Down goes the 1st Amendment. And for the most predictable reason possible (Israel), and the most predictable route too (IHRA definition).
Are Americans being drafted to fight in Gaza? MLK was able to connect the dots because in 1968 Americans were being drafted to fight in Vietnam, while black Americans were still second class citizens in their own country. This is not that.
He has answers to your questions in his speech. When he first talks about the irony of what you mentioned. And then about the evil of Empire and militarism and war. He "connected the dots" in a much broader way.
I have some points about your original rant.
1. The US directly involved in funding, arming, and giving diplomatic and judicial cover to the slaughter in Gaza. Among world nations, it's support for Israel is uniquely strong and essential for the Zionist project (and this has always been the case). It isn't doing the same in the other examples - if it is involved, the involvement isn't trumpeted from the rooftops, it isn't supported in a loud bipartisan manner. Indeed, it is very heavily sanctioning Russia and arming Ukraine, it is sanctioning Syria and has armed the opposition, it is sanctioning Myanmar, it supports a (permanent) ceasefire in Sudan, etc. There is no comparison in scale, uniqueness, and importance of US support for Israel vs any of those other countries you mentioned.
If your deal here is that Israel gets treated like any of those countries, every single one of those protestors would go home happy.
2. There were massive protests against the Iraq war. The people and politicians and groups against that war, are largely against this slaughter, and the converse is also true. This extends to big names like Biden, Bush, Hillary, Bernie, then across the media which largely cheer-led and propagandized for the invasion, down to the tiny Communist cults that rallied against invading Iraq and are protesting now. The students protesting now would have been under 2 years old at that time. For whatever it's worth, there were student protests against that war too. Your statement about a lack of Iraq war protests simply does not correspond with reality.
3. It's a bit difficult to get any handle on the leaps of logic in your later paragraphs. The children are parroting Hamas points, which eventually means the slaughter of all Jews. But the children, and as irritating it is to repeat this, many of them Jewish, aren't calling for "the slaughter of all Jews." As a protest, they have specific demands related to divestment and boycott.
Then you say nobody except the Oct 7th terrorists wants "innocent people killed, solider or civilian". There's mountains of direct quotes from the Israeli leadership calling for hunger, extermination, and ethnic cleansing. There's videos of IDF soldiers committing war crimes. There's an ongoing discovery of mass graves and the slaughter of hospital patients. There are multiple reports (and have been for decades) of various tortures. Your statement here simply does not correspond with reality.
I have some questions for you -
1. Are Palestinians inherently prone to violence and irrationality?
2. Have they proven since the 30s or 40s, that they "love their children less than they hate ours"?
3. Are they a nationality, or has a conspiracy by external Arab leadership given them that mistaken impression?