US Politics

Very sensible answer

1) Debt forgiveness will mean taxpayers would have to assume the liability. I think net-net will be positive for the economy, but there may be some pain in higher inflation + higher taxes in the short term
2) True
3) Absolutely - I wonder if $10k is enough. If you have $200k in debt, $10k in relief is nothing. If you have $20k in debt, $10k is huge. I want to see the data on outstanding debt and be better informed on the topic.
I also want to address the fairness argument (i.e. I paid student loans, you didn't = moral hazard). More importantly, if a recent grad gets debt forgiveness but someone entering a university next year doesn't get the benefit... it just feels arbitrary and wrong.

Overall, I'd say this is a smart move politically, even if it's just kicking the can down the road and doesn't really help solve the underlying issue with tuition costs. The obscene thing is that you have to "afford" humanities degrees. It would be so easy to offer them in an inexpensive way, it's not like they require labs worth tens of million of dollars, you just need a room, some chairs, and a guy/gal who has read lots of books.

1. That's why I brought up bankruptcy. Taxpayers don't have to assume 100% liability, they can pay out anywhere from 5-50% of the liability and have the lenders assume the rest which is perfectly fair since they are the profit-seekers that drove a big part of the problem to begin with.

3. I don't see a true moral hazard here at all. It's like saying I graduated with a 3.8 GPA from the same university with the same major as my classmate but he got a 60K/year starting job while I only got a 40K/year entry job. It's no more a moral hazard than that which is to say it isn't really a moral hazard.

I agree that the underlying issue with tuition increases has to be addressed but that's a bigger issue with more moving parts.

I don't think this exchange is going anywhere. You think I'm being disingenuous by talking about inflation caused by this so anything I say will be see as carrying some agenda by you.

Besides, it's not just me saying this. Liberal leaning economists as far as I have seen almost unanimously agree on the inflation it will bring. Anyway, you also think my whole "blue-collar worker" talk is "disgusting right wing propaganda" so, again, I don't see how anything I say will have any value to you if you think I have these sinister motives.

Because your arguments are not based in reality but on right-wing scare tactics. I already provided the links and even conservative economic estimates say 0.1% to 0.2% inflation which is meaningless and unnoticeable by the average person (and smaller than yearly fluctuations in inflation from 2012-2020). So to use emotionally charged language about families suffering because of student debt forgiveness as you have when we are talking about something like a 0.15% potential increase is disingenuous and simply not accurate.

I don't think you have sinister motives, I think you've been had by right-wing talking points (perhaps stealth ones) and have not actually looked into this issue in a meaningful way.
1. That's why I brought up bankruptcy. Taxpayers don't have to assume 100% liability, they can pay out anywhere from 5-50% of the liability and have the lenders assume the rest which is perfectly fair since they are the profit-seekers that drove a big part of the problem to begin with.

I think student loans must be backstopped by the Federal government. How else could you give a $50k - $100k loan to an 18 year old with zero credit history and no income? No lender would take that risk. So they must be backed by some Federal program, and one of the provisions is you can't discharge them in bankruptcy.
1. That's why I brought up bankruptcy. Taxpayers don't have to assume 100% liability, they can pay out anywhere from 5-50% of the liability and have the lenders assume the rest which is perfectly fair since they are the profit-seekers that drove a big part of the problem to begin with.

3. I don't see a true moral hazard here at all. It's like saying I graduated with a 3.8 GPA from the same university with the same major as my classmate but he got a 60K/year starting job while I only got a 40K/year entry job. It's no more a moral hazard than that which is to say it isn't really a moral hazard.

I agree that the underlying issue with tuition increases has to be addressed but that's a bigger issue with more moving parts.

Because your arguments are not based in reality but on right-wing scare tactics. I already provided the links and even conservative economic estimates say 0.1% to 0.2% inflation which is meaningless and unnoticeable by the average person (and smaller than yearly fluctuations in inflation from 2012-2020). So to use emotionally charged language about families suffering because of student debt forgiveness as you have when we are talking about something like a 0.15% potential increase is disingenuous and simply not accurate.

I don't think you have sinister motives, I think you've been had by right-wing talking points and have not actually looked into this issue in a meaningful way.

I could just as easily say you have swallowed Biden's propaganda of just buying votes right in time for the midterm. Then it's not really discussing but just mud slinging.

First current rate is what 8.5. The estimates of 0.5 that I have seen (and can link later) making it 9% is not nothing. Also, the fed is trying to cool the economy down. There are more jobs than people and that is not good.

If your predicted scenario of increased spending power is true, that is bad news for the fed and they will probably cause rate hikes. Also, it's probably going to be an added estimated 2-4k for taxpayers per year if that matters.
I think student loans must be backstopped by the Federal government. How else could you give a $50k - $100k loan to an 18 year old with zero credit history and no income? No lender would take that risk. So they must be backed by some Federal program, and one of the provisions is you can't discharge them in bankruptcy.
Stafford Loans are direct loans from the government
Stafford Loans for Students | GovLoans
I could just as easily say you have swallowed Biden's propaganda of just buying votes right in time for the midterm. Then it's not really discussing but just mud slinging.

First current rate is what 8.5. The estimates of 0.5 that I have seen (and can link later) making it 9% is not nothing. Also, the fed is trying to cool the economy down. There are more jobs than people and that is not good.

If your predicted scenario of increased spending power is true, that is bad news for the fed and they will probably cause rate hikes. Also, it's probably going to be an added estimated 2-4k for taxpayers per year if that matters.

I supported full student debt forgiveness long before Biden was ever President and I don't think Biden's plan goes far enough (it should be 20K-30K). I say you're repeating right-wing talking points not based on reality because you literally are and based on this recent post it looks like you are even inflating claims beyond what the right-wing talking heads have done.

0.5% claims of increased inflation defy all reasonable analysis and I already gave links where the estimates were between 0.1 to 0.2% and that comes from the most reliable and unbiased economic sources.

The bolded is more evidence you are just repeating right-wing nonsense.
The estimate at 2K comes out of the National Taxpayers Union which is a heavily biased right-wing organization funded by the Kochs with a stated goal of removing government regulations. They do have a massive agenda and their analysis is heavily flawed because they aren't weighing any increase in government spending evenly but just dividing it up by the total number of taxpayers (which isn't how it would actually work but they don't want to admit the burden would fall more on the wealthy than the average person), ignores other mechanisms built into the plan, and it's not 2K/year anyway but 2K total to pay for the 300billion estimate which wouldn't even be a liability in a single year but distributed over a decade. So that 2k/year number is highly misleading and completely wrong.

No idea where you are pulling the 4K/year number from but if it even has a source, it's clearly more biased and faulty than the NTU which is bad enough and not based on reality.
Is forced castration too much asked of a penalty against rapists and pedophiles? That guy really is the type to deserve it.

I mean, he just looks like the type doesn't he. The only thing he's missing is to be a bit more pink, but this is what I imagine a standard one of these people to look like. You can bet your last dollar that in addition to being pro forced pregnancy, he doesn't believe in climate change, doesn't believe in universal healthcare, is against this recent student debt forgiveness program, believes that white men are the most oppressed group in society right now and thinks that a woke agenda is being forced into everything.

You need to listen to the Behind the Bastard episodes (4!) on him. He's a certifiable porn-addict, who would try to engage co-workers in conversations about whatever porno he had seen the night before, in vivid detail. He also has a habit of "finding" pubic hairs on his can of coke and loudly asking who put it there. As in, there are multiple, separate claims of this. He'

He's not a perfect progressive but Biden and the DNC would do well to step aside and let Newsom run in 2024. He's articulate and I think he can hit the right emotional notes to really expose a lot of the GOP bullshit.
Apropos nothing, I can happily report that "CRT" has successfully infilitrated the Norwegian school systen. There's been a curriculum reform here, and I just took a look at the new history book I'll be using to teach this year. There is a reasonably standard 6-page section on the course of the American Revolution to begin with, though the final 2 pages explore the paradox of the separation of church and state in the US, which I can't remember being there before.

After this there is a section called "perspectives on the American Revolution", which among other things mentions the 1619 Project, historian Jon Meacham, and in some detail writer Nikole Hannah-Jones. It specifically calls out institutional racism, and features pictures of: Washington and a slave, a notice in the newspaper from Jefferson about an escaped slave, and a statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest next to a confederate flag. And just to rub it in, the section ends by quoting Marx and Engels.

I'm actually impressed.
Apropos nothing, I can happily report that "CRT" has successfully infilitrated the Norwegian school systen. There's been a curriculum reform here, and I just took a look at the new history book I'll be using to teach this year. There is a reasonably standard 6-page section on the course of the American Revolution to begin with, though the final 2 pages explore the paradox of the separation of church and state in the US, which I can't remember being there before.

After this there is a section called "perspectives on the American Revolution", which among other things mentions the 1619 Project, historian Jon Meacham, and in some detail writer Nikole Hannah-Jones. It specifically calls out institutional racism, and features pictures of: Washington and a slave, a notice in the newspaper from Jefferson about an escaped slave, and a statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest next to a confederate flag. And just to rub it in, the section ends by quoting Marx and Engels.

I'm actually impressed.
Good for y'all.
Apropos nothing, I can happily report that "CRT" has successfully infilitrated the Norwegian school systen. There's been a curriculum reform here, and I just took a look at the new history book I'll be using to teach this year. There is a reasonably standard 6-page section on the course of the American Revolution to begin with, though the final 2 pages explore the paradox of the separation of church and state in the US, which I can't remember being there before.

After this there is a section called "perspectives on the American Revolution", which among other things mentions the 1619 Project, historian Jon Meacham, and in some detail writer Nikole Hannah-Jones. It specifically calls out institutional racism, and features pictures of: Washington and a slave, a notice in the newspaper from Jefferson about an escaped slave, and a statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest next to a confederate flag. And just to rub it in, the section ends by quoting Marx and Engels.

I'm actually impressed.

Are you trying to get @Carolina Red fired? They’re probably preparing the “3 game ban for Evra” protocol at this moment!

Are you trying to get @Carolina Red fired? They’re probably preparing the “3 game ban for Evra” protocol at this moment!
Lesson plans for next week. They’ll never notice.

Learning target: I can describe the economic conditions associated with each stage of the Demographic Transition Model

Learning target: I can overthrow the white nationalist bourgeoisie patriarchy and seize the means of production.

Learning target: I can create a population pyramid using a population data table.
Lesson plans for next week. They’ll never notice.

Learning target: I can describe the economic conditions associated with each stage of the Demographic Transition Model

Learning target: I can overthrow the white nationalist bourgeoisie patriarchy and seize the means of production.

Learning target: I can create a population pyramid using a population data table.

Employment target: Begin job search.
Lesson plans for next week. They’ll never notice.

Learning target: I can describe the economic conditions associated with each stage of the Demographic Transition Model

Learning target: I can overthrow the white nationalist bourgeoisie patriarchy and seize the means of production.

Learning target: I can create a population pyramid using a population data table.
Month/day/year is so weird to me. Why wouldblnt you put them in order of length. Might as well drive on the left side of the road.
Month/day/year is so weird to me. Why wouldblnt you put them in order of length. Might as well drive on the left side of the road.
Cause Americans are efficient and August 2nd is faster than 2nd of August.
Cause Americans are efficient and August 2nd is faster than 2nd of August.

Uhmm.... yep, that's exactly the reason and not because, as with most things, we copied it from the Brits and never changed cuz 'Merica.
This should be getting waaaaayyyyy more attention nationally. This is what happens when conservatives govern. I spent a decade traveling (as little as possible) to Jackson for work. It was a dangerous and poorly funded city and you could see the rot due to generations of neglect.

This should be getting waaaaayyyyy more attention nationally. This is what happens when conservatives govern. I spent a decade traveling (as little as possible) to Jackson for work. It was a dangerous and poorly funded city and you could see the rot due to generations of neglect.

Cons are already blaming the city itself &, by extension, the constituency. Could see this becoming another Flint debacle.