Full Member
Would you consider it as a step in the right direction?
The problem I have with it is that it still maintains the hegemony of the insurers.
The overall bill is fairly decent as long as cost containment measures are actually enforced. If (when) the republicans defund the enforcement and insurers take the piss again then it might be overall a bad bill. As long as enforcement of the caps on costs and % of revenue spent on medical spending are kept its a good step with the exception of the mandate, but that was part of the agreement with the insurers to allow them to make money from a broader base of customers rather than creaming off of the people they do have and refusing to pay up when they do get ill.
Even if there is defunding, then at least people 25 and younger can stay on their parents plans and coverage with pre-existing conditions is guarenteed.
As Red Dreams pointed out theres low odds that there will a full repeal, but Republicans are crafty and if they hold congress they can withhold funding and then turn around and say healthcare reforms sucked when it doesn't work. Don't think that isn't the plan. When the next round of cuts come in and they are looking for places to cut Republican eyes will be looking firmly at this bill as a major win when they fail to repeal it AND INSTEAD make it suck ass.