vaxed" bullshit is ridiculous. Also, nobody is forcing you to take a vaccine, but you can absolutely be denied privileges like attending school, flying, attending a game and other participatory activities where you would be a danger to the society. Tough luck, have your freedom of being unreasonable if you want to be secluded to your cave, but if you want to be part of a society - act responsibly. This is very simple
it's an interesting debate

Im double jabbed and my wife is too

She had a really poor reaction. Anaphylaxis with both doses ( the second time in ICU). Since it she has developed an allergy to an element called PEG. A thickening agent in all sorts of products and not always well labelled. She needed 4 epipens about a month ago after another reaction where under unluckier circumstances she could have died.

In her discussions with consultants etc its clear they really aren't sure about the vaccine. There was gap of 6 months between doses as they tried and failed to sort things to no success.

The vaccine will impact a small amount of people this way at minimum but nevertheless I think its ignorant to deny people their rights based on it.

I certainly won't be rushing to get my kids vaccinated based on my wife's experience.

This is far from a simple issue and your view is too simplistic
it's an interesting debate

Im double jabbed and my wife is too

She had a really poor reaction. Anaphylaxis with both doses ( the second time in ICU). Since it she has developed an allergy to an element called PEG. A thickening agent in all sorts of products and not always well labelled. She needed 4 epipens about a month ago after another reaction where under unluckier circumstances she could have died.

In her discussions with consultants etc its clear they really aren't sure about the vaccine. There was gap of 6 months between doses as they tried and failed to sort things to no success.

The vaccine will impact a small amount of people this way at minimum but nevertheless I think its ignorant to deny people their rights based on it.

I certainly won't be rushing to get my kids vaccinated based on my wife's experience.

This is far from a simple issue and your view is too simplistic

Sorry to hear about your wife, but your argument is bullshit. Anaphylaxis is a known risk of the vaccine, which is why they make you wait for 20 minutes after a jab and have epiphens ready to go. It is also extremely rare.

You know what is not rare? Millions of people dead from COVID.

You cannot be denied a right that you don't have. Nobody will break down your doors to vaccinate you but if you don't then you will be denied some things as a result, such as your kids may need to be homeschooled if you don't vaccinate them. Same as they would not be let into school
if you didnt give them Polio shot. Nothing new here
it's an interesting debate

Im double jabbed and my wife is too

She had a really poor reaction. Anaphylaxis with both doses ( the second time in ICU). Since it she has developed an allergy to an element called PEG. A thickening agent in all sorts of products and not always well labelled. She needed 4 epipens about a month ago after another reaction where under unluckier circumstances she could have died.

In her discussions with consultants etc its clear they really aren't sure about the vaccine. There was gap of 6 months between doses as they tried and failed to sort things to no success.

The vaccine will impact a small amount of people this way at minimum but nevertheless I think its ignorant to deny people their rights based on it.

I certainly won't be rushing to get my kids vaccinated based on my wife's experience.

This is far from a simple issue and your view is too simplistic

People are anaphylactic to all sorts of things. Me included. You just avoid what makes you need the Epipen and/or try immunotherapy (I did and it hurts) and that is life. PEG is widely used in pharmaceuticals so it sounds like that is the issue/allergy.

As there is a chance between 0 and 50% (75% if you are both allergic to PEG) that your kids will have inherited this allergy (the literature seems to be entirely unclear at the moment other than it can be genetically inherited in some cases), and if so they may become anaphylactic when taking a vaccine. So I'd seek specialist advice before deciding. They should be able to test if your kids have the enzymes that would prevent an allergic reaction (I think but I'm no expert).

However, that is very different from someone deciding not to take a vaccine because a miniscule percentage of unrelated people have a reaction. You are talking about a potential genuine very serious medical reason not to vaccinate. If there were penalties for not vaccinating I can't see how you wouldn't be able to get a medical exemption if the specialist certified your kids were at risk. The chances are that they have already had PEG in childhood vaccination BTW but still worth checking with a specialist as allergies can escalate.
Nobody is saying you will be physically forced but part of government's job is to encourage or discourage various behaviours with rules, laws and regulations with non-compliance having consequences.

"I don't want to wash my hands or comply with basic hygiene laws at my café. You can't make me if I don't want to. You aren't the boss of me."

"I'm a great driver Officer so I don't need to wear a seat belt or comply with the speed limits"

"I don't want to have my eyes tested before you renew my driving licence. It an infringement of my rights"

"What do you mean that I need a certified medical certificate from a specialist before I can be a Dive Instructor. It's none of your business if I have an undiagnosed heart, lung or ear condition that might kill me and my pupils underwater".

What do you think might happen in all of these situations and always has?

I notice lefty conveniently ducked out after this great post.
I notice lefty conveniently ducked out after this great post.
A very common trend in this thread, poor old @MayosNoun has disappeared off the face of the earth after having his argument torn to shreds by half the forum. Probably why it's so easy to talk shite on the internet, you don't have to say anything back once someone dismantles your point.
People are anaphylactic to all sorts of things. Me included. You just avoid what makes you need the Epipen and/or try immunotherapy (I did and it hurts) and that is life. PEG is widely used in pharmaceuticals so it sounds like that is the issue/allergy.

As there is a chance between 0 and 50% (75% if you are both allergic to PEG) that your kids will have inherited this allergy (the literature seems to be entirely unclear at the moment other than it can be genetically inherited in some cases), and if so they may become anaphylactic when taking a vaccine. So I'd seek specialist advice before deciding. They should be able to test if your kids have the enzymes that would prevent an allergic reaction (I think but I'm no expert).

However, that is very different from someone deciding not to take a vaccine because a miniscule percentage of unrelated people have a reaction. You are talking about a potential genuine very serious medical reason not to vaccinate. If there were penalties for not vaccinating I can't see how you wouldn't be able to get a medical exemption if the specialist certified your kids were at risk. The chances are that they have already had PEG in childhood vaccination BTW but still worth checking with a specialist as allergies can escalate.
Yes PEG is the issue but it wasn't an issue before the vaccine. My wife has never had an issue with medicines/elements that contain PEG.
She was allergic to Kiwi fruit. I'm hoping the new condition eases as the time since her last jab lengthens. This obviously is a completely different situation to someone choosing for no reason but if you are going to discriminate based on vaccines its important that people who do have life threatening reactions are identified and exceptions should be made. I was making a point based on the idea that anyone who doesn't want to get vaccinated should all be lumped together when some have genuine legitimate reasons.

Sorry to hear about your wife, but your argument is bullshit. Anaphylaxis is a known risk of the vaccine, which is why they make you wait for 20 minutes after a jab and have epiphens ready to go. It is also extremely rare.

You know what is not rare? Millions of people dead from COVID.

You cannot be denied a right that you don't have. Nobody will break down your doors to vaccinate you but if you don't then you will be denied some things as a result, such as your kids may need to be homeschooled if you don't vaccinate them. Same as they would not be let into school
if you didnt give them Polio shot. Nothing new here
Maybe you haven't read my post properly but my wife has developed a condition since taking both doses of the vaccine.

She had anaphylactic reactions when she had both doses but subsequently had developed a new condition, has had to get a bracelet etc.... I am hoping that this new condition is temporary based on duration of time since last jab and eases.

We are both pro-vaccine but obviously my wife won't be going for a booster any time soon and understandably so if it is putting her life in danger doing so.

This could change down the line as the vaccine is perhaps improved/refined for the small number of issues that people have experienced.

To refer to your original point, your idea that people in this situation, with genuine life threatening side effects months after the jab should be treated the same as a person who just doesn't want the vaccine is bullshit to use your colourful language. Your lack of empathy is staggering.
Yes PEG is the issue but it wasn't an issue before the vaccine. My wife has never had an issue with medicines/elements that contain PEG.
She was allergic to Kiwi fruit. I'm hoping the new condition eases as the time since her last jab lengthens. This obviously is a completely different situation to someone choosing for no reason but if you are going to discriminate based on vaccines its important that people who do have life threatening reactions are identified and exceptions should be made. I was making a point based on the idea that anyone who doesn't want to get vaccinated should all be lumped together when some have genuine legitimate reasons.

Maybe you haven't read my post properly but my wife has developed a condition since taking both doses of the vaccine.

She had anaphylactic reactions when she had both doses but subsequently had developed a new condition, has had to get a bracelet etc.... I am hoping that this new condition is temporary based on duration of time since last jab and eases.

We are both pro-vaccine but obviously my wife won't be going for a booster any time soon and understandably so if it is putting her life in danger doing so.

This could change down the line as the vaccine is perhaps improved/refined for the small number of issues that people have experienced.

To refer to your original point, your idea that people in this situation, with genuine life threatening side effects months after the jab should be treated the same as a person who just doesn't want the vaccine is bullshit to use your colourful language. Your lack of empathy is staggering.

Sorry that I misread your point. Yes, any policy must have exceptions and as a matter of fact vaccine mandates do make such exceptions. Your wife and kids should and likely will get exception.

But this one in millions exception should not be used by vast majority to avoid vaccine. Seems like you agree