US war on terror has killed 500,000 people in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq

Amazing that you weren't able to read what I said .. I'm perfectly aware Osama Bin Laden was not part of the taliban.

You used the death of Bin Laden as evidence that special ops teams can win entire conflicts on their own, and I said that it's simply not applicable to every threat.
What I am saying is this entire conflict was started in order to get OBL in the first place.
The primary thrust of the Brown University paper was that the US (and its allies) shouldn't be starting proxy wars, funding insurgents and taking it upon themselves to bestow their brand of democracy on the world, hence the name The Costs of War Project...not just in terms of casualties but ravaging entire regions and economies and creating migrants (who're then targeted with Far Right propaganda as the new scourge threatening civilization). That overarching argument will be deflected by whataboutism and bickering over stats, or arguing that there was no other choice but to murder at an alarming rate. Same things happens over and over again...the Middle East, South and central America with soft power, Africa, parts of the subcontinent, Vietnam where civilian gooks were fecked over:

The "Mere Gook Rule" (MGR) was a controversial name that some U.S. soldiers in Vietnam had for what they claim to have been an unofficial policy in which soldiers would be prosecuted very leniently, if at all, for killing or harming Vietnamese civilians, even if the victims turned out to have no connection to the Viet Cong or to the North Vietnamese Army. The supposed rationale for the MGR was that U.S. soldiers had a very difficult time determining which Vietnamese people were civilians and which were enemies. To the extent that soldiers believed the MGR existed, it effectively gave them permission to err on the side of killing suspected Vietnamese enemies even if there was a very good chance that they were civilians.

Colonialism didn't disappear overnight...ultimately, the lives of lesser savages don't matter — imagine the outrage if hundreds of thousands of civilians were massacred in the West by foreign forces in an effort to exterminate far right extremist groups.
So the US? Since they are the ones who gave financial aid to the Taliban and armed them?

You are completely right, in fact let me point you to Yemen where American ally Saudia are killing people by the thousands using American weapons.

What are we talking about here? I thought this was about the US indiscriminately killing ~500k people in the war on terror.

What’s the topic? Foreign policy, wars that begin 40 years ago for completely different reasons?

Goalposts seem to be moving.
What are we talking about here? I thought this was about the US indiscriminately killing ~500k people in the war on terror.

What’s the topic? Foreign policy, wars that begin 40 years ago for completely different reasons?

Goalposts seem to be moving.

That is normally what happens when you bring up scenarios in any discussion. If you want to talk about the origin of Taliban, that blame lies on the US or do you want the rest of us to ignore it? The current middle east fiasco? Again, US. The genocide in Yemen? The saudis are doing it using American weapons but you don't care about that, do you.

Funny thing is, the same people that complain about casualties in a war would be the first ones to complain that no country will help out when a terrorist group or Dictator is murdering civilians at a much greater rate than this “war on terror.”
And Pakistan...

You are correct there, our leaders should not have taken US money and trained the taliban on their behalf. Could have avoided a lot of bloodshed if we had told you guys to feck off back then but I am sure you would have found some other country willing to act as proxies.
They also refused to shut down terrorist bases in their area of control and to hand over AQ terrorists other than OBL.
Noone is saying they are good guys. But the US set off to defeat them and failed. They still control vast parts of the country . And it was obvious from the start, since the Soviets tried to do something similar 20 years before.

Since you will inevitably will mention 'but Al Qaeda' - yes, they were defeated. ISIS took its place .Don't you see how your constant meddling in the ME is creating even more problems for you and the rest of the world?
You have killed enormous amount of civilians along and the enemy is still there and fighting. Which means it has been for nothing. Clear now ?

There has not been another terror attack on our soil anywhere close to the magnitude of 9/11. For nothing?
There has not been another terror attack on our soil anywhere close to the magnitude of 9/11. For nothing?
That's because you upped your surveillance game and started taking some intelligence seriously. Not because you killed villagers in Afghanistan.
That's because you upped your surveillance game and started taking some intelligence seriously. Not because you killed villagers in Afghanistan.

Having read through bpet's posts there isnt much point in engaging him. He has some interesting views on people of colour.

I find it interesting that so many blacks lean so heavily on the racism crutch.

Quite simply it is very much a Liverpool mentality...always the victim, it's never your fault.

Defending Trump, apparently the grabbing women by the pussy comment is just stupid.

I'm sucked in now - even though I should just leave it alone.

Your lot have talked yourself in to believing anyone who thinks differently than you is a racist, misogynist, etc.

I'll explain how it works - country needs to control immigration...RACIST! Makes a snide comment (I'll agree it was stupid) about grabbing p...MISOGYNIST! We have too many on welfare and need to improve job creation...RACIST! I'm not a big fan of Tupac...RACIST! Wow, she sure is hot, I wouldn't mind a piece of that...MISOGYNIST!

Your catch phrases have been so overused that they simply don't hold much meaning any longer. Instead of using dummyhead as you would in grade 2, the terms were just amped up so you could be heard. In the end, they have lost the true negative connotation they should have because they are thrown out at every chance, even when not applicable. What you really have done is take attention away from those that really are racist and misogynist by attempting to put it on those who are nothing of the sort.

You are correct though - fundamentally decent people wouldn't vote for a racist, but you need to realize, not everyone thinks he is a racist. On the flip side, fundamentally decent people wouldn't vote for a crook and someone who sat idle while fellow countrymen were killed. My guess is you don't think that way about HC, but please note I have not personally attacked you or anyone else that doesn't feel that way.

Appreciate the discussion.
Having read through bpet's posts there isnt much point in engaging him. He has some interesting views on people of colour.

Defending Trump, apparently the grabbing women by the pussy comment is just stupid.
Thanks for the heads up.
Noone is saying they are good guys. But the US set off to defeat them and failed. They still control vast parts of the country . And it was obvious from the start, since the Soviets tried to do something similar 20 years before.
When this all started, they controlled 90% of the country. That was reduced significantly before the Coalition reduced combat forces and handed the war over to the Afghan Army. Since then, the Taliban has had a resurgence, but still doesn’t control near what it used to.

I’d argue that had Bush not diverted resources to Iraq, we would have completely pushed the Taliban out of Afghanistan.

Since you will inevitably will mention 'but Al Qaeda' - yes, they were defeated. ISIS took its place .Don't you see how your constant meddling in the ME is creating even more problems for you and the rest of the world?
I don’t support American foreign policy during the Cold War, which created most of these problems today. But I do support going into Afghanistan. It isn’t an all or nothing thing.
You are correct there, our leaders should not have taken US money and trained the taliban on their behalf. Could have avoided a lot of bloodshed if we had told you guys to feck off back then but I am sure you would have found some other country willing to act as proxies.
Are we both talking about the 1990s?
Are we both talking about the 1990s?

Depends, are we talking about the origin of Taliban or trying to deflect blame? The US created taliban as a short-term solution to defeat the Russians and as all great US plans did not think what would happen with a group of religiously armed fanatics who viewed the west as enemies.
Depends, are we talking about the origin of Taliban or trying to deflect blame? The US created taliban as a short-term solution to defeat the Russians and as all great US plans did not think what would happen with a group of religiously armed fanatics who viewed the west as enemies.
I’m not deflecting blame for anything. I said AND Pakistan. That means I acknowledge the role the US played in the 1970s-1980s.

Look at my response to Firestarter and you’ll see that I don’t support US foreign policy in the Cold War. Getting involved in the Soviet Afghan War was about as useful as getting involved in the French Indochina War, with even worse future ramifications.

That said, I also don’t support the Pakistani ISI helping the Taliban take control over Afghanistan in the 1990s.
I’m not deflecting blame for anything. I said AND Pakistan.

Look at my response to Firestarter and you’ll see that I don’t support US foreign policy in the Cold War. Getting involved in the Soviet Afghan War was about as useful as getting involved in the French Indochina War, with even worse future ramifications.

That said, I also don’t support the Pakistani ISI helping the Taliban take control over Afghanistan in the 1990s.

Yeah I am equally against the rise of Mullahs and weaponising Islam that our leaders have done in the past, and continue to do so to some extent today. Nothing good comes from raising an army of fanatics who think killing innocents and dying with grant them someplace in paradise.

But I think that was done in part because they believe that they will be able to control Afghanistan through the taliban and to stabilize the region. After Russia was defeated, millions of Afghan refugees entered Pakistan with the west providing very little financial aid. Those people are still living in our country and I think there was some talk of granting them nationality.
Yeah I am equally against the rise of Mullahs and weaponising Islam that our leaders have done in the past, and continue to do so to some extent today. Nothing good comes from raising an army of fanatics who think killing innocents and dying with grant them someplace in paradise.

But I think that was done in part because they believe that they will be able to control Afghanistan through the taliban and to stabilize the region. After Russia was defeated, millions of Afghan refugees entered Pakistan with the west providing very little financial aid. Those people are still living in our country and I think there was some talk of granting them nationality.
Well then. We agree on something.

You’ll find this paper interesting.
Maybe Pakistan could have considered not funding, arming and joining the Taliban in Afghanistan as an alternative strategy to the US bombing raids? Then they wouldn't need to drop so many bombs.

Maybe the US could have considered not funding, arming, and joining the Contras in Nicaragua. Then Mexico wouldn't need to drop so many bombs on Dallas, Tuscon and Shreveport.
The people responsible for civilian deaths are the same people responsible for starting the war to begin with, the terrorists.

In any war, all self respecting countries involved want to limit civilian casualties. All except the absolutely disgusting, scum of the earth radicals we are fighting in this war. Their tactics are despicable, but also what makes it so difficult to ever claim a victory. These vile subhuman pieces of shit put their neighbors at such risk by mixing in with them because they are two cowardly to stand toe to tow with the enemy they’ve sworn to wipe off the earth.

Honestly, I could give two shits what you think about America or Americans, but if someone attacks us on our soil we will react. Funny thing is, the same people that complain about casualties in a war would be the first ones to complain that no country will help out when a terrorist group or Dictator is murdering civilians at a much greater rate than this “war on terror.”
Iraq never attacked or planned to attack US in their sole.

It was groups from Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. You destroyed the first country, and sold weapons in value of hundreds of billions to the second one, whom in turn are causing genocide in Yemen with those same weapons.
CLARK: And I went downstairs. I was leaving the Pentagon, and an officer from the joint staff called me into his office and said, "I want you to know," he said. "Sir, we’re going to attack Iraq." And I said, "Why?" He said, "We don’t know." He said—I said, "Well, did they tie Saddam to 9/11?" He said, "No." He said, "But I guess it’s they don’t know what to do about terrorism, and so they think—but they can attack states, and they want to look strong. And so, I guess they think if they take down a state, it will intimidate the terrorists. And, you know, it’s like that old saying," he said, "if the only tool you have is a hammer, then every problem has to be a nail." Well, I walked out of there pretty upset. And then we attacked Afghanistan. I was pretty happy about that. We should have. And then I came back to the Pentagon about six weeks later. I saw the same officer. I said, "Why—why haven’t we attacked Iraq? We still going to attack Iraq?" He said, "Oh, sir," he says, "it’s worse than that." He said—he pulled up a piece of paper off his desk. He said, "I just got this memo from the Secretary of Defense’s office. It says we’re going to attack and destroy the governments in seven countries in five years. We’re going to start with Iraq, and then we’re going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran." Seven countries in five years. I said, “Is that a classified memo?” He said, “Yes sir.” I said, “Well, don’t show it to me,” he was about to show it to me, “Cause I wanna talk about it.”

If there was a terrorist on US soil, they would never use a drone to kill him, due to the risk of civilian casualties. They don't care about civilians lives abroad, Americans are murderous hypocrites
If there was a terrorist on US soil, they would never use a drone to kill him, due to the risk of civilian casualties. They don't care about civilians lives abroad, Americans are murderous hypocrites

A point you can make about all the 'Great Powers'. If we can still use that term.
If there was a terrorist on US soil, they would never use a drone to kill him, due to the risk of civilian casualties. They don't care about civilians lives abroad, Americans are murderous hypocrites
Didn’t we drone strike a US citizen?
If there was a terrorist on US soil, they would never use a drone to kill him, due to the risk of civilian casualties. They don't care about civilians lives abroad, Americans are murderous hypocrites
Or the fact that given that’s in on our own soil, we would have immediate ground options that could solve the problem. Hell, our own citizens killed themselves to avoid further loss of life on of the 9/11 planes.

This is a good listen from 2 US ex-soldiers, about the ar in Afghanistan, its current deadly meander with no purpose, and the difference between al-Qaeda and the Taliban at the time of 9/11.

Didn’t we drone strike a US citizen?

Three, but not in the US of course.
Not sure if serious. I hope to God this is parody. Funding the Taliban...I mean where to beg...:(

I take it you don't know anyone who has been on the ground in Afghanistan then. There were an awful lot of Pakistanis fighting with the Taliban when the British Army was doing ground operations.