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So the current consensus on red café is that Glenn Greenwald is on russian payroll and Jonathan Chait is the real deal?
Who is Chait?
So the current consensus on red café is that Glenn Greenwald is on russian payroll and Jonathan Chait is the real deal?
A writer for New York MagazineWho is Chait?
More than one million Americans, struggling to cope with the rising cost of health insurance, have joined such groups, attracted by prices that are far lower than the premiums for policies that must meet strict requirements, like guaranteed coverage for pre-existing conditions, established by the Affordable Care Act. The groups say they permit people of a common religious or ethical belief to share medical costs, and many were grandfathered in under the federal health care law mainly through a religious exemption.
The main requirement for membership is adherence to a Christian lifestyle. And the alternative sharing plans keep flourishing, especially now that the Trump administration has relaxed rules to permit alternatives to the A.C.A. that don’t provide such generous coverage.
Even though premiums in the A.C.A. market have stabilized, critics of the law insist people need alternatives. “That’s the real driver behind the growth,” said Dr. Dave Weldon, a former Republican congressman from Florida who is president of the Alliance of Health Care Sharing Ministries, which represents the two largest groups.
These Christian nonprofit groups offer far lower rates because they are not classified as insurance and are under no legal obligation to pay medical claims. They generally decline to cover people with pre-existing illnesses. They can set limits on how much their members will pay, and they can legally refuse to cover treatments for specialties like mental health.
“Just trust God,” the nonprofit group, Samaritan Ministries, in Peoria, Ill., said in a statement about its coverage, and advises its members that “there is no coverage, no guarantee of payment.”
The Houston Chronicle featured one couple who was left with more than $100,000 in unpaid medical bills. Trinity said most members are satisfied with its services.
Families who have joined the groups recount winding up with medical bills not covered by the ministries, with no legal way to appeal decisions to reject coverage for care.
But state regulators in New Hampshire, Colorado and Texas are beginning to question some of the ministries’ aggressive marketing tactics, often using call centers, and said in some cases people who joined them were misled or did not understand how little coverage they would receive if they or a family member had a catastrophic illness.
I would choose “freedom” over healthcare every time.In conclusion:
Good thread
The more I read the more I think the most simplistic views of the world - people who are openly evil are evil in every possible way, everything is a conspiracy - are correct. There is no need for nuanced understanding, the worst possible explanation is right, and never explain by incompetence what can be explained by malice.
Occam's Razor.
this entire story has disappeared, i try to read this stuff but i missed it too - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afghanistan_Papers
it should be massive news confirming all the theories about how the gtvt sucks and lies!
I still find that incompetence is a lot more common than malice in bad events big and small. Or even if not incompetence, then lack of sufficient competence. Malice does exist, but even the most malicious person as well as the most benevolent person, don't control all the cards/the whole game. As the saying goes "the enemy gets a vote", and the real world there are actually several people/groups in every situation that get to make their own play.The more I read the more I think the most simplistic views of the world - people who are openly evil are evil in every possible way, everything is a conspiracy - are correct. There is no need for nuanced understanding, the worst possible explanation is right, and never explain by incompetence what can be explained by malice.
it’s why I’m absolutely convinced that Russia have Trump under total control. There’s literally hundreds of examples of evidence that point to it. I‘m more interested in how the CIA are looking to mitigate it in the background without “plotting against the President”. It seems he’s fully aware of it too as each time he makes a move now it’s completely unannounced and blindsides even his own staff.
I still find that incompetence is a lot more common than malice in bad events big and small. Or even if not incompetence, then lack of sufficient competence. Malice does exist, but even the most malicious person as well as the most benevolent person, don't control all the cards/the whole game. As the saying goes "the enemy gets a vote", and the real world there are actually several people/groups in every situation that get to make their own play.
Even in this story you see Rockefeller trying to influence events, but he doesn't get everything he asks for, not even from the Reagan administration and much less from the Carter administration. We also arrived at the possibility of an October surprise exactly because the rescue operation failed, chance and incompetence rearing their head in again.
Just to note, none of this means that I find anything that Rockefeller/Kissinger were lobbying for at all good or moral. I can understand from the banker's perspective to try his utmost to reinstate the Shah after he foolishly invested so much with him, rather than just take the loss sitting down. But it is also any good government official's duty to tell the esteemed Mr. Rockefeller to f* off.
I came to this differently, from Reagan's election rather than Rockerfeller's interference.
"Reagan sabotaged the negotiations" is the type of comment you'll see under Chomsky videos, usually with dubious sourcing. (Similar - Nixon sabotaged Paris, CIA distributed drugs, etc.) I never knew what to make of them, thinking I should trust the better sourced ones (Nixon-Paris had some okish sourcing) and disregard the conspiracies (Reagan and CIA). But the conspiracies do come true. Reagan is 666, *and* his election was dirty? Too convenient to be true, but here it is.
I came to this differently, from Reagan's election rather than Rockerfeller's interference.
"Reagan sabotaged the negotiations" is the type of comment you'll see under Chomsky videos, usually with dubious sourcing. (Similar - Nixon sabotaged Paris, CIA distributed drugs, etc.) I never knew what to make of them, thinking I should trust the better sourced ones (Nixon-Paris had some okish sourcing) and disregard the conspiracies (Reagan and CIA). But the conspiracies do come true. Reagan is 666, *and* his election was dirty? Too convenient to be true, but here it is.
I still find that incompetence is a lot more common than malice in bad events big and small. Or even if not incompetence, then lack of sufficient competence. Malice does exist, but even the most malicious person as well as the most benevolent person, don't control all the cards/the whole game. As the saying goes "the enemy gets a vote", and the real world there are actually several people/groups in every situation that get to make their own play.
Even in this story you see Rockefeller trying to influence events, but he doesn't get everything he asks for, not even from the Reagan administration and much less from the Carter administration. We also arrived at the possibility of an October surprise exactly because the rescue operation failed, chance and incompetence rearing their head in again.
Just to note, none of this means that I find anything that Rockefeller/Kissinger were lobbying for at all good or moral. I can understand from the banker's perspective to try his utmost to reinstate the Shah after he foolishly invested so much with him, rather than just take the loss sitting down. But it is also any good government official's duty to tell the esteemed Mr. Rockefeller to f* off.
I find that short term profit motivated self-interest is far more common in the worst scenarios than incompetence
Agree but also this, really this!That’s the thing, it’s not the actual billionaires that are always the problem, it’s the people who are trying to become millionaires and billionaires or who are making decisions purely on behalf of their company or share holders that are more likely to make decisions that have grave impacts on the environment or the population.
it’s not the actual billionaires that are always the problem
yes it is
Agree but also this, really this!
Only it’s not and you sounds daft claiming it is.
yes it is and you sounds daft claiming its not
I know about Paris, but is there sources about the CIA?
The whole Iran-Contra thing is just one big, corrupt mess. Always amazes me how the GOP has given messiah status to Reagan when he had that stuff going on.The US government also admitted giving drugs traffickers large sums of cash supposedly to smuggle humanitarian supplies into Nicaragua.
There’s no incontrovertible evidence that the CIA directly distributed drugs, but lots of indicators. Plus is you look at how utterly out of control the CIA were back then, it isn’t even in the top 20 most outrageous things they were involved in.
Clearly shopped yess ?
Somehow Corbyn flies under the radar. Musn't let him get away!
Agree but also this, really this!
I think the tweet is demonstrating that the wealth of merely three people can supposedly fund the solution to the climate crisis — not to suggest to take all their money. I’d go on to guess that those three were chosen because they’re the most famous billionaires.Gates and Buffett have pledged to give the majority of their wealth away to philanthropic causes.
I think the tweet is demonstrating that the wealth of merely three people can supposedly fund the solution to the climate crisis — not to suggest to take all their money. I’d go on to guess that those three were chosen because they’re the most famous billionaires.
Gates and Buffett have pledged to give the majority of their wealth away to philanthropic causes.
The antipathy is there because they’re linked, at least if you subscribe to the idea that wealth inequality is a major driver in a lack of funds for things like climate change solutions. And we’re not talking about normal wealthy either. This is the billionaire class we’re talking about. Even though the term is often used, a billion dollars is an unimaginable amount of money.Perhaps. It may also demonstrate that an antipathy towards the wealthy comes ahead of a concern for a particular cause.
thats cute