Vaccinated Players

Agree completely that vaccines should be taken and they help with the antibodies and so on, I don't think even a sceptic can question that. My point about the studies was in regard to the rate of transmission, for every study that shows the rate of transmission slows with vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated the opposite can be found.
Point me in the direction of a reputable study that shows the opposite to slowing transmission rates in vaccinated.
It is utterly depressing reading about this. I was listing to something on it yesterday, and apparently, a lot of the hesitancy isn't due to the fact that players don't want to put any "foreign" medicine in their system, but more they've been reading the absolute garbage that's circulating around social media and the like. Bill Gates is tacking me, etc. Apparently, another big reason for this is the sort of dynamics that can be found at certain clubs. Basically, clubs where the manager is the most prominent figure (and is generally fully vaccinated), would typically lead to more players being fully vaccinated. As opposed to teams where this isn't the case (United for example)

Would love to know which players at United aren't fully vaccinated and what their reasoning is

Doesn't do a lot for the reputation of footballers being dumb-dumbs when a lot of them are behaving this way. I'm aware that they're far from the only members of society who exhibit this behaviour, but this is a thread discussing that subject.
Not sure how you actually address this issue, but more than likely it's going to come down to players wanting to play. And there seems to be an expectation that Qatar will make everyone be double-vaxxed to attend the World Cup, so that's the only way I can see those players getting it.
Not sure who all is vaccinated in Uniteds squad, pretty sure I remember seeing Cavani get it at some point and Fred only a couple weeks ago got his 2nd dose (he posted on his Instagram story). Also saw a thing that Ronaldo was before his debut, but might not be true.

Completely untrue. Every single study ever done confirms that vaccines slow the rate of transmission. The only variation is regarding exactly how much. The opposite of this would be data showing vaccines increase transmission. No such data exists.

For some weird reason there’s a big school of thought online that unless vaccines are 100% effective at reducing transmission they become pointless. With every piece of data showing that some vaccinated people can catch and pass on the virus trumpeted as “proof” that there’s no point being vaccinated. I honestly don’t know so many people get sucked in by such obvious nonsense but here we are.
The "do your own research" thing that people tried saying is the stupidest thing I've ever heard and leads to shit like that. It's like they don't understand there is no magic cure that is 100% effective but the point of medicine is to manage things as best as possible, improve the situation and if possible, eliminate the issue. But that's never going to happen because there's too many uneducated twats in the world who see a Facebook post from some idiot like Gwyneth Paltrow and think they know better then the endless amounts of actual scientists/researchers/doctors.
Shouldn't he have more natural immunity than the vaccines provide?

Chance he would have caught the virus regardless of the vaccine if this is the case (like this poor sucker here despite me double vaxxed back in May).

No, not necessarily. The vaccine will cause your body to produce antibodies specifically against the spike protein, which is essential for the virus to function (i.e. without it, the virus can't get into your cells which it needs to do to reproduce itself). Whilst your own body is most likely to target this protein (especially given the molecular structure of the COVID virion), this is not necessarily the case and the extent to which those other antibodies are protective is unclear (though probably lower as they would not directly impact the ability of the virus to get into cells to the same degree). The issue though is in the way immune memory works - once re-challenged with COVID, these potentially ineffective antibodies will still be the ones produced, as the process will not start from scratch.

This is a lot of conjecture on my part, but I would suspect that those who have been repeatedly infected are those MOST in need of a COVID vaccine - odds are they are continually mounting an ineffective immune response that is not robust enough to deter the virus.
Im probably in a minority here but every time I hear a player is unvaccinated I lose all respect for them.

One of my friends died of complications 2 days after taking the vaccine. How uninformed can you be to make such a statement? Baffling.
That can’t be correct. When you vaccinate hundreds of millions of people it’s inevitable that at least some of them will die shortly after being vaccinated.

Sure but there are no deaths directly attributable to vaccine complications. Any time someone dies after getting vaccinated that is reported to the vaccine adverse event database, but no causal cases have been found to date.
One of my friends died of complications 2 days after taking the vaccine. How uninformed can you be to make such a statement? Baffling.

Very sorry for your loss. Honestly first time I hear about anyone dying from it, so a bit interested in it. Was it 1:1 related with the vaccine if I may ask or had he anything triggering it, I.e heart disease, weak immune system, etc? Just would like to know in what cases this could happen. Feel terrible for anyone being the extremely unlucky one.
Sorry but that’s silly, it’s proven without doubt that vaccines prevent serious illness. There is more risk from not taking it

You can still catch covid if youre double jabbed, you can still die from it despite being double jabbed.
I think people should be allowed to make their own minds up as to wether they want a vaccine or not, it shouldnt be forced as a lot are trying to do.
One of my friends died of complications 2 days after taking the vaccine. How uninformed can you be to make such a statement? Baffling.

Im in New Zealand, here are our covid stats.
Total cases of Covid 4450. Total deaths from Covid 29. Death rate to infections is 4450/29 which equals 1 death per 153 people who contract covid.

Vaccination stats. Total doses administered of the Pfizer vaccine 5,467,000. Total deaths attributed to the vaccine so far 1.

You do the math.

On top of that I have family who are in the at risk group from Covid. Add in also one of my oldest friends is in stage 4 of breast cancer, she is currently undergoing chemo and radiation treatment, her immune system is completely shattered right now. Her and the many others in our communities need as many people as possible around them vaccinated to help protect them by reducing the amount of transmission of covid.

Your comment based on just one persons complications is baffling.
I have zero patience for those who wont vaccinate without a legitimate reason and I have zero patience for the ignorance you display.
You can still catch covid if youre double jabbed, you can still die from it despite being double jabbed.
I think people should be allowed to make their own minds up as to wether they want a vaccine or not, it shouldnt be forced as a lot are trying to do.

If the situation was as simplistic as you described it and your own actions didn't affect others, then sure. Problem is that it isn't and this is the exact type of childish and narcissistic attitude that's allowed the pandemic to get completely out of hand, particularly within right wing circles.
You can still catch covid if youre double jabbed, you can still die from it despite being double jabbed.
I think people should be allowed to make their own minds up as to wether they want a vaccine or not, it shouldnt be forced as a lot are trying to do.
By the same token if people stopped reading absolute drivel on Facebook etc and actually listened to the experts for once they’d know vaccinations are the way forwards
You can still catch covid if youre double jabbed, you can still die from it despite being double jabbed.
I think people should be allowed to make their own minds up as to wether they want a vaccine or not, it shouldnt be forced as a lot are trying to do.
The incidence of people double jabbed dying from covid is massively reduced by being vaccinated. Massively, the stats are all out there. The hospitalisations are massively reduced if vaccinated. The stress on hospitals, health professionals, families and loved ones can be massively reduced by high vaccination rates. Klopps comments on player vaccination are spot on. Go look them up and gie them some thought. the vaccinations most important point is if you get vaccinated you protect others.. The personal choice cult of me mantra is nothing less than self centered ignorant bullshit.
The "do your own research" thing that people tried saying is the stupidest thing I've ever heard and leads to shit like that.

Nothing new there.

If you ask people who believe in Bigfoot, ancient aliens, the illuminati - and so forth - why the feck they actually believe it, what their sources are, their answer is very likely: do your own research.
You can still catch covid if youre double jabbed, you can still die from it despite being double jabbed.
I think people should be allowed to make their own minds up as to wether they want a vaccine or not, it shouldnt be forced as a lot are trying to do.
You can die from a car accident if you're wearing a seat belt. It's still the law to wear a seat belt while in a car. This is literally the same thing.
So we could be somewhere between 50% and 99%?

Yet the Mail and Times use us for a story rather than the 'outliers'?

Amazing. Even when it's vaccination rates, United are still used as clickbait.
We're probably somewhere around 50%, but they highlight us because we're the most influential club. And considering how active some are on social media with non footballing issues, you'd expect them to have posted something if they did get vaccinated. Looking at guys like Maguire and Rashford here. Who knows if they are or aren't, the only 2 I know for sure are Fred and Cavani as they posted about it, but you would think Rashford would for sure have said something about getting vaxxed. Plus a lot of talk that the England squad is pretty bad with it anyway.
The incidence of people double jabbed dying from covid is massively reduced by being vaccinated. Massively, the stats are all out there. The hospitalisations are massively reduced if vaccinated. The stress on hospitals, health professionals, families and loved ones can be massively reduced by high vaccination rates. Klopps comments on player vaccination are spot on. Go look them up and gie them some thought. the vaccinations most important point is if you get vaccinated you protect others.. The personal choice cult of me mantra is nothing less than self centered ignorant bullshit.
All of this ⬆️.

My neighbour, sister and two mates all work as frontline doctors/nurses. Non vaccination increases the risks for everyone including them.

If they don't want a vaccine, maybe opt out of the NHS completely then? You can even have your Nat Insu Tax back.
You can die from a car accident if you're wearing a seat belt. It's still the law to wear a seat belt while in a car. This is literally the same thing.
“Personal choice”

yeah but your personal choice could see you flying out of your seat and head butting someone else or flying through the window screen and injuring or endangering someone else
The personal choice cult of me mantra is nothing less than self centered ignorant bullshit.

Well said.

It's not about me - but that's a concept many seemingly don't get.

The "logic" of some the arguments you see amounts to something like this:

I've heard of a guy who was hit by a car - and died! - after crossing the street on a green light. Conclusion: walk on red, it's pointless to wait for green (you could end up dead).
Agree completely that vaccines should be taken and they help with the antibodies and so on, I don't think even a sceptic can question that. My point about the studies was in regard to the rate of transmission, for every study that shows the rate of transmission slows with vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated the opposite can be found.
This is just wrong, and this type of thinking is why we're doomed as a f*cking species in my opinion.

It's the perpetual 'both sides-ness' in everything, even when one side is super fringe and the other is huge scientific concensus. There are still studies out there arguing that humans have no impact on the climate. You can find them. Does that mean they're worth the same as the 97% concensus amongst climate science that we have an impact? No. No it does not.

Those studies you're finding are usually twisted from the original, pure viral load study done in some county in the US, using misleading headlines and cherry-picked data to fit the bizarre, murderous agenda of the anti-vaxxers.

The vaccine reduces the likelihood of contraction, reduces the likelihood of symtpoms, and hence reduces the likelihood of transmission. There is countless data available to demonstrate this, even with Delta, nad it has been. The macro stat I've seen is Pfizer reduces Delta transmission by 65%, I believe AZ is a bit lower.
Klopps comments. Also Klopp is someone who has had family die from Covid.

In his news conference ahead of Sunday's match against Manchester City, he said: "If I say I am vaccinated, other people say: 'How can you tell me I should be vaccinated?' It is a little bit like drink-driving.

"We all probably were in a situation where we had a beer or two and thought we still could drive, but [because of] the law, we are not allowed to drive, so we don't drive.

"But this law is not there for protecting me when I drink two beers and want to drive, it's for protecting all the other people because I'm drunk, and we accept that as a law."

The bit about protecting others is key for me. We all have a chance to help provide some protection for the more vulnerable.
One of my friends died of complications 2 days after taking the vaccine. How uninformed can you be to make such a statement? Baffling.
Please share your informed statement then. Do you think it's better to give up on the vaccine and let everyone get the virus instead?
Im probably in a minority here but every time I hear a player is unvaccinated I lose all respect for them.
You’re actually probably in a majority on here. The rest of social media is a bit of a shitshow, I’ve seen comments from fans of all clubs including Liverpool telling Klopp to shut up and stick to football.
This guy’s an absolute cretin who shouldn’t be given the time of day.

NBA refused to let players who are not vaccinated play. There was a Canadian player who asked for exemption and was refused. Now he has got his vaccination.
That's what the FA should do. No vaccination, not playing.
The fact Bill Gates conspiracy theories and other none sense is being propagated by certain dressing rooms is just as worrying. Makes you wonder what other things they’re susceptible to.

Really poor from the England squad though.
You’re actually probably in a majority on here. The rest of social media is a bit of a shitshow, I’ve seen comments from fans of all clubs including Liverpool telling Klopp to shut up and stick to football.
Thats a shame about Klopp, I thought his comments were thoughtful and on point.
NBA refused to let players who are not vaccinated play. There was a Canadian player who asked for exemption and was refused. Now he has got his vaccination.
That's what the FA should do. No vaccination, not playing.
The NBA didn't do that. The States had very specific regulations for indoor events.
Sure but there are no deaths directly attributable to vaccine complications. Any time someone dies after getting vaccinated that is reported to the vaccine adverse event database, but no causal cases have been found to date.

I’m not too familiar with US data but there have definitely been deaths in Europe attributed to the vaccines. I don’t think it’s helpful to ignore that there are very rare serious side effects, which are sometimes fatal. The key point is that the same is true of almost every vaccine/medicine you can think of and the mortality rate is many many times higher from covid itself.
You can die from a car accident if you're wearing a seat belt. It's still the law to wear a seat belt while in a car. This is literally the same thing.

Its not the law for the footballers to get vaccinated.
If they dont want it they shouldnt be forced to.

I’m not too familiar with US data but there have definitely been deaths in Europe attributed to the vaccines. I don’t think it’s helpful to ignore that there are very rare serious side effects, which are sometimes fatal. The key point is that the same is true of almost every vaccine/medicine you can think of and the mortality rate is many many times higher from covid itself.

The way I think of it is that I was more likely to die on the way to my vaccine than I was from the vaccine.