US Politics

Yep. Also won three national championships at Miami. Also, the guy who recruited Ray Lewis out of high school.

As an assistant!

Recall Jimmy tried to lure him to Dallas in 1989 but Tuberville elected to remain in Miami, and later stated he sometimes wondered what might have been for him had he went along with the rest of Jimmy's clan to Dallas. Not a bad career nonetheless.
Jesus fecking christ, he actually said that about Peter King? I actually didn’t think the Dems could disappoint me any more after all these years of uselessness but this just shows there’s always a new low..

It shows that most of the Democratic party is to the right of the political compass. The two parties differ in a some ways but overall support the elite, big donors, and corporations.
I just like how raw Stewart is. There’s an element of smugness to Noah and Oliver, especially Noah, that puts their argument at risk of being in “told you so” territory which exacerbates the us vs them mentality.

With Stewart he doesn’t revel in pointing out the injustices he identifies, he’s absolutely exasperated by them and uses his comedy primarily to ridicule the problem rather than the person guilty of causing the problem.

I think that’s important because it’s easier to convince someone to understand why a problem is a problem rather than convince someone that someone on their team is the problem.
Really well said
Am I the only one who doesn't mind Trevor Noah? Yes, he's not Jon Stewart but who the feck is? The guy seemed to be doing alright in my mind :(
Some of his stand up is good. His bit about growing up with mixed parents in Apartheid South Africa really made me laugh.

I think he comes across much better when talking about race. And I like his between the scenes stuff way more than his more prepared stuff. When he talks politics he comes across as a shill. Smug is a good word for it. As that other guy said Stewart was just so raw. Spoke truth to power much more than Trevor. Don’t want to be too harsh as it’s like complaining a midfielder isn’t as good as Roy Keane but that’s the standard Stewart set! His crossfire appearance remains, in my eyes, one of the most iconic moments in American political media and one I still go back to rewatch. Never in a million years would Trevor do that.

I also have to say on this topic that I’m pretty disappointed with how Colbert has gone. Remember he roasted George Dubya, that was incredible. Don’t see that happening these days

sometimes when i see stories like this i wonder how schatner would justify it if he was still posting here

are you guys made to eat plain uncooked celery? this makes my awful school lunches look appetising.
Nader is a true OG! For all the flak that he got over the negative role he played in some people's minds during the 2000 election, for me Nader really highlighted the issue of corporate interests vs human interests and that if we can't separate the two and prioritize human over corporate we'd have some really serious problems.
Louisiana Democrat re-elected governor — despite Trump’s rallies for the Republican candidate

If she can hold on till January then I'm sure the turtle will follow his own rule about not allowing a nomination in the last year of a presidency.
She should primary Chuck Schumer ... I know it will never happen.